Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yo estoy esperando la plancha.

This semester has not slowed down one bit. Late Sunday night/ early Monday morning Shabnam went to the hospital with a headache. Tests showed nothing so she was able to come home yesterday. Incoming first semesters have their orientation this week. So hard to believe I was in their place just a year ago. I've no desire to ever be in that position again. Whenever I see them I have to fight the urge to stare as I'm wondering how they're handling the unknown. I wonder if I would see the same scared look of lost and confusion on their faces that I'm sure was evident on mine a year ago. Actually now that I think about it, my friends have told me that those first days I had no expression on my face. I just stood there expressionless and watched what was going on around me. The incoming 1st semesters have 167 in their class! In Neuroscience we've got a visiting professor, Dr. Rofals phd. When the name was first said to us without having seen it on paper it sounded like Dr. Ruffles, and so now I fear I shall always think of him as a potato chip. I do like Dr. Rofals though. Normally the Phds that come down to teach us are the definition of boring and just cite a bunch of research at us. In addition, neurology being my least favorite, causes it to also be a rather intimidating subject for me. This guy's teaching method is so easy to follow that I am really excited by the prospect that I could maybe understand what he is saying to me. In addition, he uses many clinical correlations while teaching (his favorite being a stab wound to the back). My iron has heated up and now I've got to iron a pair of my scrub pants. Veronica had two ironing boards which she stored at my apartment over summer. When she moved her stuff back out she left one of the ironing boards with me. Afterall she really had no need for two.


Prayer request: Bible studies will start again tonight. Lord willing we'll be able to keep the same schedule this semester of 9:00 pm Wednesday evenings. Any prayers for the direction and content of the Bible studies would be appreciated. Also be prayerful for the individuals that come that they could hear truth.

1 comment:

Kaleigh said...

Dr. Ruffles now that would be pretty sweet :)
Prayerful for your Bible studies!