You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams...
Whirlwind summary coming right up! Hold on to your seats!
Third semester ended Friday with my last Pathology exam. I have never been so excited to take an exam in my life. To 'celebrate', after the exam Vero and I went straight downtown to the PMC office and signed up for our 4th semester clinical. We were lucky and got a few of the last spots available in Chapala. Chapala is a town on Lake Chapala about 45 minutes outside of GDL. We started early Saturday morning at the municipal clinic. Sunday Carrie and Troy were announced....oh wait wrong train of thought...I mean, Sunday we were at the Red Cross there. Monday we were a bit at the Red Cross and then we spent some time at the nursing home there.
Vero and I at Lake Chapala
Maria (the third 4th semester who did her clinical with Vero and I)and I at Lake Chapala
I praise Jesus that the doctor who oversees student doctors in Chapala was willing to work with me. Since we started on Saturday 5 days of clinic would mean our last day would be Wednesday. Long story short, I worked like the dickens and got all of my work done for the clinic by Monday, and he gave me permission to actually use my ticket on Wednesday!!! To top it off, he completely surprised me in that since I was done with everything he gave me permission to not go to Chapala today meaning I get to clean and pack today!!
It was all up in the air how this clinic was going to play out, and through the grace of God it played out better than I had hoped.
...I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
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