Friday, August 28, 2009

Yo estoy leyendo.

I can't believe it's Friday already...again! I'm very excited that is true but rather tired at the same time. I've got a big weekend full of studying ahead of me.

Wednesday was Dr. Kreipke's last day teaching. He's gone back North along with his braying laugh and palm reading. A parting comment from the man...
"Unfortunately, I leave today, and I don't get to see the aftermath of what I've just done to you." - Dr. Kreipke
(That aftermath will occur on Monday, Lord help!)

In Pathology on Tuesday we were talking about pathogens, such as worms, fungi, and parasites. I was excited to come across a second name for a pet should I ever have one. JIROVECI. For correct pronunciation think Italian. Granted I would be naming a cute little puppy after something.....not so cute. But no one needs to know that!
(The first name I have picked out for a pet would be VESUVIUS (I just realized that's also Italian, rather odd coincidence that!) and in the past I've thought about NEWSCHWEINSTEIN, but the jury's still out on that one.)

I actually talked to my neighbor today (well one of them at least.) She was just sitting outside their apartment as her husband had the key and wasn't there yet. Up to this point our verbal exchanges have consisted of "good mornings", and once a "where did you get those shoes." They are Puerto Rican, Edgardo, and unfortunately I can not currently correctly recall her name, but it's really close to Delirious...something of the like.


1 comment:

Kaleigh said...

You must have some pretty sweet shoes :) I think you should stick with one of the first 2 name choices :)
love and prayers!