Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yo estoy en la segunda semana.

Carrie's week has come and gone and with it my first week of summer has whizzed by. (She did feel better the next morning, thanks to all who prayed.) A few photos from our week together.

After tacos during Carrie's "Welcome to Guadalajara" Night we spent the evening playing Dutch Blitz. (Both Saturday & Sunday in Ixtlan we also played the vonderful goot game!!)

Starting with Carrie and going around the table: Carrie, Me, Shabnam, Ronnie (standing), Feroz, Daffydd, Triffinie, Sung, Daniel, Denise

In Barra de Navidad we had fun catching the waves.

or...inevitably the waves caught us whether we were ready or not

Yesterday was a long day for me. Up early to take Carrie to her early flight. Trip during the afternoon to take Sung to the airport. Then late in the evening another trip to the airport to pick up Uncle Kevin. I went to bed really tired last night!!

So my second week of summer has started with the arrival of my Uncle. Let's see what adventures are upon us!


1 comment:

Tara said...

Happy Summer! Enjoy! Miss you!