I had thought that with the nearing end of the semester things were going to calm down a bit...I was right and sooooo wrong. The second things calm down people try to turn 5 minutes into 5 hours and suddenly you find yourself with even less time than before when supposedly your days were "buiser."
A few of the added events in my schedule recently included Turkey Bowl (football intramurals), Powderpuff football, gathering data for my research and getting it all turned in, and a friend's birthday. But life is good, and I have to be thankful that I had the opportunity and ability to partake in time squeezed out of my days devoted to something other than studying.
Took a short walk last night:
With no Thanksgiving holiday in Mexico it is very socially acceptable to have Christmas lights up the day after Dia de Los Muertos (Nov. 2)
Sitting on the steps after class one day I took this picture. It's funny because I don't remember from last year the trees ever changing colors or losing their leaves, but I guess some do. The grounds keepers and street sweepers are kept very busy these days. As in this picture, he is sweeping the leaves together, but the wind keeps blowing more behind him.
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