Friday, September 11, 2009

Yo estoy cocinando.

I followed a pigeon for a while walking home today. It had a purple iridescent ring around it's neck.

Yesterday I thought to myself that it was starting to get really warm again, must be because it hasn't rained in a few days. Then it rained early this morning. Definitely cooled things off again.

Discovered the name of my neuropharm doctor, Dr. Schriefer. You can add that to the 'life-altering effects' quote from the last post and to this one.
"This is where your skin dies and falls off. This could be fatal!" ~ Dr. Schriefer

I find it odd that I've been able to quote Dr. Schriefer. He's actually not that funny. In fact, general consensus of the class puts him more on the droning, boring end of the scale.

Someone else is now storing their washing machine at my apartment. Having an almost empty apartment is coming in handy for both me and quite a few others now.

Official announcement was now finally officially made that starting next semester we'll have to be in white, all white, all day. :( Apparently it was supposed to go into effect this semester, but no one actually told us about it.

I shall leave you with the wise words of our new Pathology doctor.
"Well, we are fried. I mean, we are fritos." ~ Dr. Montiel

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