The ice cream man has officially started to irk me. Every day I hold my breath until it's spouting Cri Cri has faded into silence once again. Today for some odd reason it has decided to take a break right outside my building. I think I'm going to asphyxiate shall it not leave soon.
Friday I was on my way home, a bounch in my step content to be done with another week of class. My bounch slowed as I approached my apartment. Upon entering my apartment I made my way to my window to spy down on what had confused me. A random taxi driver had decided to take his siesta next to my car. Please, I know my car isn't exactly nice, but must you dent it even further?....I guess so!
Ok. So, I've never told you this, and I made Laura promise not to tell you either, but I think it's time.
One time I backed into your car in the Hale St parking lot. It didn't leave a dent, I promise.
HAHAHA! Amy, I appreciate you making me laugh so much, it's impossible to even care. Plus, my trusty Honda's tough, it's been though much worse than that
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