Friday, March 26, 2010

Yo estoy con poco tiempo.

Ahhhhh! I thought I had all afternoon and now there's no time left. My hopes of cleaning have been chucked out the window. So much to do. I feel like it's all flying around me as I stand in the middle trying desprately to grab something out of the air. It's not working.

Either way I'm on my way to the airport in a few hours and then homeward bound. Gonna have to be content to do what I'm able to and leave the rest. I'll definitely be tired enough on the plane I might even be able to get some winks.

The weather has been amazing here lately. I'm putting some in a ziploc bag to bring for the Big Weekend!!

And I also wanted to let everyone know that while I'm home I'll be taking candy donations!! haha yes, I know! You'd never guess I study health by the nutritional value of my diet.

Praying for the last few hours to go smoothly. And for safe travels for everyone this weekend.


1 comment:

Amy said...

You're coming home! You're coming home! :) :) :)