Sir Francis Drake Prayer
Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true Because we dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to shore.
Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess
We've lost our thirst for the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life, we've ceased to dream of eternity,
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We've allowed our vision of the new Heaven to dim.
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wilder seas, Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars.
We ask you to push back the horizons of our hopes;
And push back the future in strength, courage, hope, and love.
This we ask in the name of our Captain, Who is Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Yo estoy bien feliz!
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams...
Whirlwind summary coming right up! Hold on to your seats!
Third semester ended Friday with my last Pathology exam. I have never been so excited to take an exam in my life. To 'celebrate', after the exam Vero and I went straight downtown to the PMC office and signed up for our 4th semester clinical. We were lucky and got a few of the last spots available in Chapala. Chapala is a town on Lake Chapala about 45 minutes outside of GDL. We started early Saturday morning at the municipal clinic. Sunday Carrie and Troy were announced....oh wait wrong train of thought...I mean, Sunday we were at the Red Cross there. Monday we were a bit at the Red Cross and then we spent some time at the nursing home there.

Vero and I at Lake Chapala

Maria (the third 4th semester who did her clinical with Vero and I)and I at Lake Chapala
I praise Jesus that the doctor who oversees student doctors in Chapala was willing to work with me. Since we started on Saturday 5 days of clinic would mean our last day would be Wednesday. Long story short, I worked like the dickens and got all of my work done for the clinic by Monday, and he gave me permission to actually use my ticket on Wednesday!!! To top it off, he completely surprised me in that since I was done with everything he gave me permission to not go to Chapala today meaning I get to clean and pack today!!
It was all up in the air how this clinic was going to play out, and through the grace of God it played out better than I had hoped.
...I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams...
Whirlwind summary coming right up! Hold on to your seats!
Third semester ended Friday with my last Pathology exam. I have never been so excited to take an exam in my life. To 'celebrate', after the exam Vero and I went straight downtown to the PMC office and signed up for our 4th semester clinical. We were lucky and got a few of the last spots available in Chapala. Chapala is a town on Lake Chapala about 45 minutes outside of GDL. We started early Saturday morning at the municipal clinic. Sunday Carrie and Troy were announced....oh wait wrong train of thought...I mean, Sunday we were at the Red Cross there. Monday we were a bit at the Red Cross and then we spent some time at the nursing home there.
Vero and I at Lake Chapala
Maria (the third 4th semester who did her clinical with Vero and I)and I at Lake Chapala
I praise Jesus that the doctor who oversees student doctors in Chapala was willing to work with me. Since we started on Saturday 5 days of clinic would mean our last day would be Wednesday. Long story short, I worked like the dickens and got all of my work done for the clinic by Monday, and he gave me permission to actually use my ticket on Wednesday!!! To top it off, he completely surprised me in that since I was done with everything he gave me permission to not go to Chapala today meaning I get to clean and pack today!!
It was all up in the air how this clinic was going to play out, and through the grace of God it played out better than I had hoped.
...I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Yo estoy mirando Chokis! Pronto los comere!
Last night two of my friends and classmates hosted a "Holly Jolly Christmas Party." I was going to take pictures but then decided a video would be quicker more complete and attract less attention in general. I only stayed a short while. Said hi, drank some wassail, ate some guacamole, took the video, and made my exit.
Class has been cancelled for the rest of the week. Monday was our last class of the semester. Now I've got to make sure I stay focused so that I don't get caught still unprepared for my test on Friday. Well....that's a given, but I can at least try to be as prepared as possible.
ok, must go make use of study time!!
Last night two of my friends and classmates hosted a "Holly Jolly Christmas Party." I was going to take pictures but then decided a video would be quicker more complete and attract less attention in general. I only stayed a short while. Said hi, drank some wassail, ate some guacamole, took the video, and made my exit.
Class has been cancelled for the rest of the week. Monday was our last class of the semester. Now I've got to make sure I stay focused so that I don't get caught still unprepared for my test on Friday. Well....that's a given, but I can at least try to be as prepared as possible.
ok, must go make use of study time!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Yo estoy fria.
One of my favorite parts of the drive to and from Ixtlan is when the road winds close to Lake Chapala. Lately on my drives home the sun has been close to sunset which means the sun is in my eyes the whole time, but it also means that when I drive by the lake the sun glints and sparkles on the water. I tried taking pictures today...and was rather unsuccessful. And then I thought that even if I was able to capture a perfect picture of the lake with it's sparkling water and mountainous background it would still come up lacking from what one can see by looking at the view with their own eyes. So I put my camera away and just enjoyed the view myself.

oh dear, that definitely didn't work!

shoot! wasn't even lake in that one!

all lake

I hadn't even realized I'd gotten an acceptable shot until I got home and looked at them on my computer. Yay! LAKE CHAPALA
My muffler decided it was time for it to fall apart last Thursday. Wanting to avoid getting ripped off by Guadalajaran mechanics I went ahead and drove to Ixtlan (basically without a muffler). Marshall and I took my car to a local guy who works on cars out of his home. Nice and easy quick fix he did, yesss sir! Cut the portion of pipe that had rusted and broke and with a piece of new pipe welded the cut ends. I mean, my car was already bits and pieces put together and then reput together it's even welded together. God will keep that little car going forever!!!...with the help of a few mechanics along the way...ok a lot of mechanics! ;)
oh dear, that definitely didn't work!
shoot! wasn't even lake in that one!
all lake
I hadn't even realized I'd gotten an acceptable shot until I got home and looked at them on my computer. Yay! LAKE CHAPALA
My muffler decided it was time for it to fall apart last Thursday. Wanting to avoid getting ripped off by Guadalajaran mechanics I went ahead and drove to Ixtlan (basically without a muffler). Marshall and I took my car to a local guy who works on cars out of his home. Nice and easy quick fix he did, yesss sir! Cut the portion of pipe that had rusted and broke and with a piece of new pipe welded the cut ends. I mean, my car was already bits and pieces put together and then reput together it's even welded together. God will keep that little car going forever!!!...with the help of a few mechanics along the way...ok a lot of mechanics! ;)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Yo estoy escuchando musica navidena.
Thanksgiving with some friends at a classmates apartment. There was alot of food. We were all crowded around the tables. Football was on TV. It actually felt like Thanksgiving.
L to R: Luis, Jose, Ricardo, Diego, Juan, Jose (Lerma), David, Sergio
L to R: me, Lisette, Kristi, Christina
Yes, I was the only nonMexican!
The formal NASA Thanksgiving Banquet was once again way too fancy and only slightly resembled the loved American holiday. And by slightly I mean it was on the 4th Thursday of November. It was still a fun time :)
The food
At the NASA Thanksgiving dinner: Mexican guys, Puerto Rican girls, and me!!
L to R: Legna, Anabel, me, Frances, Ivonne, Walisbeth, Ricardo, Damaris, Diego, Janiabeth, Betsy, Sergio, Eileen, Jose Lerma, David
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Yo estoy agradecida por todas las bendiciones de mi vida.
I had thought that with the nearing end of the semester things were going to calm down a bit...I was right and sooooo wrong. The second things calm down people try to turn 5 minutes into 5 hours and suddenly you find yourself with even less time than before when supposedly your days were "buiser."
A few of the added events in my schedule recently included Turkey Bowl (football intramurals), Powderpuff football, gathering data for my research and getting it all turned in, and a friend's birthday. But life is good, and I have to be thankful that I had the opportunity and ability to partake in time squeezed out of my days devoted to something other than studying.
Took a short walk last night:

With no Thanksgiving holiday in Mexico it is very socially acceptable to have Christmas lights up the day after Dia de Los Muertos (Nov. 2)

Sitting on the steps after class one day I took this picture. It's funny because I don't remember from last year the trees ever changing colors or losing their leaves, but I guess some do. The grounds keepers and street sweepers are kept very busy these days. As in this picture, he is sweeping the leaves together, but the wind keeps blowing more behind him.
I had thought that with the nearing end of the semester things were going to calm down a bit...I was right and sooooo wrong. The second things calm down people try to turn 5 minutes into 5 hours and suddenly you find yourself with even less time than before when supposedly your days were "buiser."
A few of the added events in my schedule recently included Turkey Bowl (football intramurals), Powderpuff football, gathering data for my research and getting it all turned in, and a friend's birthday. But life is good, and I have to be thankful that I had the opportunity and ability to partake in time squeezed out of my days devoted to something other than studying.
Took a short walk last night:
With no Thanksgiving holiday in Mexico it is very socially acceptable to have Christmas lights up the day after Dia de Los Muertos (Nov. 2)
Sitting on the steps after class one day I took this picture. It's funny because I don't remember from last year the trees ever changing colors or losing their leaves, but I guess some do. The grounds keepers and street sweepers are kept very busy these days. As in this picture, he is sweeping the leaves together, but the wind keeps blowing more behind him.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Yo estoy escribiendo.
Last week I was looking forward to this moment. Wednesday's over and with it my second exam of the week, and another Bible study completed and enjoyed. I am now down to two more exams Lord willing. It's a good feeling.
Picked up Marshall from the airport last Saturday on my way to Ixtlan for the weekend. I asked if he'd drive, and then I got to read the whole way! I really appreciated that. Then on the way back on Sunday I gave a ride to Gloria, Claudia, and Ana to Tlaquepaque. As there was no school on Monday they stayed at the Wulf's Sunday night and then were going downtown on Monday. Tlaquepaque is like a suburb of Guadalajara, and I was proud of myself, only went in a circle once finding my way home.
Some of my classmates have found a new favorite pasttime. They pinch my hands and then count how long it takes for blood flow to return to the area. They never get bored. And just in case red skin and bloodless hands weren't fascinating enough add purple lips on top of that and I feel like I'm on display at the circus under the tent labeled "Freaks" No one's mean about it and actually we all end up laughing, like I said, they just find it rather fascinating! It's also just much more prominent here because being caucasian I'd be an oddity even without the lousy circulation.
The final that I had today was in my NFP class (hard to explain exactly what that is). The final is done indivdually and in Spanish. Ironically after I was done with mine, the doctora complimented me on my Spanish, and I didn't understand what she was trying to say..........BaDum Pshhhhh (On my defense though, I'd never heard tu hablas mas espanol used in that context before. I'll know next time)
On a side note, my neighbor is not a good singer. I wonder which of his plants told him should be uprooted.
Picked up Marshall from the airport last Saturday on my way to Ixtlan for the weekend. I asked if he'd drive, and then I got to read the whole way! I really appreciated that. Then on the way back on Sunday I gave a ride to Gloria, Claudia, and Ana to Tlaquepaque. As there was no school on Monday they stayed at the Wulf's Sunday night and then were going downtown on Monday. Tlaquepaque is like a suburb of Guadalajara, and I was proud of myself, only went in a circle once finding my way home.
Some of my classmates have found a new favorite pasttime. They pinch my hands and then count how long it takes for blood flow to return to the area. They never get bored. And just in case red skin and bloodless hands weren't fascinating enough add purple lips on top of that and I feel like I'm on display at the circus under the tent labeled "Freaks" No one's mean about it and actually we all end up laughing, like I said, they just find it rather fascinating! It's also just much more prominent here because being caucasian I'd be an oddity even without the lousy circulation.
The final that I had today was in my NFP class (hard to explain exactly what that is). The final is done indivdually and in Spanish. Ironically after I was done with mine, the doctora complimented me on my Spanish, and I didn't understand what she was trying to say..........BaDum Pshhhhh (On my defense though, I'd never heard tu hablas mas espanol used in that context before. I'll know next time)
On a side note, my neighbor is not a good singer. I wonder which of his plants told him should be uprooted.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Yo estoy queriendo cantar.
All this week we have been starting class at 7 instead of 8. I only made it on time twice. Two out of the three mornings that I didn't I can blame it on my alarm clock though...seriously!! It's the alarm clock's fault it didn't know to ring at 6:00 am when I set it at 6:00 pm.
Christmas lights continued: So I don't have a picture yet. Last night I was going to walk up the street and snap a picture of the house I have in mind, and then realized this may be a bit more difficult feat to achieve than simply taking a picture of a house. They have private security and a strange person sneaking up at night, taking a picture, and then returning from whence came I realized might be construed as a bit odd and possibly a threat. Soooooo....still yet to be continued...
In Pathophysiology this week our visiting doctora is a UAG graduate from 2001. People actually pay attention to her. Now at the end of the week people have started leaving after attendance is taken, but much fewer than normal. She is very free with advice and talking about what comes next for us. When she first started talking about subinternship, internship, residency, fellowship, CDs, letters.....oh what a headache as no one is going to do this for us or even help us in this process. One of the first things UAG teaches you is that you are on your own. Figure it out and do it on time, and don't ask for help unless you want glares and a bunch of lies and round-about answers that don't get you anywhere. She gave a special session on Wednesday then devoted to her experience of how to get in and then how to get out again of the system after graduation here at UAG. I left there feeling not as overwhelmed and more back to the basics of one day at a time;
All this week we have been starting class at 7 instead of 8. I only made it on time twice. Two out of the three mornings that I didn't I can blame it on my alarm clock though...seriously!! It's the alarm clock's fault it didn't know to ring at 6:00 am when I set it at 6:00 pm.
Christmas lights continued: So I don't have a picture yet. Last night I was going to walk up the street and snap a picture of the house I have in mind, and then realized this may be a bit more difficult feat to achieve than simply taking a picture of a house. They have private security and a strange person sneaking up at night, taking a picture, and then returning from whence came I realized might be construed as a bit odd and possibly a threat. Soooooo....still yet to be continued...
In Pathophysiology this week our visiting doctora is a UAG graduate from 2001. People actually pay attention to her. Now at the end of the week people have started leaving after attendance is taken, but much fewer than normal. She is very free with advice and talking about what comes next for us. When she first started talking about subinternship, internship, residency, fellowship, CDs, letters.....oh what a headache as no one is going to do this for us or even help us in this process. One of the first things UAG teaches you is that you are on your own. Figure it out and do it on time, and don't ask for help unless you want glares and a bunch of lies and round-about answers that don't get you anywhere. She gave a special session on Wednesday then devoted to her experience of how to get in and then how to get out again of the system after graduation here at UAG. I left there feeling not as overwhelmed and more back to the basics of one day at a time;
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Yo estoy lista.......jajaja NOT!!
This was supposed to be a post last Friday, but I ran out of time. Soooo this was supposed to be a post Saturday morning, but the internet wouldn't stay up and running for more than two minutes at a time. So it has at last turned into a Sunday evening post.

Last Friday....when we were supposed to be diagnosing a clinical case in class. This is Edwin.
Saw the first house completely decked out with their Christmas lights on Friday. I'll have to take a picture this year. to be continued...
Went to Walmart on Friday to get some fruit and was encouraged to see that the bakery was back to having its normal pastries and breads on its sheelves. During the Halloween/Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) holiday weekend the only thing you could find in the area was Pan de Muerte (Death Bread). Seriously who wants to eat something called Death Bread?????????
Sung had another potluck Friday night (hence my need for fruit). Instead of tacos he made Korean BBQ. It was delicious. Vero brought the dessert. She tried her hand at a key lime pie. Would have been great except that she skipped the baking part. A fact that wasn't brought to light until about an hour after we'd finished eating and were wondering why the pie still hadn't set up in the freezer. It was hands-down, the best laugh of the night.
Ok, another week goes nothin!
Last Friday....when we were supposed to be diagnosing a clinical case in class. This is Edwin.
Saw the first house completely decked out with their Christmas lights on Friday. I'll have to take a picture this year. to be continued...
Went to Walmart on Friday to get some fruit and was encouraged to see that the bakery was back to having its normal pastries and breads on its sheelves. During the Halloween/Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) holiday weekend the only thing you could find in the area was Pan de Muerte (Death Bread). Seriously who wants to eat something called Death Bread?????????
Sung had another potluck Friday night (hence my need for fruit). Instead of tacos he made Korean BBQ. It was delicious. Vero brought the dessert. She tried her hand at a key lime pie. Would have been great except that she skipped the baking part. A fact that wasn't brought to light until about an hour after we'd finished eating and were wondering why the pie still hadn't set up in the freezer. It was hands-down, the best laugh of the night.
Ok, another week goes nothin!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Yo estoy disfrutando el dia de las brujas.
Kyann Ruefner stayed with me this past Thursday. She was the first person that I picked up at the bus station, a fact which I didn't realize until Thursday morning, but figured I'd taken a taxi there enough times first semester I'd be fine. I was almost there too when road construction forced me onto a road that turned me in the opposite direction. A few U-turns, and a bit of improv later found me back on track.
On the way back from the station to my apartment I have to announce that I found myself in the middle of my first 3-car turn. From three-lanes entering a round-about I pulled into traffic and realized that the car on either side of me had also. Unfortunately we only had two lanes to work with for awhile. I like driving in Mexico. If there's enough space, you make it work...
Pathophysiology proved to be very riveting for Sung on Friday.
Jania, the girl who sits in front of me in class, passed out Jolly Ranchers in class on Friday for Halloween. Bo got jealous watching me enjoy the candy and challenged me on the last one, wanting to taste the sweetness for himself. He eventually succumbed to reason after I explained to him that he is in fact a stuffed animal and in all reality can't actually eat the candy.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Boooa! (according to a friend, that's Spanish for Booo!)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Yo estoy esperando una amiga.
Two neighbors of mine like to communicate. At night when we are all studying...or whatever we all do on Seris, the night is interrupted with a whistle. After a pause there is an answering whistle. And then a relay of call-and-answer begins. It used to happen a lot, and then after one night when there was no answering whistle the ritual stopped for awhile, but the other night I smiled to hear the nonsensical exchange of tones resume.
In class our seats are numbered on the back. Attendence is taken by Norma who enters the class and marks on a sheet of paper the seats filled and those empty. Classmates not interested in class that day stand outside and chat. We all know when Norma comes because everyone floods into the room at the same time. The other day she came earlier than normal to our first class of the day, so of course not many people had arrived yet and were marked absent. Norma had given the sheet to the Doctor so at the break those who had come in late went up to the front and marked their seat themselves. The next day Dr. Montial addressed our class and reprimanded those who had done such. He said that he hopes they don't get a residency placement as such dishonesty is not a trait a doctor should have. He also said that such behavior had made him feel stupid. yes, he used the word stupid. In Mexico stupid carries with it a grave insult. You don't call someone stupid unless you want them to come after you with 10 of their friends all with guns. Two things: I was very thankful to not have been part of the cause of such disrespect, and I was very sorry that he had felt such disrespect. Not many people like Dr. Montiel because he's not the best teacher, but he's older, slower, quiter, whiter-haired, reminds me of a grandpa and I can't help but like him.
Sis. Kyann Ruefner is currently spending two months in Mexico City teaching English. She's coming to visit the great city of Guadalajara today. Always exciting to have visitors!
In class our seats are numbered on the back. Attendence is taken by Norma who enters the class and marks on a sheet of paper the seats filled and those empty. Classmates not interested in class that day stand outside and chat. We all know when Norma comes because everyone floods into the room at the same time. The other day she came earlier than normal to our first class of the day, so of course not many people had arrived yet and were marked absent. Norma had given the sheet to the Doctor so at the break those who had come in late went up to the front and marked their seat themselves. The next day Dr. Montial addressed our class and reprimanded those who had done such. He said that he hopes they don't get a residency placement as such dishonesty is not a trait a doctor should have. He also said that such behavior had made him feel stupid. yes, he used the word stupid. In Mexico stupid carries with it a grave insult. You don't call someone stupid unless you want them to come after you with 10 of their friends all with guns. Two things: I was very thankful to not have been part of the cause of such disrespect, and I was very sorry that he had felt such disrespect. Not many people like Dr. Montiel because he's not the best teacher, but he's older, slower, quiter, whiter-haired, reminds me of a grandpa and I can't help but like him.
Sis. Kyann Ruefner is currently spending two months in Mexico City teaching English. She's coming to visit the great city of Guadalajara today. Always exciting to have visitors!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Yo estoy meciendome.
Today is student appreciation day and in celebration they had a games day at the main campus (CU). I'm not going. Not really in the mood for bunches of people.
I wanted to share with you the status message that one of my classmates left on his Facebook page last night. I got quite the chuckle from it...
"student appreciation day tomorrow...aka come to class for attendance,
then go hand in a paper to a random dude somewhere on campus to get more
attendance, then sign up for a body cavity search and sign away your first
born...only then will you be excused from class...yes, I feel really
appreciated as a student..."
~Jason Goutis
Another of my classmates' birthday was yesterday. His parents had flown down from Florida, so his mom made him invite friends over for cake. (That sounds kind of odd, but it's actually really funny when you know Jonathan and his mom...she's Latina.) I went and don't think I said much the whole night, but didn't realize it as I was laughing so much. In addition, their house contains over a century of Mexican and familial history, sooo interesting.
I'm starting to get nervous about the cold in Illinois in December. Walking to class the other day it was about 58 degrees. My hands and nose were completely purple by the time I got there. (the walk's only roughly 5 minutes.) Also, yesterday I had to move a chair out onto my patio so I could study in the sun as my body temp had dropped whilst studying inside I felt frozen. If I'm having trouble with 55 degrees....whimper, I don't want to think about it.
I wanted to share with you the status message that one of my classmates left on his Facebook page last night. I got quite the chuckle from it...
"student appreciation day tomorrow...aka come to class for attendance,
then go hand in a paper to a random dude somewhere on campus to get more
attendance, then sign up for a body cavity search and sign away your first
born...only then will you be excused from class...yes, I feel really
appreciated as a student..."
~Jason Goutis
Another of my classmates' birthday was yesterday. His parents had flown down from Florida, so his mom made him invite friends over for cake. (That sounds kind of odd, but it's actually really funny when you know Jonathan and his mom...she's Latina.) I went and don't think I said much the whole night, but didn't realize it as I was laughing so much. In addition, their house contains over a century of Mexican and familial history, sooo interesting.
I'm starting to get nervous about the cold in Illinois in December. Walking to class the other day it was about 58 degrees. My hands and nose were completely purple by the time I got there. (the walk's only roughly 5 minutes.) Also, yesterday I had to move a chair out onto my patio so I could study in the sun as my body temp had dropped whilst studying inside I felt frozen. If I'm having trouble with 55 degrees....whimper, I don't want to think about it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Yo estoy comiendo un gansito.
I'm all wet. Had the pleasure of walking home in a light rain today. Makes me want to curl up in a blanket. This cooler weather we've been having lately has made me think of Fall time things back in Illinois: the most recent being orange lights decorating the mantel.
It's Wednesday so must get the Bible study ready for tonight. I just finished sending out this week's email announcement. A whole week elapses in between Bible studies and I have to wait till the day of to send out the email. If this email sending business was my job, I'd sooo be fired!
I am so tired of lies. Everybody lies! Some of the excuse stories that get made up are so ridiculously unbelieveable. Why can't people just be themselves? Enough with the lying!!!
It's Wednesday so must get the Bible study ready for tonight. I just finished sending out this week's email announcement. A whole week elapses in between Bible studies and I have to wait till the day of to send out the email. If this email sending business was my job, I'd sooo be fired!
I am so tired of lies. Everybody lies! Some of the excuse stories that get made up are so ridiculously unbelieveable. Why can't people just be themselves? Enough with the lying!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yo estoy vestida de negro.
We weren't the only ones out on the soccer fields yesterday. Gnats were so thick we could barely see to play as we kept having to swat at them. Of course that's not a cause to not play, so we played, and I only swallowed two. One positive outcome, you actually wanted to keep running as they didn't bother then.
After class today some friends came over to help me with the cake that has been taking forever to dwindle. Just one piece left :) I think when Triffinie drops Michael off I'll let him help me finish that off too!
I've been listening to my music on shuffle lately. Kind of fun as I am always surprised at what pops up next, and I only sometimes click next when a Christmas song comes up. :)
After class today some friends came over to help me with the cake that has been taking forever to dwindle. Just one piece left :) I think when Triffinie drops Michael off I'll let him help me finish that off too!
I've been listening to my music on shuffle lately. Kind of fun as I am always surprised at what pops up next, and I only sometimes click next when a Christmas song comes up. :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tengo 24 anos!!!!!!!
I've lived 24 years now!! WOW! Hard to believe God has been this good to me.
I wore a pair of brand new socks today to celebrate. It was the most exciting part of my morning to pull on soft completely white socks! My feet looked kind of pretty! I felt kind of guilty putting such clean whiteness into such dirty tennis shoes.
So we did have one of our classes today. We have a visiting professor for Pathology so we still had Path. Just UAG professors had to be at the main campus for some sort of something today. Attendence was optional so there was a grand total of 16 of us there. This visiting professor, Dr. Loeng, doesn't know how to stop, or to tell time, either one.
Yesterday while walking I noticed a hopscotch board draw on the street. I had to resist the urge to take a detour and hop through it.
The electrical company had a truck outside my apartment last night for awhile. Some men were doing some work I guess. My electricity got turned off, and I had just lit some candles and sat down again to resume studying when I realized that the light was back on again. Anyways the point I'm getting to is about the truck, not my light. You know how some trucks beep when they back up? Well, this particular truck yodels!! I had to go to the window to confirm. The truck was yodeling!!
I wore a pair of brand new socks today to celebrate. It was the most exciting part of my morning to pull on soft completely white socks! My feet looked kind of pretty! I felt kind of guilty putting such clean whiteness into such dirty tennis shoes.
So we did have one of our classes today. We have a visiting professor for Pathology so we still had Path. Just UAG professors had to be at the main campus for some sort of something today. Attendence was optional so there was a grand total of 16 of us there. This visiting professor, Dr. Loeng, doesn't know how to stop, or to tell time, either one.
Yesterday while walking I noticed a hopscotch board draw on the street. I had to resist the urge to take a detour and hop through it.
The electrical company had a truck outside my apartment last night for awhile. Some men were doing some work I guess. My electricity got turned off, and I had just lit some candles and sat down again to resume studying when I realized that the light was back on again. Anyways the point I'm getting to is about the truck, not my light. You know how some trucks beep when they back up? Well, this particular truck yodels!! I had to go to the window to confirm. The truck was yodeling!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Yo estoy cansada.
This past weekend was a rare weekend that I was able to make it to Ixtlan. I wish I could say that it was the well deserved break that I needed, but it wasn't, and so I am still in need. It was wonderful to be amongst my family of believers, but today I had my Neuroscience final, and so all weekend guess what was hanging over my head... yup, the final.
On Saturdays I arrive in time for the meal usually at 1:30. Due to some errands Marshall had to run in Zamora the meal had been pushed back. I didn't think it would be long so just waited and talked with Jan. However, when it ended up being pushed back a whole hour I could feel myself getting extremely aggitated, ticked even that I had just wasted a whole hour doing nothing, an hour that I could have spent studying.
This particular Saturday after Bible study and volleyball, Issa and Lupita invited me down to the plaza with them. They were acting all secretive and so I guessed it had something to do with my birthday. We had a lot of fun eating from the stands, joking and laughing. I would not have traded that time with Issa and Lupita at all. If anything this past weekend was relaxing for me, that hour spent as a friend and as a sister was, and yet when we finally called it a night I couldn't help but think of how my study time had been shortened yet again.
Lord help! I don't know how to relax!
Issa suggested bananas and carrot juice as energy while studying. I've got the carrot juice and just got some bananas today. Hopefully come next Monday I'll be able to report to Issa that the credit of my passing my micro exam is due to her(and bananas and carrot juice).
I have also noticed a recent addiction to chili. I finished the small bottle that I had and replaced it with a huge bottle which is already over a third consumed. I use it as a condiment. I put it in my soup. Sometimes my mouth just starts watering and I have to make some popcorn just so I can dump chili on it and satisfy my chili thirst. Saturday after pizza, then chocoflan, Lupita suggested getting papas. Mine ended up being drenched in chili, and they were sooooo good.....and sticky. Lupita just kind of looked at me out of the corner of her eye and called me Mexican.
Sunday the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Guessing I would say about 70 degrees with a beautiful sun. I couldn't resist commenting on it. I got crazy looks in return. Apparently Lupita and Jessica were freezing!!
Today walking to take the exam I noticed something about the air....something about the atmosphere. I couldn't quite place it. I'd smelled that smell before but didn't know what it was. I finally decided that it was Fall in Mexico. Though I may say that Mexico doesn't have seasons, it does have....changes. It's a change in the color of the sky, in the smell of the air, in the bark of the dogs. It's still a bit vague to me as it's only my second fall in GDL so I don't really have much background, but my goal is to figure it out. (yes, I know, still vague, but how can I be more defined if I don't even know what 'it' is?)
Prayer request: Wisdom and words on an individual basis with my classmates. A few classmates have taken the opportunity to ask for specific guidance. Without much to go on, and without wanting to pry I don't know what exactly they are looking for. Pray that God's words and grace would suffice and heal even if the deliverer of them is clueless.
On Saturdays I arrive in time for the meal usually at 1:30. Due to some errands Marshall had to run in Zamora the meal had been pushed back. I didn't think it would be long so just waited and talked with Jan. However, when it ended up being pushed back a whole hour I could feel myself getting extremely aggitated, ticked even that I had just wasted a whole hour doing nothing, an hour that I could have spent studying.
This particular Saturday after Bible study and volleyball, Issa and Lupita invited me down to the plaza with them. They were acting all secretive and so I guessed it had something to do with my birthday. We had a lot of fun eating from the stands, joking and laughing. I would not have traded that time with Issa and Lupita at all. If anything this past weekend was relaxing for me, that hour spent as a friend and as a sister was, and yet when we finally called it a night I couldn't help but think of how my study time had been shortened yet again.
Lord help! I don't know how to relax!
Issa suggested bananas and carrot juice as energy while studying. I've got the carrot juice and just got some bananas today. Hopefully come next Monday I'll be able to report to Issa that the credit of my passing my micro exam is due to her(and bananas and carrot juice).
I have also noticed a recent addiction to chili. I finished the small bottle that I had and replaced it with a huge bottle which is already over a third consumed. I use it as a condiment. I put it in my soup. Sometimes my mouth just starts watering and I have to make some popcorn just so I can dump chili on it and satisfy my chili thirst. Saturday after pizza, then chocoflan, Lupita suggested getting papas. Mine ended up being drenched in chili, and they were sooooo good.....and sticky. Lupita just kind of looked at me out of the corner of her eye and called me Mexican.
Sunday the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Guessing I would say about 70 degrees with a beautiful sun. I couldn't resist commenting on it. I got crazy looks in return. Apparently Lupita and Jessica were freezing!!
Today walking to take the exam I noticed something about the air....something about the atmosphere. I couldn't quite place it. I'd smelled that smell before but didn't know what it was. I finally decided that it was Fall in Mexico. Though I may say that Mexico doesn't have seasons, it does have....changes. It's a change in the color of the sky, in the smell of the air, in the bark of the dogs. It's still a bit vague to me as it's only my second fall in GDL so I don't really have much background, but my goal is to figure it out. (yes, I know, still vague, but how can I be more defined if I don't even know what 'it' is?)
Prayer request: Wisdom and words on an individual basis with my classmates. A few classmates have taken the opportunity to ask for specific guidance. Without much to go on, and without wanting to pry I don't know what exactly they are looking for. Pray that God's words and grace would suffice and heal even if the deliverer of them is clueless.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Yo estoy enferma.
Test yesterday, that I thought for once, maybe just this once, I was actually going to know something. The subject was viruses, which I find a whole lot more interesting and quite a bit less disturbing than bacterias and parasites. However, just because he felt like it, the doctor had compiled the test with an immunology twist. Argh!! Come Christmas I am finally gonna have to sit down and force myself to actually learn that....that...that bane of my existence that calls itself an -ology.
I also fear that one of those viruses I was studying decided to hang around uninvited. I tried sleeping during my lunch hour today. Succeeded in the sleeping, but failed in the feeling better.
October has arrived and with it the end of the rainy season. Odd, as I wasn't ready for the end this year. Probably due to the fact that I was fortunate enough to be indoors and never caught out in the torrential downpours when they occurred. The rainy season in general this year was not as bad as last year though. I hope and pray come next May, Guadalajara doesn't find itself in a water shortage as these past few months are all the rain it gets for the year.
I got my first birthday present today!! Class was cancelled for the 16th. No one really knows the reason why. I just smile to myself. They wouldn't believe me if I told them I was the reason anyways! hehe!
Michael just drove his remote control monster truck into the shower. I must go!
I also fear that one of those viruses I was studying decided to hang around uninvited. I tried sleeping during my lunch hour today. Succeeded in the sleeping, but failed in the feeling better.
October has arrived and with it the end of the rainy season. Odd, as I wasn't ready for the end this year. Probably due to the fact that I was fortunate enough to be indoors and never caught out in the torrential downpours when they occurred. The rainy season in general this year was not as bad as last year though. I hope and pray come next May, Guadalajara doesn't find itself in a water shortage as these past few months are all the rain it gets for the year.
I got my first birthday present today!! Class was cancelled for the 16th. No one really knows the reason why. I just smile to myself. They wouldn't believe me if I told them I was the reason anyways! hehe!
Michael just drove his remote control monster truck into the shower. I must go!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yo estoy orando por ti.
A few weeks ago I tried posting some videos, but blogspot had other plans, and I had to give up. I have since then turned to youtube and posted my videos on there. The following three videos were from the Mexican Independence celebration that a group of us from UAG attended.
The first two are the ones that I talked about in my blog on September 16th, the third is a bonus!!
This will be great. Perhaps I'll start taking more videos now!!
I'm debating quitting med school to become a neck model. Yes, I will make a living with my neck. Ok, so not really, totally joking there, but here's the story. For a class, which we refer to as NFP (don't worry about what that stands for) we are split in small groups (6 in mine) and doctors from the Latin program meet with us and talk to us about the interview, clinical history, physical exam, etc. When in need of a patient the doctor (or doctora depending on the day) will ask for a volunteer and one of the guys in our group of 6 will eventually unwillingly volunteer. However, when needing a patient to demonstrate a neck maniobra (I don't know what that translates as) the doctor that day looks at me and asks me to come be the patient, no option to say no there! I'm attributing this to the fact that I guess God gave me a long neck (according to one of the doctoras), and even moreso to the fact that almost always my hair is up and off my neck.
News that has been buzzing around Guadalajara for quite some time now, but I've been ignoring is the large number of individuals contracting and suffering from Dengue, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitos. Schools today and tomorrow throughout the city are being closed for fumigation. No news of UAG thinking about that. In fact the only UAG doctor who's brought up the topic has been our Micro doctor who suddenly stopped lecture one day to wildly chase after a lone mosquito yelling "Dengue! Dengue!" and trying to swat it. A scene now commonly reenacted outside of class to much laughter.
In all reality though, I'm more concerned with the increasing number of my classmates who show up to class hacking all over everyone. So I guess in between H1N1, Dengue, and hacking classmates to not get sick will be a miracle.
I must now go wash my hands.....again!
The first two are the ones that I talked about in my blog on September 16th, the third is a bonus!!
This will be great. Perhaps I'll start taking more videos now!!
I'm debating quitting med school to become a neck model. Yes, I will make a living with my neck. Ok, so not really, totally joking there, but here's the story. For a class, which we refer to as NFP (don't worry about what that stands for) we are split in small groups (6 in mine) and doctors from the Latin program meet with us and talk to us about the interview, clinical history, physical exam, etc. When in need of a patient the doctor (or doctora depending on the day) will ask for a volunteer and one of the guys in our group of 6 will eventually unwillingly volunteer. However, when needing a patient to demonstrate a neck maniobra (I don't know what that translates as) the doctor that day looks at me and asks me to come be the patient, no option to say no there! I'm attributing this to the fact that I guess God gave me a long neck (according to one of the doctoras), and even moreso to the fact that almost always my hair is up and off my neck.
News that has been buzzing around Guadalajara for quite some time now, but I've been ignoring is the large number of individuals contracting and suffering from Dengue, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitos. Schools today and tomorrow throughout the city are being closed for fumigation. No news of UAG thinking about that. In fact the only UAG doctor who's brought up the topic has been our Micro doctor who suddenly stopped lecture one day to wildly chase after a lone mosquito yelling "Dengue! Dengue!" and trying to swat it. A scene now commonly reenacted outside of class to much laughter.
In all reality though, I'm more concerned with the increasing number of my classmates who show up to class hacking all over everyone. So I guess in between H1N1, Dengue, and hacking classmates to not get sick will be a miracle.
I must now go wash my hands.....again!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Yo estoy cuidando de Michael.
I've talked about the poor quality of Seris, the street I live on, before. I now have evidence. The holes that have caved in/been dug are currently sitting outside my building.

The first day three individuals were working digging to and then fixing a pipe at the bottom of the hole. Well they kind of just sat there half the time, but the job eventually got done. Holes have yet to be filled in. I'm guessing a few more days and then that will be happening. In the meantime, they just be sitting there waiting to gobble up someone or their car or both.
Now that the first two groups have finished our surgery rotations, the third group gets to start this week. Triffinie is in the third group, so I've got Michael with me while she's ocupada.

He's playing computer games on his little baby computer. He just asked me,"what does this key do?" Upon my explanation that I had never played the game before and therefore did not know, he concluded, "I think it doesn't do anything!" The game is muted, but that doesn't stop Michael from creating his own sound effects. He's very absorbed in his graphic world right now!
We started Pathophysiology today. The doctor, Dr. Glasker, passed out his buisness card to all of us at the begining of class. O la la! But then in his introduction he referred to the bathroom as the "pee-pee room" so our value/respect of him is in the midst of a rollar coaster ride currently at the bottom of a big drop. We'll see how the rest of the ride plays out.
The first day three individuals were working digging to and then fixing a pipe at the bottom of the hole. Well they kind of just sat there half the time, but the job eventually got done. Holes have yet to be filled in. I'm guessing a few more days and then that will be happening. In the meantime, they just be sitting there waiting to gobble up someone or their car or both.
Now that the first two groups have finished our surgery rotations, the third group gets to start this week. Triffinie is in the third group, so I've got Michael with me while she's ocupada.
He's playing computer games on his little baby computer. He just asked me,"what does this key do?" Upon my explanation that I had never played the game before and therefore did not know, he concluded, "I think it doesn't do anything!" The game is muted, but that doesn't stop Michael from creating his own sound effects. He's very absorbed in his graphic world right now!
We started Pathophysiology today. The doctor, Dr. Glasker, passed out his buisness card to all of us at the begining of class. O la la! But then in his introduction he referred to the bathroom as the "pee-pee room" so our value/respect of him is in the midst of a rollar coaster ride currently at the bottom of a big drop. We'll see how the rest of the ride plays out.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Yo estoy anxiosa.
Friday and done with yet another week of class, and about to embark on my next weekend of being holed up in my apartment with computer, books, paper, and pencil, but thought I'd write a bit first.
Talking to Issa last weekend she told me a bit about nursing school. We joked about how even though she knows no one outside of her own class, apparently the whole school knows her. Wearing a long skirt is kind of odd in Mexico. Then she mentioned how an upper semester boy makes fun of her a lot. I just told her it's cuz he likes her...then we laughed again. Issa and Lupita have both had to learn a long time ago the opinions of others don't matter.
I have recently recovered from a mosquito bite on the BOTTOM OF MY FOOT! How in the world some random mosquito managed that I have no idea, but I give it props for being inventive and daring and I guess.....succeeding.
For the past month, the guayaba tree on my way to class has been producing fruit. As a result, I get to walk upon an aromatic bed of squashed guayabas everyday as I pass beneath it's branches. I just made that sound kind of's not.
I made it through my surgery final!!! After being sick during surgery last week and having to lay down, I was rather apprehensive going into my final as I obviously would not pass if it happened again. I had felt better ever since Monday, but it kind of turned into a mind game with me, and I was almost making myself sick cuz I was so worried about getting sick. (if that makes any sense.) Anyways, I made it through no problem! I'm going to miss surgery now that it's over. :(
Bible study this week was held at my apartment again. The reason being: Food! We had someone making arroz con leche, someone with hot chocolate, and myself with banana bread. It was all really good! It'll be hard to go back to no food next week! hehe!
Talking to Issa last weekend she told me a bit about nursing school. We joked about how even though she knows no one outside of her own class, apparently the whole school knows her. Wearing a long skirt is kind of odd in Mexico. Then she mentioned how an upper semester boy makes fun of her a lot. I just told her it's cuz he likes her...then we laughed again. Issa and Lupita have both had to learn a long time ago the opinions of others don't matter.
I have recently recovered from a mosquito bite on the BOTTOM OF MY FOOT! How in the world some random mosquito managed that I have no idea, but I give it props for being inventive and daring and I guess.....succeeding.
For the past month, the guayaba tree on my way to class has been producing fruit. As a result, I get to walk upon an aromatic bed of squashed guayabas everyday as I pass beneath it's branches. I just made that sound kind of's not.
I made it through my surgery final!!! After being sick during surgery last week and having to lay down, I was rather apprehensive going into my final as I obviously would not pass if it happened again. I had felt better ever since Monday, but it kind of turned into a mind game with me, and I was almost making myself sick cuz I was so worried about getting sick. (if that makes any sense.) Anyways, I made it through no problem! I'm going to miss surgery now that it's over. :(
Bible study this week was held at my apartment again. The reason being: Food! We had someone making arroz con leche, someone with hot chocolate, and myself with banana bread. It was all really good! It'll be hard to go back to no food next week! hehe!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Yo estoy ocupada.
Issa and Lupita's mom, Lourdes, tatted me a long veil. It's beautiful. Bo thought so too and wanted to try it on.
Found myself studying by candlelight last night. A storm took out the electricity at about 7. During a lull in the rain I ventured out with my umbrella and took a quick walk down to the oxxo. It was rather eerie walking back as dark quiet houses stared ominously at me as I made my way home. ooooooooooo (imagine pitch inflection there). Woke up this morning still without electricity, but thankfully it was back on by the time I came home for lunch.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Yo estoy triste!
It was quite the happening weekend back home, and I am rather sad that I missed it. :(
I was able to get to Ixtlan finally after too long of not being there. Marshall and Jan are in Barra Vieja so I stayed with the Sibajas. They had a small crevice where I was able to maneuver my car and thus leave it at their house and not at the church. Issa, Lupita and I spent Saturday evening at the church for Young Group. When we got back to the house their mom, Lourdes, informed me that the dad, Felix, had found himself with nothing to do so he had vaccumed my car. How embarrassing! I don't think I've vaccumed my poor little car once,and thus it had been very dirty. It looks amazing now!
Matt Gerber's parents were visiting. They don't know any spanish, but that didn't stop them from joining right in on volleyball. I was on the team with both Neil and Lisa Gerber. Starting out we didn't have much luck, but we got better as the night wore on and the following is a bit of dialogue that took place after we had finally won a game.
Neil Gerber: Yea! Hasta la vista!
Gloria Gonzalez: Where are you going?
Neil: huh?
Gloria: You just said goodbye.
Neil: Oh I did! That was Spanish? I thought it was Italian.
(doubled-over laughing)
Neil: I thought it was something along the lines of YEA! or GOOD JOB! or FINALLY!
(having-trouble-breathing laughing)
anyhoo, it was really funny!
I was able to get to Ixtlan finally after too long of not being there. Marshall and Jan are in Barra Vieja so I stayed with the Sibajas. They had a small crevice where I was able to maneuver my car and thus leave it at their house and not at the church. Issa, Lupita and I spent Saturday evening at the church for Young Group. When we got back to the house their mom, Lourdes, informed me that the dad, Felix, had found himself with nothing to do so he had vaccumed my car. How embarrassing! I don't think I've vaccumed my poor little car once,and thus it had been very dirty. It looks amazing now!
Matt Gerber's parents were visiting. They don't know any spanish, but that didn't stop them from joining right in on volleyball. I was on the team with both Neil and Lisa Gerber. Starting out we didn't have much luck, but we got better as the night wore on and the following is a bit of dialogue that took place after we had finally won a game.
Neil Gerber: Yea! Hasta la vista!
Gloria Gonzalez: Where are you going?
Neil: huh?
Gloria: You just said goodbye.
Neil: Oh I did! That was Spanish? I thought it was Italian.
(doubled-over laughing)
Neil: I thought it was something along the lines of YEA! or GOOD JOB! or FINALLY!
(having-trouble-breathing laughing)
anyhoo, it was really funny!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Yo estoy en clase.
I've brought my computer to class with me today, and am trying to listen to viruses and get some stuff done at the same time. Don't judge me just yet...the girl in front of me has earphones in her ears and is watching episodes of Criminal Minds on her computer.
Once again, I'm so sorry I couldn't get those videos to load, but here's a few photos from the night instead.

This is the group of us that met together to enjoy the festivities at the city center. One of my classmates who, ehm, wasn't thinking too clearly, had grabbed my camera and shoved it into the hand of a random Mexican. My eyes popped!, but in the end it was safe in my hands again, and I've now got this really nice photo of everybody.

On our way to the center of the center.

The fireworks were absolutely amazing. The crowds were so close!!! Nothing like it would ever happen in the US. Only once, that I saw, did stray sparks careen into the crowd behind me scattering people. But don't worry...

They had firefighters posted and ready with their bag of water on their backs. In the end, the worst I got was pieces of ash and carboard falling on me.
All-in-all a great experience!
Quote of the night: "What kind of 4th of July is this?!?!" ~ Shady Hawatmeh
We held Bible study at my apartment last night due to campus being closed for the holiday. We've started Esther this week. I was apprehensive about going over a book from the Old Testament as I would rather have the Bible study focused more on Jesus himself and hence the New Testament. However, God knows best, thankfully! Those in attendance, ate it up, and asked for more. I thought I'd be able to go rather quickly through the story, but I was basing that on myself who has heard about Esther since I was little. We got through the first three chapters last night. At the end one of my classmates asked, "so...then who is Esther?" In other words, so...why are we reading about this girl?, why is she so special? Prayers for God's continued presence amongst the hearts attending for Bible study every week, that His word and truth may be spoken no matter what is in discussion.
Once again, I'm so sorry I couldn't get those videos to load, but here's a few photos from the night instead.
This is the group of us that met together to enjoy the festivities at the city center. One of my classmates who, ehm, wasn't thinking too clearly, had grabbed my camera and shoved it into the hand of a random Mexican. My eyes popped!, but in the end it was safe in my hands again, and I've now got this really nice photo of everybody.
On our way to the center of the center.
The fireworks were absolutely amazing. The crowds were so close!!! Nothing like it would ever happen in the US. Only once, that I saw, did stray sparks careen into the crowd behind me scattering people. But don't worry...
They had firefighters posted and ready with their bag of water on their backs. In the end, the worst I got was pieces of ash and carboard falling on me.
All-in-all a great experience!
Quote of the night: "What kind of 4th of July is this?!?!" ~ Shady Hawatmeh
We held Bible study at my apartment last night due to campus being closed for the holiday. We've started Esther this week. I was apprehensive about going over a book from the Old Testament as I would rather have the Bible study focused more on Jesus himself and hence the New Testament. However, God knows best, thankfully! Those in attendance, ate it up, and asked for more. I thought I'd be able to go rather quickly through the story, but I was basing that on myself who has heard about Esther since I was little. We got through the first three chapters last night. At the end one of my classmates asked, "so...then who is Esther?" In other words, so...why are we reading about this girl?, why is she so special? Prayers for God's continued presence amongst the hearts attending for Bible study every week, that His word and truth may be spoken no matter what is in discussion.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Yo estoy feliz.
Today is Mexico's Independence Day! No class today!! Wippee! Last night was mucho fun! Mexican's love their celebrations so much they start at 12:00 am and will probably last till 11:59 pm tonight, although I doubt I'll see that one.
I've got some videos of the night, but just keep in mind that they don't do it justice.
This year, due to drunken fights that have repeatedly broken out over the years, they had made a few changes. El Grito took place at 11:00 instead of at midnight, and no alcohol was being sold in the area. Our group, arrived to the centro just before 11:00. For the longest time we were just streaming our way through the crowds. I was clear at the end, so had no clue where we were headed, but that was fine as I was too busy looking around to worry about where I was actually going. We arrived to the main area of action just as the clock chimed 11. I started the following video at 11:00:04, so unfortunately the first 4 seconds of el grito are cut off. ("el Grito" translated literally would mean 'the shout'.) The building I'm walking towards is the main government building. The governor of Jalisco and other important people are standing on it's balconey's calling out el grito. You will hear the crowds responding with "Viva!" (p.s. turn your volume all the way up to get as close to what it was really....but that's not possible)
The fireworks were absolutely amazing. Not because they were elite fireworks, but because of their proximity to the crowds. Firework towers were standing in the middle of the crowds, the closest to me about 10m. And the rest being shot off of buildings directly over the crowds. I have two videos of the fireworks, but choose the second because it shows how I had three places to look to watch all the display. The camera kind of jerks back and forth from one spot to the next, sorry about that.
Ok, so neither of the videos uploaded successfully. They were probably too long. This saddens me as I really wanted to share with you a bit of Mexico. :( See pictures in following post.
I've got some videos of the night, but just keep in mind that they don't do it justice.
This year, due to drunken fights that have repeatedly broken out over the years, they had made a few changes. El Grito took place at 11:00 instead of at midnight, and no alcohol was being sold in the area. Our group, arrived to the centro just before 11:00. For the longest time we were just streaming our way through the crowds. I was clear at the end, so had no clue where we were headed, but that was fine as I was too busy looking around to worry about where I was actually going. We arrived to the main area of action just as the clock chimed 11. I started the following video at 11:00:04, so unfortunately the first 4 seconds of el grito are cut off. ("el Grito" translated literally would mean 'the shout'.) The building I'm walking towards is the main government building. The governor of Jalisco and other important people are standing on it's balconey's calling out el grito. You will hear the crowds responding with "Viva!" (p.s. turn your volume all the way up to get as close to what it was really....but that's not possible)
The fireworks were absolutely amazing. Not because they were elite fireworks, but because of their proximity to the crowds. Firework towers were standing in the middle of the crowds, the closest to me about 10m. And the rest being shot off of buildings directly over the crowds. I have two videos of the fireworks, but choose the second because it shows how I had three places to look to watch all the display. The camera kind of jerks back and forth from one spot to the next, sorry about that.
Ok, so neither of the videos uploaded successfully. They were probably too long. This saddens me as I really wanted to share with you a bit of Mexico. :( See pictures in following post.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Yo estoy apurando.
I've got to be back in class shortly but wanted to write something as I felt a bit guilty for not getting that far down on my list yesterday. As with every other Monday I had my list of things to do after the exam, but I bet you'll never guess what I did instead when I got home for the day. I couldn't believe it either, but my Path book was just sitting there saying "Read me! Read me!" reminding me of how much I need to read for that class. I couldn't resist and started reading. It only lasted about an hour as then my list started chiding me for neglecting it so. (Books and pieces of paper have now started talking to me?! This can not be good!)
I had never done yoga before in my life, to be honest, I always thought it was kind of ridiculous. After a long story, which I'm jumping straight to the end, last Friday I ended up doing some yoga. The session is 1 1/2 hours. I made it through 45 min. and was sore the next day!!!! Can I just say, Oh My Word!!! I'm going to do it again this afternoon, and I WILL complete all 90 min. I don't have class tomorrow (Mexico's Independence Day!) so I can take care of any resulting sore muscles by wimpering in my apartment while attempting to study!
Last, but not lest, I mentioned before of a soccer game that I was able to attend. While there I found the fact that popcorn men wandered the stands selling bags of popped microwave popcorn to be quite hilarious! Take a look!

I had never done yoga before in my life, to be honest, I always thought it was kind of ridiculous. After a long story, which I'm jumping straight to the end, last Friday I ended up doing some yoga. The session is 1 1/2 hours. I made it through 45 min. and was sore the next day!!!! Can I just say, Oh My Word!!! I'm going to do it again this afternoon, and I WILL complete all 90 min. I don't have class tomorrow (Mexico's Independence Day!) so I can take care of any resulting sore muscles by wimpering in my apartment while attempting to study!
Last, but not lest, I mentioned before of a soccer game that I was able to attend. While there I found the fact that popcorn men wandered the stands selling bags of popped microwave popcorn to be quite hilarious! Take a look!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Yo estoy cocinando.
I followed a pigeon for a while walking home today. It had a purple iridescent ring around it's neck.
Yesterday I thought to myself that it was starting to get really warm again, must be because it hasn't rained in a few days. Then it rained early this morning. Definitely cooled things off again.
Discovered the name of my neuropharm doctor, Dr. Schriefer. You can add that to the 'life-altering effects' quote from the last post and to this one.
"This is where your skin dies and falls off. This could be fatal!" ~ Dr. Schriefer
I find it odd that I've been able to quote Dr. Schriefer. He's actually not that funny. In fact, general consensus of the class puts him more on the droning, boring end of the scale.
Someone else is now storing their washing machine at my apartment. Having an almost empty apartment is coming in handy for both me and quite a few others now.
Official announcement was now finally officially made that starting next semester we'll have to be in white, all white, all day. :( Apparently it was supposed to go into effect this semester, but no one actually told us about it.
I shall leave you with the wise words of our new Pathology doctor.
"Well, we are fried. I mean, we are fritos." ~ Dr. Montiel
Yesterday I thought to myself that it was starting to get really warm again, must be because it hasn't rained in a few days. Then it rained early this morning. Definitely cooled things off again.
Discovered the name of my neuropharm doctor, Dr. Schriefer. You can add that to the 'life-altering effects' quote from the last post and to this one.
"This is where your skin dies and falls off. This could be fatal!" ~ Dr. Schriefer
I find it odd that I've been able to quote Dr. Schriefer. He's actually not that funny. In fact, general consensus of the class puts him more on the droning, boring end of the scale.
Someone else is now storing their washing machine at my apartment. Having an almost empty apartment is coming in handy for both me and quite a few others now.
Official announcement was now finally officially made that starting next semester we'll have to be in white, all white, all day. :( Apparently it was supposed to go into effect this semester, but no one actually told us about it.
I shall leave you with the wise words of our new Pathology doctor.
"Well, we are fried. I mean, we are fritos." ~ Dr. Montiel
Monday, September 7, 2009
Yo estoy pensando.
Mondays are housekeeping days. Wake up, do last minute studying until the dreaded hour when I go and realize just how much I've yet to learn. Then return home and take care of the mess that has built up over the week. Today that mess involves the floor and the bathroom. Yipee! (note sarcasm!)
Friday I got to go to a soccer game! I know it was irresponsible of me, but my brain tends to explode when I don't give it a break every now and then, and the tickets were free, and, and.....well how could I pass up soccer?!?!?! It was so much fun. Santos were playing against Estudiantes Tecos. Technically being affiliated with UAG myself I should have cheered for Estudiantes, but one of my friends who went was a die-hard Santos fan, plus they had green uniforms, so of course I had to cheer for them. Santos won, so glad I could cheer for them! Attending a soccer game in Mexico is quite the experience. Estudiantes doesn't have a very large fan base so I'd say this was a good way for me to start. I'll explain. First, my friend told us not to wear green just in case Santos won, and some crazy Estudiante fan was upset and decided to take it out on us. Upon entering the gate into the stadium, guys were padded down. Heavily armored guards patroled the field. At the end of the game a fight broke out, and it rained coke and beer from the stands down onto the field. HA, I think I'm ready to take on a Chivas vs. Atlas game now!
Here's a few quotes from the past week:
In Microbiology:
"If you ever got eaten by a lion and you had toxoplasmosis, you'd have the last laugh."
~ Dr. Procop
In Neuropharm:
"You need to know the life-altering effects, like death."
(don't know this guys name yet)
About time I updated a little on the Bible study:
Some new individuals are coming this semester making our average weekly attendence larger than last semester. Praise God! Pray for those coming, no matter what their reasons for coming are, that they could hear truth, and that truth could build a desire for them to know more.
Satan has changed his tactics a bit this semester. Pray that the wisdom, love, and patience of Jesus would abound and defeat him yet again.
God Bless and thank you.
Friday I got to go to a soccer game! I know it was irresponsible of me, but my brain tends to explode when I don't give it a break every now and then, and the tickets were free, and, and.....well how could I pass up soccer?!?!?! It was so much fun. Santos were playing against Estudiantes Tecos. Technically being affiliated with UAG myself I should have cheered for Estudiantes, but one of my friends who went was a die-hard Santos fan, plus they had green uniforms, so of course I had to cheer for them. Santos won, so glad I could cheer for them! Attending a soccer game in Mexico is quite the experience. Estudiantes doesn't have a very large fan base so I'd say this was a good way for me to start. I'll explain. First, my friend told us not to wear green just in case Santos won, and some crazy Estudiante fan was upset and decided to take it out on us. Upon entering the gate into the stadium, guys were padded down. Heavily armored guards patroled the field. At the end of the game a fight broke out, and it rained coke and beer from the stands down onto the field. HA, I think I'm ready to take on a Chivas vs. Atlas game now!
Here's a few quotes from the past week:
In Microbiology:
"If you ever got eaten by a lion and you had toxoplasmosis, you'd have the last laugh."
~ Dr. Procop
In Neuropharm:
"You need to know the life-altering effects, like death."
(don't know this guys name yet)
About time I updated a little on the Bible study:
Some new individuals are coming this semester making our average weekly attendence larger than last semester. Praise God! Pray for those coming, no matter what their reasons for coming are, that they could hear truth, and that truth could build a desire for them to know more.
Satan has changed his tactics a bit this semester. Pray that the wisdom, love, and patience of Jesus would abound and defeat him yet again.
God Bless and thank you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Yo estoy en el periodo de posguerra.
So after secluding myself deep within my apartment all weekend I finally unlocked my door this morning and stepped out. Neuroscience exams at 8 in the morning have the ability to draw the most hermit among us out into the real world once again. I noticed with a smile on my face that the sun, which also had been completely hidden behind clouds all weekend, had finally decided to venture out again this fine Monday morning. (It must of had an exam too.)
Anyways, after the exam ended at 10 we dove right into class time. I sat down in Micro and when the doctor started lecture my body was in shock. I had been emersed in nerves and nuclei for so long that my mind baulked when I asked it to listen to viruses. That was pretty rough. Then if that wasn't enough we still had Path to go through. I was exhausted by 3.
Anyways, after the exam ended at 10 we dove right into class time. I sat down in Micro and when the doctor started lecture my body was in shock. I had been emersed in nerves and nuclei for so long that my mind baulked when I asked it to listen to viruses. That was pretty rough. Then if that wasn't enough we still had Path to go through. I was exhausted by 3.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Yo estoy leyendo.
I can't believe it's Friday already...again! I'm very excited that is true but rather tired at the same time. I've got a big weekend full of studying ahead of me.
Wednesday was Dr. Kreipke's last day teaching. He's gone back North along with his braying laugh and palm reading. A parting comment from the man...
"Unfortunately, I leave today, and I don't get to see the aftermath of what I've just done to you." - Dr. Kreipke
(That aftermath will occur on Monday, Lord help!)
In Pathology on Tuesday we were talking about pathogens, such as worms, fungi, and parasites. I was excited to come across a second name for a pet should I ever have one. JIROVECI. For correct pronunciation think Italian. Granted I would be naming a cute little puppy after something.....not so cute. But no one needs to know that!
(The first name I have picked out for a pet would be VESUVIUS (I just realized that's also Italian, rather odd coincidence that!) and in the past I've thought about NEWSCHWEINSTEIN, but the jury's still out on that one.)
I actually talked to my neighbor today (well one of them at least.) She was just sitting outside their apartment as her husband had the key and wasn't there yet. Up to this point our verbal exchanges have consisted of "good mornings", and once a "where did you get those shoes." They are Puerto Rican, Edgardo, and unfortunately I can not currently correctly recall her name, but it's really close to Delirious...something of the like.
Wednesday was Dr. Kreipke's last day teaching. He's gone back North along with his braying laugh and palm reading. A parting comment from the man...
"Unfortunately, I leave today, and I don't get to see the aftermath of what I've just done to you." - Dr. Kreipke
(That aftermath will occur on Monday, Lord help!)
In Pathology on Tuesday we were talking about pathogens, such as worms, fungi, and parasites. I was excited to come across a second name for a pet should I ever have one. JIROVECI. For correct pronunciation think Italian. Granted I would be naming a cute little puppy after something.....not so cute. But no one needs to know that!
(The first name I have picked out for a pet would be VESUVIUS (I just realized that's also Italian, rather odd coincidence that!) and in the past I've thought about NEWSCHWEINSTEIN, but the jury's still out on that one.)
I actually talked to my neighbor today (well one of them at least.) She was just sitting outside their apartment as her husband had the key and wasn't there yet. Up to this point our verbal exchanges have consisted of "good mornings", and once a "where did you get those shoes." They are Puerto Rican, Edgardo, and unfortunately I can not currently correctly recall her name, but it's really close to Delirious...something of the like.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Yo estoy orando.
Every semester I've noticed my classmates going through new fads. The current fad is Starbucks. The Orbis coffee available on campus just does not cut it for my caffeine-addicted companions any more.
The ice cream man has officially started to irk me. Every day I hold my breath until it's spouting Cri Cri has faded into silence once again. Today for some odd reason it has decided to take a break right outside my building. I think I'm going to asphyxiate shall it not leave soon.
Friday I was on my way home, a bounch in my step content to be done with another week of class. My bounch slowed as I approached my apartment. Upon entering my apartment I made my way to my window to spy down on what had confused me. A random taxi driver had decided to take his siesta next to my car. Please, I know my car isn't exactly nice, but must you dent it even further?....I guess so!

The ice cream man has officially started to irk me. Every day I hold my breath until it's spouting Cri Cri has faded into silence once again. Today for some odd reason it has decided to take a break right outside my building. I think I'm going to asphyxiate shall it not leave soon.
Friday I was on my way home, a bounch in my step content to be done with another week of class. My bounch slowed as I approached my apartment. Upon entering my apartment I made my way to my window to spy down on what had confused me. A random taxi driver had decided to take his siesta next to my car. Please, I know my car isn't exactly nice, but must you dent it even further?....I guess so!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Roberto Sánchez Marrón
Brother Roberto of San Cristobal passed away Saturday afternoon at 4 pm. He was a faithful member of our Ixtlan congregation.
Pray for the comforting of his family and friends including wife, Rosa, daughter Ana Rosa, and grandson Robertito in the time of his passing.
It no longer matters if you can read the song words hermano Roberto, because now you know them all by heart. He's singing with the angels.
Pray for the comforting of his family and friends including wife, Rosa, daughter Ana Rosa, and grandson Robertito in the time of his passing.
It no longer matters if you can read the song words hermano Roberto, because now you know them all by heart. He's singing with the angels.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Yo estoy molestada.
I've got a thorn in my side. That thorn is the Mexican shoe industry. Well, not the shoe industry itself exactly, but rather Mexican popular opinion concerning the shoe industry.
For example, as a doctora it would be commonly acceptable and considered professional for me to wear shoes such as these:

or these:

Up to this point I have not followed the traditional pattern of shoe wearing in the clinics, but rather worn something with a bit more comfort and support, see the following:

However, we are to start our surgery clinic this coming week, and as I don't want to be thrown out of the room due to my shoes I've been forced to compromise, once again see the following:

Please, someone send a podiatrist. Quick-like!
For example, as a doctora it would be commonly acceptable and considered professional for me to wear shoes such as these:

or these:

Up to this point I have not followed the traditional pattern of shoe wearing in the clinics, but rather worn something with a bit more comfort and support, see the following:
However, we are to start our surgery clinic this coming week, and as I don't want to be thrown out of the room due to my shoes I've been forced to compromise, once again see the following:
Please, someone send a podiatrist. Quick-like!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Yo estoy bien ocupada.
Vero wanted to make some banana bread so I skyped her my recipe. She copied it down. It came out rather salty. Turns out I had included 1 cup sugar in my skype, but it had not been copied down. Oooops!
I've had the same shower curtain since I bought it in January....I just noticed the other day that it has fish and bubbles on it. I had always thought it just had shimmery designs on it. Very exciting to notice that the shimmering images are fish!!!
I had a friend spend the night with me last night.

Meet Tope. He's one of Sung's guinea pigs. He was amazingly well-behaved, didn't cry or scream or hardly make any noise at all.
Our Microbiology doctor, Dr. Ralde, is the biggest germ-a-phobe I think I've ever met. Too many years of studying single-cells and I guess it goes to your head. He doesn't kiss or shake hands. He will never wear a tie. He does not use the tap water to brush his teeth. A classmate, Hugo, even went as far to ask him if he showers with the city water. He said he does...whew! we were getting worried for him.
I've had the same shower curtain since I bought it in January....I just noticed the other day that it has fish and bubbles on it. I had always thought it just had shimmery designs on it. Very exciting to notice that the shimmering images are fish!!!
I had a friend spend the night with me last night.
Meet Tope. He's one of Sung's guinea pigs. He was amazingly well-behaved, didn't cry or scream or hardly make any noise at all.
Our Microbiology doctor, Dr. Ralde, is the biggest germ-a-phobe I think I've ever met. Too many years of studying single-cells and I guess it goes to your head. He doesn't kiss or shake hands. He will never wear a tie. He does not use the tap water to brush his teeth. A classmate, Hugo, even went as far to ask him if he showers with the city water. He said he does...whew! we were getting worried for him.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Yo estoy escuchando la lluvia.
In Pathology class the other day the Doctor went off on a tangent. Not surprising as it happens a lot. Normal tangents consist of wines and cheeses and reasons why residents need to type fast, but this day was a bit different. The Dr. tangentially remarked that the Bible is wrong due to the fact that genetically Eve had to come before Adam. Next to me Triffinie went into near hystrics as she was sure we were all about to die due to the incoming bomb and following explosion. No one really heard her as the class had erupted in laughing. Either way I wasn't too worried. If God hasn't taken his vengence out on our classroom yet it'll take a lot more than a mere joke to illustrate a genetical point of interest.
Dr. Potato Chip's last day was Friday. No more Ruffles everyday at 8 in the morning. However the visiting professor who is coming to replace him is named Dr. Kreipke which unfortunately is only one vowel sound away from Krupke. Upon hearing the name pronounced my mind can't help but break out in "Dear Officer Krupke!" from West Side Story. Honestly, if I knew how to dance, my life would be very believable as a musical.
I don't dream very often so when I do and am fortunate to actually remember it, I wake up rather excited. The other night I had a cowboy dream. A group of us had to flee from the coming bad guys into the hills/rocks off in the distance. Before our escape I was determined to purchase some toilet paper to bring with us. Don't ask me how long it took me to make a decision on what tp I should purchase, and again don't ask me what I based that decision on. I woke up right after I'd made the decision, but before we could escape so I don't know if we were attacked by the bad guys or not. What I found most interesting upon awakening about the dream though is that tp prices were all in pesos.
A friend, Nereo, (2nd semester) was given a lasagna as payment for some help that he had given one of his friends. As he has no refridgerator nor oven at his apartment it was given to me to store in my freezer and then to bake Friday night for a few of us to enjoy. Everything was going well until I realized actually lighting my oven was posing to be a problem. Reinforcements were called in (I selfishly didn't want to be blown up alone), and in the end the oven dial actually had to be broken and then fixed to achieve ignition. The lasagna was worth the wait and promptly devoured. And now I know my oven works...kind of!
Today I decided to make some tuna salad and as I still had 4 eggs in my fridge I put some water on to boil the eggs. I only needed two but as I wanted to finish the eggs I put all four in the water. Upon commencement of boiling I heard a pop. I investigated to find one of the eggs had burst and egg yolk was slipping out of the cracked egg creating an egg drop soup looking mess in the boiling pot. In the end it was a lucky decision I had made to put all four eggs in because two of them had broken. Not knowing the cause for the explosions but making some rather not too desirable guesses I decided to throw out the two exploded eggs, but still eat the other two that had remained intact.
Dr. Potato Chip's last day was Friday. No more Ruffles everyday at 8 in the morning. However the visiting professor who is coming to replace him is named Dr. Kreipke which unfortunately is only one vowel sound away from Krupke. Upon hearing the name pronounced my mind can't help but break out in "Dear Officer Krupke!" from West Side Story. Honestly, if I knew how to dance, my life would be very believable as a musical.
I don't dream very often so when I do and am fortunate to actually remember it, I wake up rather excited. The other night I had a cowboy dream. A group of us had to flee from the coming bad guys into the hills/rocks off in the distance. Before our escape I was determined to purchase some toilet paper to bring with us. Don't ask me how long it took me to make a decision on what tp I should purchase, and again don't ask me what I based that decision on. I woke up right after I'd made the decision, but before we could escape so I don't know if we were attacked by the bad guys or not. What I found most interesting upon awakening about the dream though is that tp prices were all in pesos.
A friend, Nereo, (2nd semester) was given a lasagna as payment for some help that he had given one of his friends. As he has no refridgerator nor oven at his apartment it was given to me to store in my freezer and then to bake Friday night for a few of us to enjoy. Everything was going well until I realized actually lighting my oven was posing to be a problem. Reinforcements were called in (I selfishly didn't want to be blown up alone), and in the end the oven dial actually had to be broken and then fixed to achieve ignition. The lasagna was worth the wait and promptly devoured. And now I know my oven works...kind of!
Today I decided to make some tuna salad and as I still had 4 eggs in my fridge I put some water on to boil the eggs. I only needed two but as I wanted to finish the eggs I put all four in the water. Upon commencement of boiling I heard a pop. I investigated to find one of the eggs had burst and egg yolk was slipping out of the cracked egg creating an egg drop soup looking mess in the boiling pot. In the end it was a lucky decision I had made to put all four eggs in because two of them had broken. Not knowing the cause for the explosions but making some rather not too desirable guesses I decided to throw out the two exploded eggs, but still eat the other two that had remained intact.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Yo estoy atras el horario.
I've come to a few conclusions over the past few days and thought I would share a few:
1) Dr. Potato Chip could be Elliott Gould's twin brother. (Actor who played Reuben in the Ocean movies.)
2) Raid has been one of my most valuable purchases to date while here. The other day ants were attacking once again. I followed their trail and they were coming from the ceiling!!! What the World?!?!?! Took care of them right quick. Raid is amazing!
3) Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary is taking it's place high up on my list of favorite books. Isn't there a way I could diffuse it's information into my brain? The book has high concentration of information which will flow down it's concentration gradient to an area of low information brain!
4) Once upon a time the devil tried his hand at creation.....the best he could come up with were single-celled monsters, otherwise known as bacteria. I came to this theory based on the fact that bacteria have beautiful names (Klebsiella, Salmonella, Vibrio, Shigella, etc.) and yet can create such nasty havoc!
(This theory has been disproven based on the fact that we humans could not live without bacteria.)
Went to Ixtlan this past weekend. Stayed till late Sunday evening as the many visitors that I have been able to enjoy time with these past two weekends will all be leaving before I next return.
I am making chicken noodle soup at the moment, and I do believe I put too much pasta in the pot. Maybe I'll be having chicken and soup.
1) Dr. Potato Chip could be Elliott Gould's twin brother. (Actor who played Reuben in the Ocean movies.)
2) Raid has been one of my most valuable purchases to date while here. The other day ants were attacking once again. I followed their trail and they were coming from the ceiling!!! What the World?!?!?! Took care of them right quick. Raid is amazing!
3) Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary is taking it's place high up on my list of favorite books. Isn't there a way I could diffuse it's information into my brain? The book has high concentration of information which will flow down it's concentration gradient to an area of low information brain!
4) Once upon a time the devil tried his hand at creation.....the best he could come up with were single-celled monsters, otherwise known as bacteria. I came to this theory based on the fact that bacteria have beautiful names (Klebsiella, Salmonella, Vibrio, Shigella, etc.) and yet can create such nasty havoc!
(This theory has been disproven based on the fact that we humans could not live without bacteria.)
Went to Ixtlan this past weekend. Stayed till late Sunday evening as the many visitors that I have been able to enjoy time with these past two weekends will all be leaving before I next return.
I am making chicken noodle soup at the moment, and I do believe I put too much pasta in the pot. Maybe I'll be having chicken and soup.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Yo estoy esperando la plancha.
This semester has not slowed down one bit. Late Sunday night/ early Monday morning Shabnam went to the hospital with a headache. Tests showed nothing so she was able to come home yesterday. Incoming first semesters have their orientation this week. So hard to believe I was in their place just a year ago. I've no desire to ever be in that position again. Whenever I see them I have to fight the urge to stare as I'm wondering how they're handling the unknown. I wonder if I would see the same scared look of lost and confusion on their faces that I'm sure was evident on mine a year ago. Actually now that I think about it, my friends have told me that those first days I had no expression on my face. I just stood there expressionless and watched what was going on around me. The incoming 1st semesters have 167 in their class! In Neuroscience we've got a visiting professor, Dr. Rofals phd. When the name was first said to us without having seen it on paper it sounded like Dr. Ruffles, and so now I fear I shall always think of him as a potato chip. I do like Dr. Rofals though. Normally the Phds that come down to teach us are the definition of boring and just cite a bunch of research at us. In addition, neurology being my least favorite, causes it to also be a rather intimidating subject for me. This guy's teaching method is so easy to follow that I am really excited by the prospect that I could maybe understand what he is saying to me. In addition, he uses many clinical correlations while teaching (his favorite being a stab wound to the back). My iron has heated up and now I've got to iron a pair of my scrub pants. Veronica had two ironing boards which she stored at my apartment over summer. When she moved her stuff back out she left one of the ironing boards with me. Afterall she really had no need for two.
Prayer request: Bible studies will start again tonight. Lord willing we'll be able to keep the same schedule this semester of 9:00 pm Wednesday evenings. Any prayers for the direction and content of the Bible studies would be appreciated. Also be prayerful for the individuals that come that they could hear truth.
Prayer request: Bible studies will start again tonight. Lord willing we'll be able to keep the same schedule this semester of 9:00 pm Wednesday evenings. Any prayers for the direction and content of the Bible studies would be appreciated. Also be prayerful for the individuals that come that they could hear truth.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yo estoy cansada!
Tis late on a Sunday and I'm alone in my apartment with leftover chicken from Ixtlan and my computer. Oh the endless possiblities of what I could do. Eat the chicken then check email. Eat the chicken while checking email. Check email while warming up the chicken, then eat chicken. Whatever shall I choose!!
Well turns out I had no emails, and that the chicken needed both hands to eat rendering both rather greasy, both factors forcing me to be creative. I put some chicken between bread and then was able to eat with one hand and do some research on the internet for Marshall with the other. Booyah!! Take that chicken grease!!
Now my chicken is gone and everyone but the neighboring dogs are calling it a night and I soon should follow suit, but first, and last I guess, I'll do a quick blog.
Me and my soccer playing buds finally made it out onto the field again last Friday afternoon! I hadn't played in months and boy could I feel it. It sure was great to be playing again though.
Saturday left earlier than usual for Ixtlan as testimonies were to be at 12 noon. I personally have never seen Ixtlan so packed with people before. Jan and Marshall have 3 granddaughters, 1 niece, and 1 nephew visiting. Mike Leman and his wife are there for the baptisms. Then of course Regg and Grant are there. As a result beds were all taken up and overflow onto the couches was begining. I stayed with the Sibaja's (Issa & Lupita.
Those who were baptised today were Rosi and Guille (watch in the Silver Lining for a summary of their testimonies). Family members and friends of them were also present for the weekend.
After testimonies and before Bible study Issa, Lupita,me, and the three granddaughters (Amy, Anna, and Amber) went to the geyser! Issa was the only one to get wet all the way. I just stuck my legs into one of the pools. It was hot with the sun streaming down and the water felt more like a hot tub. No wonder Ixtlan citizens don't need to bother with boilers. There's no such thing as naturally cool water there.

This is a close up of where the boiling hot water shoots out of, unfortunately not on any schedule known to man.

This is a view, of which the camera angle was thoughtfully calculated, which includes one of the hot springs (in the forefront of the picture) and the swimming pools in the back.

As we were getting ready to leave the geyser suddenly decided to go off. We watched as it thought about it for awhile and then grew to full size as seen in the photo! I was rather excited to be able to witness such a wonder of nature. Issa and Lupita on the other hand couldn't have been more bored. As the geyser erupts some of its water is diverted via pipes to fill the surrounding swimming pools.
Bible study had a record 42 people in attendence. After Bible study we split up into groups and walked the streets of Ixtlan handing out invitacions to VBS which starts this Monday in Ixtlan. Rudy Troxel suggested that I skip my classes this week and join them. I laughed. Nice thought as I'd love to be there, but not really a good idea.
We woke up Sunday morning to find out that the town water supply had not been turned on. So bucket bath for me once again. I think I'm starting to get the hang of the whole bucket bath thing. It's amazing just how little water a girl actually needs to be able to fully clean herself AND wash her hair. Next time try showering with a gallon of water. It is possible!
Jan bought 9 chickens for la comida after church today. After the numerous mouths had ceased their feeding and the napkins had been tossed only the remnants equal to about one chicken remained. Some of which made the journey with me back to GDL. Although they didn't really get to enjoy it much as they were eaten soon upon arrival.
Now my tired brain is making it rather difficult to think coherently so I best call it a night. God Bless!
Well turns out I had no emails, and that the chicken needed both hands to eat rendering both rather greasy, both factors forcing me to be creative. I put some chicken between bread and then was able to eat with one hand and do some research on the internet for Marshall with the other. Booyah!! Take that chicken grease!!
Now my chicken is gone and everyone but the neighboring dogs are calling it a night and I soon should follow suit, but first, and last I guess, I'll do a quick blog.
Me and my soccer playing buds finally made it out onto the field again last Friday afternoon! I hadn't played in months and boy could I feel it. It sure was great to be playing again though.
Saturday left earlier than usual for Ixtlan as testimonies were to be at 12 noon. I personally have never seen Ixtlan so packed with people before. Jan and Marshall have 3 granddaughters, 1 niece, and 1 nephew visiting. Mike Leman and his wife are there for the baptisms. Then of course Regg and Grant are there. As a result beds were all taken up and overflow onto the couches was begining. I stayed with the Sibaja's (Issa & Lupita.
Those who were baptised today were Rosi and Guille (watch in the Silver Lining for a summary of their testimonies). Family members and friends of them were also present for the weekend.
After testimonies and before Bible study Issa, Lupita,me, and the three granddaughters (Amy, Anna, and Amber) went to the geyser! Issa was the only one to get wet all the way. I just stuck my legs into one of the pools. It was hot with the sun streaming down and the water felt more like a hot tub. No wonder Ixtlan citizens don't need to bother with boilers. There's no such thing as naturally cool water there.
This is a close up of where the boiling hot water shoots out of, unfortunately not on any schedule known to man.
This is a view, of which the camera angle was thoughtfully calculated, which includes one of the hot springs (in the forefront of the picture) and the swimming pools in the back.
As we were getting ready to leave the geyser suddenly decided to go off. We watched as it thought about it for awhile and then grew to full size as seen in the photo! I was rather excited to be able to witness such a wonder of nature. Issa and Lupita on the other hand couldn't have been more bored. As the geyser erupts some of its water is diverted via pipes to fill the surrounding swimming pools.
Bible study had a record 42 people in attendence. After Bible study we split up into groups and walked the streets of Ixtlan handing out invitacions to VBS which starts this Monday in Ixtlan. Rudy Troxel suggested that I skip my classes this week and join them. I laughed. Nice thought as I'd love to be there, but not really a good idea.
We woke up Sunday morning to find out that the town water supply had not been turned on. So bucket bath for me once again. I think I'm starting to get the hang of the whole bucket bath thing. It's amazing just how little water a girl actually needs to be able to fully clean herself AND wash her hair. Next time try showering with a gallon of water. It is possible!
Jan bought 9 chickens for la comida after church today. After the numerous mouths had ceased their feeding and the napkins had been tossed only the remnants equal to about one chicken remained. Some of which made the journey with me back to GDL. Although they didn't really get to enjoy it much as they were eaten soon upon arrival.
Now my tired brain is making it rather difficult to think coherently so I best call it a night. God Bless!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Yo estoy sorprendida.
This semester definitely hasn't started out boring.
Our third semester class has lost a couple of our original classmates, but actually grown in size due to the many additions from previous semesters who have been held back due to failure to pass classes.
Yesterday I had all afternoon free, which gave me reason for excitement as I could get some serious studying done. That plan went out the window when my friend, Adrian, knocked on my door (or rather yelled at me from outside my window). He told me the doctor on campus was pretty sure he had appendicitis. The fact that Adrian was on my floor holding his side in pain...I thought it was safe to agree. So appendicitis led to an appendectomy and my entire afternoon and evening spent at the hospital.
Being a med student has got its perks a couple of which I used today. Free doctor consults and discounted drugs... very nice!
Our third semester class has lost a couple of our original classmates, but actually grown in size due to the many additions from previous semesters who have been held back due to failure to pass classes.
Yesterday I had all afternoon free, which gave me reason for excitement as I could get some serious studying done. That plan went out the window when my friend, Adrian, knocked on my door (or rather yelled at me from outside my window). He told me the doctor on campus was pretty sure he had appendicitis. The fact that Adrian was on my floor holding his side in pain...I thought it was safe to agree. So appendicitis led to an appendectomy and my entire afternoon and evening spent at the hospital.
Being a med student has got its perks a couple of which I used today. Free doctor consults and discounted drugs... very nice!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Yo estoy comiendo Skittles!
Our semester started off true to form....none of us had a clue what was going on. Yesterday we pick up our schedules and noticed that this morning we were supposed to start at 7 for our classroom clinical but, only certain groups. Of course the first day of classes drew to a close without someone in charge letting us know our groups or where we were supposed to go. Word finally got around that we were all supposed to be at the Latin program at 7 in whites. Once again true to vague as possible. Anyways, this morning, donned all in white, I headed off to campus and then in the direction of the "Latin program"; once close enough you just follow the crowd. We arrived ready for the unexpected to find out that half of us weren't even supposed to be there. The funny thing, which I came to realize after the fact, is that no one was even upset. We just shrugged it off, turned around, and busied ourselves for an hour till class started. I guess we've come to expect such disorganization from UAG. If nothing else UAG is making us into the most flexible doctors out there. (After a year at the UAG we've learned that hardly ever do things work out as planned, and that even when you have no clue what is going on if you smile and keep going eventually it'll come, and that in the end you're just you trying to survive like the rest.) A trait which I'm sure will come in handy.
Veronica moved her furniture and appliances back out of my apartment. I'm back to nothing more than my table, 4 wood chairs, and my bed. Though it was sad to see her comfy couches vanish out my door I realize that sitting here with my few pieces of sticks I still have more than so many in this vast world of ours.
Veronica moved her furniture and appliances back out of my apartment. I'm back to nothing more than my table, 4 wood chairs, and my bed. Though it was sad to see her comfy couches vanish out my door I realize that sitting here with my few pieces of sticks I still have more than so many in this vast world of ours.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Yo estoy en Mexico!
After a wonderfuly relaxing week back at home I find myself back in GDL trying to get some things done during my one hour break for lunch.
Yesterday after Carrie dropped me off at the International terminal I made a new record. From the time that Carrie dropped me at the curb to the time I walk into my gate's waiting area 10 minutes had elapsed. Safe to say I absolutely shattered my previous record of 20 minutes. It's got to be perfect timing. Had Carrie dropped me off 10 minutes later it probably would have taken me 30 minutes or more to get to my gate. Oh well, I enjoyed my last bit of Illinois watching cars, people, and planes go by outside a terminal window.
Yesterday after Carrie dropped me off at the International terminal I made a new record. From the time that Carrie dropped me at the curb to the time I walk into my gate's waiting area 10 minutes had elapsed. Safe to say I absolutely shattered my previous record of 20 minutes. It's got to be perfect timing. Had Carrie dropped me off 10 minutes later it probably would have taken me 30 minutes or more to get to my gate. Oh well, I enjoyed my last bit of Illinois watching cars, people, and planes go by outside a terminal window.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Yo estoy esperando.
I'm at the clinic again. No patients yet this morning. Something must be up though as my doctor has been on his phone practically the whole time, and the nurses keep whispering. I've got all my write-ups and research ready to hand into my doctor just waiting for the time now.
The medical spanish students that had been coming got infected by the Mexico bug (a.k.a. laziness). It makes me laugh. I've seen it happen so many times I was not surprised. It takes a strong determination to attend class on a regular basis in Mexico. Their number was different every day: Monday - 4, Tuesday - 5, Wednesday - 3, Thursday - 2, Friday - 0. Those last two put up a fight but in the end, Mexico won out!
Now today, two 4th semesters are here to complete their clinical hours. They're currently sitting across from me buried in their books. Fourth semester classes start on Monday. Boy am I glad I'm not 4th yet. I still need a vacation!!!
I'm back from turning everything in for my doctor. Had to walk down to a papeleria to make some copies. My walk took me past the big Catholic church here in Santa Anita. There were some cute little pink balerinas and cute little boys in their karate uniforms. Parents were carrying huge bouquets of flowers. Mexico knows how to celebrate!!
My doctor said I could go!!!! I get to go home, do wash, clean my apartment, and pack!! He said he'd clock me out at 4 and the extra hours were a gift from him for doing such a good job at getting everything done!!! Sweeeeeeeeet!
The medical spanish students that had been coming got infected by the Mexico bug (a.k.a. laziness). It makes me laugh. I've seen it happen so many times I was not surprised. It takes a strong determination to attend class on a regular basis in Mexico. Their number was different every day: Monday - 4, Tuesday - 5, Wednesday - 3, Thursday - 2, Friday - 0. Those last two put up a fight but in the end, Mexico won out!
Now today, two 4th semesters are here to complete their clinical hours. They're currently sitting across from me buried in their books. Fourth semester classes start on Monday. Boy am I glad I'm not 4th yet. I still need a vacation!!!
I'm back from turning everything in for my doctor. Had to walk down to a papeleria to make some copies. My walk took me past the big Catholic church here in Santa Anita. There were some cute little pink balerinas and cute little boys in their karate uniforms. Parents were carrying huge bouquets of flowers. Mexico knows how to celebrate!!
My doctor said I could go!!!! I get to go home, do wash, clean my apartment, and pack!! He said he'd clock me out at 4 and the extra hours were a gift from him for doing such a good job at getting everything done!!! Sweeeeeeeeet!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Yo estoy feliz!!!
Just an add to today's post...
I stopped by the main campus office once again today after clinic to see if by chance my FM3 would be ready, and it was!!!! I was almost shocked!
This means that they are going to let me leave the country on Saturday! Hurrah!!!
I stopped by the main campus office once again today after clinic to see if by chance my FM3 would be ready, and it was!!!! I was almost shocked!
This means that they are going to let me leave the country on Saturday! Hurrah!!!
Yo estoy a la clinica Santa Anita.
I've got about another hour here at Santa Anita before I call it a day, and after being gone for about 5 hours my doctor finally showed up again! Where he was....who knows.
I thought I'd be alone at the clinic this week but to my surprise I wasn't. Turns out that the medical spanish class I had contemplated taking is two weeks in the classroom and two weeks in a clinic, hence students at the clinic with me. I feel a bit bad for Lindsey, Kaitlyn, Laurel, Casey, and John. They get dropped off in the morning, sit in the study room for 4 hours and then get picked up again. They were never put with a doctor, and since they aren't used to how Mexico works, they just sit here not used to having no one tell them to do anything. My doctor said I could go to the nearby nursing home to get some of my work done. I asked the others if they'd like to go, everyone said yes, so I'll be making another trip tomorrow. I didn't think my car would survive 6 people AND topes.
I did something horribly embarrassing today at the nursing home. I picked up the otoscope instead of the fundoscope to look at a paitent's eyes. John curiously enquired as to why..... Thankfully all were able to laugh about it. I then picked up the fundoscope and looked at the patient again. Oh dear!
I thought I'd be alone at the clinic this week but to my surprise I wasn't. Turns out that the medical spanish class I had contemplated taking is two weeks in the classroom and two weeks in a clinic, hence students at the clinic with me. I feel a bit bad for Lindsey, Kaitlyn, Laurel, Casey, and John. They get dropped off in the morning, sit in the study room for 4 hours and then get picked up again. They were never put with a doctor, and since they aren't used to how Mexico works, they just sit here not used to having no one tell them to do anything. My doctor said I could go to the nearby nursing home to get some of my work done. I asked the others if they'd like to go, everyone said yes, so I'll be making another trip tomorrow. I didn't think my car would survive 6 people AND topes.
I did something horribly embarrassing today at the nursing home. I picked up the otoscope instead of the fundoscope to look at a paitent's eyes. John curiously enquired as to why..... Thankfully all were able to laugh about it. I then picked up the fundoscope and looked at the patient again. Oh dear!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Yo estoy escuchando iglesia de Gridley.
I was able to listen to Gridley's morning services this am via the Gridley AC church website. Worked like a charm, but I must say I was rather disappointed that the congregational singing before the sermons are not included in the live streaming. I want to sing too!! Now everyone is eating lunch and fellowshiping. I think I'll have some of the tuna I made yesterday.
Last night due to the rain/stormy weather we'd been having all afternoon my electricity went off....but not completely. It was rather interesting. Turning the lights on would produce light, but it was dim. Not enough voltage was being produced to effectively charge my computer so I turned it off. I decided to try to do something for the 4th of July holiday. I had heard rumors of a store nearby having a supply of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, so I thought I'd investigate. I was happy to find the rumor to be true and picked up a Cherry Garcia. Spent some extra time in the store trying to find something else that would help me celebrate. I found some insence sticks and contemplated using them as sparklers, but in the end left without them deciding my Ben and Jerry's would suffice.
I'll be tuning back in for afternoon service!!
Last night due to the rain/stormy weather we'd been having all afternoon my electricity went off....but not completely. It was rather interesting. Turning the lights on would produce light, but it was dim. Not enough voltage was being produced to effectively charge my computer so I turned it off. I decided to try to do something for the 4th of July holiday. I had heard rumors of a store nearby having a supply of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, so I thought I'd investigate. I was happy to find the rumor to be true and picked up a Cherry Garcia. Spent some extra time in the store trying to find something else that would help me celebrate. I found some insence sticks and contemplated using them as sparklers, but in the end left without them deciding my Ben and Jerry's would suffice.
I'll be tuning back in for afternoon service!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Yo estoy lista para regresar.
Happy 4th everyone. I have to keep reminding myself of the holiday, don't exactly have the Stars and Stripes to display, but I guess I've got a little white in, black shirt I've got on. Oh well, my visa and passport say I'm American that's all they care about down here, and the fact that I say soccer instead of futbol.
Here's a few pics from my week in Ixtlan.

Amber (Marshall & Jan's granddaughter) is spending her whole summer in Ixtlan with her grandparents. Monday morning we donned some of Marshall's old shirts and helped Grant Hermann glue carpet (a.k.a. sound absorbers) to the walls in some of the school rooms. Here in the photo, fully high off of the glue, Amber thought it'd be funner to glue my face instead of smile for the photo.

Tuesday, Lupita, Issa, Amber, and I rode bikes for a couple hours. I borrowed Matt Gerber's bike to ride, and as his bike seat is so high I found myself in a postition where my arms were locked at the elbows completely straight. Let me say there was Pain when I was able to bend my elbows. By the end of the ride my pinkys were numb due to the increased pressure on proximal medial area of my palms which included the ulnar nerve, hence numbness of the pinkys.

We turned around and headed back after a short rest at the plaza in Valenciano.
On our ride back to town we noticed the geyser started going off. Took a picture from a distance including both Ixtlan and the geyser, but it's at such a distance one can only pick out the geyser if they know to look for it as it's almost hidden by a tree. See if you can find it...

Wednesday, Lupita, Amber and I headed into Zamora to buy Amber a birthday present from her grandparents. First we stopped off at the graduation ceremony for Lupita's school. Although not graduating, she needed to receive her certificate for completing her semester. Also seen in the picture on the right is proud sister Elsa taking a photo. :) (On a side note, both Issa Sibaja, and Lupita Cabrera graduated from prepatoria and have been accepted to nursing school in Zamora)

Walking towards the cathedral in Zamora.
Hope all are well and happy. Light an extra sparkler, and eat an extra BBQ for those of us who can't!
Here's a few pics from my week in Ixtlan.
Amber (Marshall & Jan's granddaughter) is spending her whole summer in Ixtlan with her grandparents. Monday morning we donned some of Marshall's old shirts and helped Grant Hermann glue carpet (a.k.a. sound absorbers) to the walls in some of the school rooms. Here in the photo, fully high off of the glue, Amber thought it'd be funner to glue my face instead of smile for the photo.
Tuesday, Lupita, Issa, Amber, and I rode bikes for a couple hours. I borrowed Matt Gerber's bike to ride, and as his bike seat is so high I found myself in a postition where my arms were locked at the elbows completely straight. Let me say there was Pain when I was able to bend my elbows. By the end of the ride my pinkys were numb due to the increased pressure on proximal medial area of my palms which included the ulnar nerve, hence numbness of the pinkys.
We turned around and headed back after a short rest at the plaza in Valenciano.
On our ride back to town we noticed the geyser started going off. Took a picture from a distance including both Ixtlan and the geyser, but it's at such a distance one can only pick out the geyser if they know to look for it as it's almost hidden by a tree. See if you can find it...
Wednesday, Lupita, Amber and I headed into Zamora to buy Amber a birthday present from her grandparents. First we stopped off at the graduation ceremony for Lupita's school. Although not graduating, she needed to receive her certificate for completing her semester. Also seen in the picture on the right is proud sister Elsa taking a photo. :) (On a side note, both Issa Sibaja, and Lupita Cabrera graduated from prepatoria and have been accepted to nursing school in Zamora)
Walking towards the cathedral in Zamora.
Hope all are well and happy. Light an extra sparkler, and eat an extra BBQ for those of us who can't!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Yo estoy en Ixtlan.
Spending some extended time in Ixtlan this week.
Yesterday during the evening singing the clouds that had been darkening ever since about 1 pm decided to finally open up. The pounding rain against the cement-asbestos-fiberglass mixture of a roof tried its hardest to drown out our words, and though hymn numbers had to be repeated about 7 times for everyone to hear them the singing rose to the challenge ringing louder and longer than the echoing raindrops.
The two hours of volleyball that typically follow the Sunday singing was cancelled due to the rain moving us all indoors. With sissors in hand we sat down at the table and began cutting out the crafts for the upcoming VBS. Three hours later with hand cramped up, feet asleep, and the rest just incredibly ansy we called it anight, unfortunately there is still much more cutting to be done. Wow! Three hours of cutting out tiny fingers, horses, and baskets....I have a new appreciation for primary school teacher's aides.
Yesterday during the evening singing the clouds that had been darkening ever since about 1 pm decided to finally open up. The pounding rain against the cement-asbestos-fiberglass mixture of a roof tried its hardest to drown out our words, and though hymn numbers had to be repeated about 7 times for everyone to hear them the singing rose to the challenge ringing louder and longer than the echoing raindrops.
The two hours of volleyball that typically follow the Sunday singing was cancelled due to the rain moving us all indoors. With sissors in hand we sat down at the table and began cutting out the crafts for the upcoming VBS. Three hours later with hand cramped up, feet asleep, and the rest just incredibly ansy we called it anight, unfortunately there is still much more cutting to be done. Wow! Three hours of cutting out tiny fingers, horses, and baskets....I have a new appreciation for primary school teacher's aides.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yo estoy leyendo.
We have been enjoying much cooler temperatures this week. Cloudy skies have been hiding the sun fairly well lately preventing the mid-afternoon high from reaching much over 80. It's rather enjoyable as I snuggle into the nice comfy couches that I am 'storing' for my classmate in my apartment while she is home for the summer and read my book.
Here's a couple thoughts from Ravi Zacharias:
"To strut into a courtroom guilty and claim innocence is not power but weakness.
To refuse to acknowledge failure is not success but self-deception.
To resist repentance before God is not intelligence but folly.
To be puffed up with pride in the face of wrongdoing is not to become bigger but to become hollow."
Uncle Kevin has been saving the chocolates the hotel puts on his pillow at night when the maid turns down his bed and giving them to me. What can I say...I'm pretty spoiled. :) The other day though when the morning maid came, made the bed, and left, the uneaten chocolate had disappeared with her. Uncle Kevin was pretty upset, and has been hiding the chocolate in a drawer ever since.
Here's a couple thoughts from Ravi Zacharias:
"To strut into a courtroom guilty and claim innocence is not power but weakness.
To refuse to acknowledge failure is not success but self-deception.
To resist repentance before God is not intelligence but folly.
To be puffed up with pride in the face of wrongdoing is not to become bigger but to become hollow."
Uncle Kevin has been saving the chocolates the hotel puts on his pillow at night when the maid turns down his bed and giving them to me. What can I say...I'm pretty spoiled. :) The other day though when the morning maid came, made the bed, and left, the uneaten chocolate had disappeared with her. Uncle Kevin was pretty upset, and has been hiding the chocolate in a drawer ever since.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Yo estoy en la segunda semana.
Carrie's week has come and gone and with it my first week of summer has whizzed by. (She did feel better the next morning, thanks to all who prayed.) A few photos from our week together.
After tacos during Carrie's "Welcome to Guadalajara" Night we spent the evening playing Dutch Blitz. (Both Saturday & Sunday in Ixtlan we also played the vonderful goot game!!)

Starting with Carrie and going around the table: Carrie, Me, Shabnam, Ronnie (standing), Feroz, Daffydd, Triffinie, Sung, Daniel, Denise
In Barra de Navidad we had fun catching the waves.

or...inevitably the waves caught us whether we were ready or not

Yesterday was a long day for me. Up early to take Carrie to her early flight. Trip during the afternoon to take Sung to the airport. Then late in the evening another trip to the airport to pick up Uncle Kevin. I went to bed really tired last night!!
So my second week of summer has started with the arrival of my Uncle. Let's see what adventures are upon us!
After tacos during Carrie's "Welcome to Guadalajara" Night we spent the evening playing Dutch Blitz. (Both Saturday & Sunday in Ixtlan we also played the vonderful goot game!!)
Starting with Carrie and going around the table: Carrie, Me, Shabnam, Ronnie (standing), Feroz, Daffydd, Triffinie, Sung, Daniel, Denise
In Barra de Navidad we had fun catching the waves.
or...inevitably the waves caught us whether we were ready or not
Yesterday was a long day for me. Up early to take Carrie to her early flight. Trip during the afternoon to take Sung to the airport. Then late in the evening another trip to the airport to pick up Uncle Kevin. I went to bed really tired last night!!
So my second week of summer has started with the arrival of my Uncle. Let's see what adventures are upon us!
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