Friday, March 26, 2010

Yo estoy con poco tiempo.

Ahhhhh! I thought I had all afternoon and now there's no time left. My hopes of cleaning have been chucked out the window. So much to do. I feel like it's all flying around me as I stand in the middle trying desprately to grab something out of the air. It's not working.

Either way I'm on my way to the airport in a few hours and then homeward bound. Gonna have to be content to do what I'm able to and leave the rest. I'll definitely be tired enough on the plane I might even be able to get some winks.

The weather has been amazing here lately. I'm putting some in a ziploc bag to bring for the Big Weekend!!

And I also wanted to let everyone know that while I'm home I'll be taking candy donations!! haha yes, I know! You'd never guess I study health by the nutritional value of my diet.

Praying for the last few hours to go smoothly. And for safe travels for everyone this weekend.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yo estoy sudando.

My computer broke!!! Ok, well not really. Just the G button has half-way popped off.

Life is busy as my Spring break draws closer day by day. I have looked forward to these days (starting last weekend with Tara & David's wedding) for what seems like a very long time. But one thing that the Lord has continually assured me of while in Mexico is the passage of time. Tomorrow will always come, and the future eventually becomes the past. And so it is true again! It makes me giddy how exciting that is. And even more than Carrie and Troy's wedding, what I fear will never be learned...will one day be learned. It's hard to be patient for that day as I can't find it on the calendar.

I went to Ixtlan this past weekend. Once a month a van full from Ixtlan drive to Queretaro to help the few believers there in their Sunday worship service. Marshall & Jan were taking a turn in going so I joined them along with their granddaughter, Hayley, & Issa. Queretaro is 3 hours West of Ixtlan. We left early Sunday morning. I set up in the backseat and studied making the drive go fast. Service is held in the home of Lalo & Silvia with their three children Laura, Tito, and Andres. Neighbors, friends, family and Lalo's co-workers all gather and the service is followed by a meal. And then, though our visit is short, we head back to Ixtlan. Driving back to GDL Sunday the sun went down on me so I got to enjoy the delights of driving Mexico at night at a time when you see a cross of drivers on the roads between 40 mi/hr grandpas and 80 mi/hr hoodlums and you don't quite know which one has the gun or the tequila.

I was disheartened when I got back to see that Health Care Reform has been passed. Many of my classmates are equally disheartened. I saw on facebook though one of my compadres cheered for it's passage. It kind of sent me through disbelief. Does she really not know that Obama just wrote her future on a piece of paper and threw it out a 5th floor window?!?! Only God knows where and how that paper is going to land, or if it's even going to survive the fall. Waiting to see what "reconciliation" will lead to.

My welts from paintballing last Friday are starting to disappear. Whew! I should be good to go by Saturday. And no Dad, I'm not playing any soccer this week!

(the color's for you Dad! ;)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yo estoy en verde

I couldn't resist the excuse to write in green.


haha, I definitely wasn't pinched today!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yo estoy cansada todavia.

Thought I'd share with ya'll a little bit of the joy we had in Ixtlan this past weekend. Not only the piano, oh no! guitar AND violin too!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Yo estoy cansada.

4:30 and finally home for the day. Tired; it's been a very busy week. Change out of my whites and the first thing I do....BLOG. Yes, your turn to feel special! Feel very special!

Kaplan was Microbiology this week. What took us 18 weeks last semester to cover, and assess in a total of four exams was pushed into 4 days and followed by one exam after class on the last day. HA! I don't think I'm going to even look at a book for the rest of today. My brain might just judo chop!!

Water troubles again. Been all week without water, with the flow returning no time soon. It makes my brain want to judo chop again. My landlord has been gracious enough to buy water, but as all four apartments use from the same tinaco it doesn't last long. To top it all off, with the dynamics water pressure has been playing around with all week, my toilet has decided once again to give up. So for the time being I've had to turn it off, and am just praying that once water has returned and pressure regulated once again I can get it working again. Just a fun tidbit....when I got home just now and turned my kitchen sink faucet on to gather some water to flush with there were worms swimming around in it!!!!! Ehhhhhhhh!! Mexico! why?! If I haven't had worms to this point, I've got them now! Judo CHOP!

Tuesday I was completely irresponsible. I was invited to a Coldplay concert and throwing reason out the window I went. It of course ment an entire afternoon, evening, night without studying, but it was so worth it. It was a great experience that if I had a captive audience I could rattle on about it for hours in one breath! Which I won't do guys are so lucky today ;)

Wednesday we started in on James at the Bible study. I do enjoy James as he's more in-your-face and might have gotten a bit carried away at some points but for the most part those in attendence just laughed and came along for the ride. Thank you for your prayers.

Between all that and studying coffee really has lost it's powerful effect. I may be forced to find something stronger if this continues! gasp! However, this is a three day weekend for us! Praise the Lord! We are saved!! If my list of things to do weren't so long my goal for sleep tonight would be 10!! but unfortunately that's not realistic.

Whelp! onto the next thing!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Yo estoy corriendo.

Woke up early this Sunday and with a handful of buddies joined in with hundreds of other ladies for the Carrera de la mujer. It was an all-women's 5K run/walk for breast cancer

(Pardon the ewwwness of this picture, twas after I got home, but before I'd showered!)

See the medal I got!!!!! Think I'm special now???? Yea, I know, couldn't fool you. Everyone who crossed the finish line got one. But I don't care, still makes me feel special.

It was nice to run on flat ground for once. And then half way through I realized I was getting bored, there was nothing to jump over!! Also, I didn't really appreciate how the first half of the course was all downhill. Couldn't they have planned that a bit better so that the second half was downhill and not the first half? I guess it's just hard to get "flat" in general anywhere in GDL.

A friend's dad is visting her for a few days and so I was invited along with some others to join in a bit of relaxing and a dinner last night. It was sooo nice to eat out for once. I can't remember when the last time was (not counting Ixtlan). Plus, I've been rather lazy in the kitchen this past week and meals have consisted of cereals, apples and turkey sandwhiches. All delicious, but I was craving some variety.

Happy Sunday everyone!! :)


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yo estoy orando por ti.

We finally got our books! Yay! New books get me excited...just a tad.
Of course starting the class without them proved interesting, and inconvienant. Lecturing this week is a Dr. Kruidering-Hall in the area of Pharmacology. She tried to make light of our bookless situation. "We'll just cover the fist half of the book you don't have!" It worked...kind of....ok not really. But we have books now so it's all good again.
Bible study last night covered Revelation 22, the last chapter of the last book. The end of the story...or is it? A many greatful thanks to all who kept the Revelation Bible study in your prayers. One thing I am absolutely sure of is that prayer is the sustaining power behind our feeble human attempts to serve our King. I have noticed a change in my perspective while journeying through Revelation. There is an ultimatum set in place. It's a 50/50 choice and no way to get around it. I feel as if I've become callous towards life as a result. Let me explain, after reading the death and destruction prophecied in Revelation the first time it's scary and unnerving. Am I ready to withstand such trying times? Then more death and destruction followed by even more death and destruction. The blood will fill lakes! And still Satan will rise up numbers against the saints. In other words, people are going to die. Lots of them. After reading this over and over again in Revelation I'm a bit numb. Another earthquake? Hundreds more you say? I'm not surprised, it's all been prophecied.
I will continue studying, sharing, and loving for who knows, maybe the next earthquake will be here. Time is running out. The Bible study will start the book of James next week. I ask for your continued prayerful support not only for the Bible study here in Guadalajara but also for the work being done in Mexico to further Christ's kingdom in general. Ixtlan. Barra Vieja. Morelia. Queretaro. Magdalena. Tecate. San Jose. God Bless you all.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Yo estoy esperando.

I stayed longer in Ixtlan this past weekend than I had planned in order to make my Guadalajara commuting services available. I left at 4:00 am this morning with passenger and the mission to safely deliver him to the airport. Mission was accomplished with plenty of time to spare. I appreciate when I am able to convert my Honda into a taxi. I know that by doing so I am saving someone in Ixtlan the time and the gas of making the trip themselves to either pick up or deliver visitors to the airport. It's something, though small, that I can do to help out and repay a small portion of everything that those in Ixtlan do for me.

Just for today, as we started the Kaplan course, class started at 11:30. We were advised to arrive early to obtain our IDs for the course and our books. I did so and watching my classmates gather outside the classroom was a bit amused at how they greeted each other as if they hadn't seen each other in a month instead of two days. Like we were starting an new semester instead of a new class. At the same time it's encouraging to see everyone supporting each other. We are gonna need it these next couple of weeks. Lord! Keep us breathing!
Of course, we left class today still bookless thanks to Mexican customs. Just because they thought we couldn't procrastinate well enough on our own they thought they'd help us out by keeping our books from us. ARGH!! Yes! Thank you Lord! I remember...breathe.....and again.

I also want to give a shout out to Google. Had it not been for their promotion of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games I would have been clueless as to their commencement and once again to their closure. My quick recap:
1) Our curling teams stunk big time!
2) Our hockey teams were amazing, making our two silver medals in hockey bitter sweet victories!(pooh! yes, I'm pouting 2nd place!)
3) Shaun White is still amazing
4) Apollo Ohno ate one too many cheeseburgers in the off season.
5) South Korea did surprisingly amazing on the ice. Congrats to them!
6) Martina Sablikova from the Czech Republic struck me as a pretty cool athlete! Get it? medaled multiple times in speed baby, I crack myself up!
7) Mexico's one athlete participated in the slalom. Not that he did well enough to take notice, but hey! Way to represent Humbertus von Hohenlohe!


It's finally March!! YAY!!!!