Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yo estoy apurando.

I've got to be back in class shortly but wanted to write something as I felt a bit guilty for not getting that far down on my list yesterday. As with every other Monday I had my list of things to do after the exam, but I bet you'll never guess what I did instead when I got home for the day. I couldn't believe it either, but my Path book was just sitting there saying "Read me! Read me!" reminding me of how much I need to read for that class. I couldn't resist and started reading. It only lasted about an hour as then my list started chiding me for neglecting it so. (Books and pieces of paper have now started talking to me?! This can not be good!)

I had never done yoga before in my life, to be honest, I always thought it was kind of ridiculous. After a long story, which I'm jumping straight to the end, last Friday I ended up doing some yoga. The session is 1 1/2 hours. I made it through 45 min. and was sore the next day!!!! Can I just say, Oh My Word!!! I'm going to do it again this afternoon, and I WILL complete all 90 min. I don't have class tomorrow (Mexico's Independence Day!) so I can take care of any resulting sore muscles by wimpering in my apartment while attempting to study!

Last, but not lest, I mentioned before of a soccer game that I was able to attend. While there I found the fact that popcorn men wandered the stands selling bags of popped microwave popcorn to be quite hilarious! Take a look!


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