Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yo estoy bien ocupada.

Vero wanted to make some banana bread so I skyped her my recipe. She copied it down. It came out rather salty. Turns out I had included 1 cup sugar in my skype, but it had not been copied down. Oooops!

I've had the same shower curtain since I bought it in January....I just noticed the other day that it has fish and bubbles on it. I had always thought it just had shimmery designs on it. Very exciting to notice that the shimmering images are fish!!!

I had a friend spend the night with me last night.

Meet Tope. He's one of Sung's guinea pigs. He was amazingly well-behaved, didn't cry or scream or hardly make any noise at all.

Our Microbiology doctor, Dr. Ralde, is the biggest germ-a-phobe I think I've ever met. Too many years of studying single-cells and I guess it goes to your head. He doesn't kiss or shake hands. He will never wear a tie. He does not use the tap water to brush his teeth. A classmate, Hugo, even went as far to ask him if he showers with the city water. He said he does...whew! we were getting worried for him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. It would take you months to notice the shower curtain. :)