Saturday, December 6, 2008
Yo estoy a casa.
Haha, what was I expecting!?!?! It feels as if I went from summer to winter in a matter of 4 hours. Still a bit hard to let it sink in. I've been looking forward to coming home for some time that it adds to the oddness that I am actually home. Can my first semester really be over with? Already?
It feels so good to be amongst my family and friends again though. I didn't realize I missed everyone as much as I did. I knew that it would be hard to be by myself, but the way it feels to be amongst individuals of like mind and faith make me think that it was harder than I realized.
I am happy to be home again for a month.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Yo estoy esperando.
I am moving today. Don't have a place as of yet, but a friend is letting me stay at her place and when I get back in January I'll find a place. I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this as I'll be in a position ripe for ripping off. I looked at number of places but the whole roommate thing was up in the air so no decisions could be made. I was so spoiled in undergrad with great roommates that I don't think twice about having roommates. I realize now that the whole thing when friends live together and end up never speaking again happens more than I thought and scares some. When I get back I'm not forseeing a problem finding a place; I've already got a phone and I'll have my car, God will provide the rest.
I'm finding that the end of my semester is not nearly as hectic as undergrad semesters are. That is mainly due to the fact that a very important technique I learned in undergrad is to do as much as possible as soon as you can. I had all my project done a few weeks ago. This past weekend all I had to do was study. Quite a few of my classmates had to sacrifice study time to meet project deadlines. I want to say thanks to all of those pointless classes at ISU that have everything due in the last three weeks of the semester. Life lesson learned.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Yo estoy agradecida por mis amigos.
Okay, just kidding. This was the first coarse, but it was absolutely hilarious. Let me explain. Our tickets said 7:00. We got there about 7:30 and were the second party to arrive. As time passed more people arrived. I finally broke out the camera and enjoyed the holiday. Others spent the time going from hungry to starving. I can't lie...I was getting rather hungry myself. The meal finally commenced at 9:00 to a round of applause. The servers burst from the kitchen doors with trays ladden with.......what in the world was it? The bowls were set in front of us and everyone just kind of stared at it, then stared at each other, then stared back at the bowl again. Were we supposed to eat it, put it on bread, continue staring at it???? In the end, tureens of soup were brought out and ladeled into the bowls on top of the dollop. Unfortunately, the tureens appeared a tad late for some of those more hungry individuals.
The main course was in fact turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potates, the oddest mystery stuffing (at least that's what we decided it was supposed to be), and a fruit salad. DESSERT = PUMPKIN PIE!!!!! Nothing like home, but hey, it's Mexico, at least they tried.
Shhh,, bang, bang, buzz, buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, BANG. You hear that? Yeah I thought you would. That is the sound that has been coming from next door for the past 3 WEEKS!!!!. Now listen...... You hear that? That was the sound of steam starting to curl from ears. I am getting so stinky sick of studying to the sound of construction.
Thought I'd also share with you the product the man with the machete worked on the poor tree out front. It's flat!!! You can kind of make out the electrical wires that had previously been threaded through the center of the tree. I would have thought the man with the machete would have attempted to do some sort of shaping to the poor tree, but no, he just wacked the top off. pobrecito!
Side note about my certification last Wednesday! Woke up Wednesday morning to find my watch had died at 12:15am. Strike one! I arrived at my designated spot with two minutes to spare. Ball one! My order was all over the place. Strike two! I completely forgot a few steps. Strike three! Definitely OUT!
In other words, what was supposed to be the Moonlight Sonata came out sounding like chopsticks on a toy piano. Bummer! (Should have practiced conducting in front of someone instead of in my room!)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
No class was actually scheduled for today being as the majority of the program is from the United States. However a request was made to move tomorrow's classes to today. Students at UAG are really big on petitioning. It was easily granted, and thus I found myself in class this morning thinking to myself 'this is weird'.
There is a formal Thanksgiving banquet for us international students this evening. Trouble is I don't know whether to expect beans and flan or turkey and pumpkin pie.
As I sit here at my desk writing there is a man outside my window with a machete. He's taking a whack (literally) at trying to cut back the horribly overgrown branches of the tree out there.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yo estoy practicando.
When I first moved simply walking up the hill that is my road would render me out of breath. Earlier this evening I took a jog up the hill without losing my breath. High altitudes does wonders for the body. Take me back down to flat Illinois and I could probably finish a marathon no problems.....NOT! One problem I've found attempting to run the streets in Gdl is that the sidewalks are for the most part in rather poor shape demanding constant attention to keep from tripping. However, my height was definitely not made for Mexico. If I'm not looking up my head gets whacked by a branch. In other words, I must look up and down at the same time. If someone figures out a way to do this please let me know.
The other day I got home and thinking no one else was home I went into the kitchen and started warming up some food. Having my mp3 player in my ears I happily sang along, stomped my feet, did a twirl here and there. On one of those twirls I saw Delta standing in the doorway. Man, that was embarrassing. But she assured me that she had just gotten home and hadn't been listening. Oh well, she already knew I was weird before; I just cemented the fact.
Yo estoy una vaso de leche.
Last night I was with some classmates and the conversation turned to gossip/rumors (both of which thrive here on the ICB campus). I ended up being compared to milk.......boring. Ouch! One friend tried to make me feel better by saying I wasn't boring....just not gossip worthy. I guess that's a compliment.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Yo duele.
I played football again a few days ago, and now am feeling the scrapes and bruises that I received. It's supposed to be flag football, but once in awhile I guess that small tidbit is forgotten. Needless to say I was put on my back hard. I guess that's what happens when a big guy comes at you running full speed to "grab your flag."
The bugs are starting to poke their faces out here and there. I have a feeling that when I return next year it'll be prime bug season. A girl a few semesters ahead of me once told me that she walks in the road because during bug season the bugs populate the sidewalks. I haven't seen that yet, but I think I'm in for a treat come next year.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yo estoy sin clases hoy.
Went to Ixtlan yesterday. Left the city as the big orange sun was rising on the sleeping inhabitants and returned as the same orange sun was setting on the busy, now hectic city. The sunrise was so much better. I had hoped to stay an extra day in Ixtlan due to the cancellation of classes today, but communication was lacking and I wasn't able to. I was also excited about finally being able to go to Morelia for services, but alas the van was full. I'll have to wait until next time. Carissa was visiting from Magdalena was it was a blessing to be able to see and talk with her.
Micha has been spending a lot of time lately curled up on my bed. It's been getting down to lower 50s at night now so I started closing my window at night a few nights ago. I wonder if that makes my room a bit warmer than the rest of the house. Hence the attractiveness of my bed for the cat.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Yo estoy diciendo felicidades a mi hermana!
I finally finished my research proposal!! I am so glad that is done. Now I can actually get back to studying. If I had my way there'd be no research project. I like reading the research, not particularly the completing of the research.
Genetics grades are posted.....but forgot to look. I guess they're not going to change between now and tomorrow.
Played football today and proved to my team that Yes! a girl can catch a football!! huh! (that was me flexing my nonexistant muscles right there.)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Yo estoy esperando.
Took my Genetics final today! I am so glad that class is over! I like the subject and the teacher is a nice person but as I teacher I could barely stand her. It was so difficult sitting through the class, which was a complete waste of time. It would have been more efficient to actually just skip the class and study genetics on my own for two hours. When I get home ask me and I´ll do an may be able to better understand why then.
Then I went and looked at some apartments. I liked one of them, but the girl I´m planning on living with will probably not like it so we´ll see.
Now I´m back at campus waiting for the time to play soccer!!!!! Who knows maybe i´ll score a gol!! this time.
Delta´s dad sent a huge box of guayabas a bit ago (one of those Christmas boxes of fruit type things) so now instead of cheese we´ve got guayabas coming out of our ears. I like to think that at least it´s healthier, but if I´m realistic; Rosa likes to cook the fruit in this syrupy liquid probably chalk full of calories so not really all that better for me.
Days are still getting rather warm here. The constant temps make time seem like it hasn´t passed at all. A few days this week we had some light fog settled over city in the morning. Putting a bounce in the step doesn´t make it seem that bad. By the end of the first class the sun is out and all fog disappeared so no worries, or as in the words of a wise doctor at my clinic "Don´t happy, be worry."
ay, ay Mexico!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Yo estoy lista para regresar un rato.
Saturday night after young group we had a bonfire. Yea! I was very pleased to experience a piece of autumnal festivities after all. I still ate my hot dog Mexican style though, complete with everything from mayonnaise to jalapenos. Yum!
There was a fiesta occurring on the road behind the church Saturday night. Loud music that I thought it would be hopeless to even try going to sleep. Put some different music in my ears (even though could still hear the other), and closed my eyes. I didn't even make it to the end of the first song; I was out. I woke up Sunday morning very, very disoriented. Not sure of the day, nor where I was. I even had to get up and look at the clock on the wall in the main room to assure myself of what time it was. I blame it on the smoke from the fire last night. That was a lot of smoke. Mexico grows some funky trees.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Yo estoy un poquito enferma.
After young group Saturday evening some of us older members went to help Nallely celebrate her birthday with pozole. Last summer when I had the pozole I didn't particularly care for it. After Saturday night I've decided that eating pozole is a Mexican art. I watched and learned. When to add the condiments and how much to add...and then here's the big one, what speed to eat it at. I went from still not liking it to enjoying it quite thoroughly.
Sunday after cutting up jalapeno for the salsa I was doing some reading and absentmindedly rubbed my eye. My eye was on fire! I ended up taking my contacts out which fueled the fire in both eyes now. It burned so bad it numbed my eyeballs. The worst lasted about 20 minutes. Moral of the story if you've cut up jalapenos in the last 2 hours and your eye has an itch...DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Yo estoy sangrando.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yo estoy bendicida.
Today I had a church service with a few other of my friends that attend the bible study on Wednesday. Afterwards we went and got 'breakfast.' I got the most lunchyish thing on the menu I could find being as it was 1 in the afternoon.
Rosa surprised me this afternoon. She had said she was going to get me a cake but when I turned the corner on the stairs coming down this is what I saw.
On a side note,
Last Wednesday, bible study was on the topic of the Sabbath. The topic was suggested and lead by my friend who is a Seventh Day Adventist. I was very nervous going into the bible study and praying for words. I've never been accused that my whole religion is wrong because I go to church on Sunday instead of Saturday, 7th day of the week, the Sabbath, before. I made sure I was as prepared as possible going into that bible study. In the end we were all still friends, praise the Lord. I was pleased with how the night went. It was uncomfortable at times but it was a topic causing dissenstion amongst us and needed to be addressed. Now it's been addressed and I feel we can move on together as Christians. Satan is not letting this be easy.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yo estoy la edad de 23.
I had a blessed birthday. There was a cake and a rose sitting at my spot when I got to class in the morning! Shared the cake, but still have a piece sitting next to me right now for later. My friend Triffinie made the cake and got me the rose. Of course the class sang (well those who were actually in class at the time sang). Why you would pay a lot of money to not show up at class is beyond me. I guess many of my classmates just understand much more clearer than myself, or just like to waste money on medical school of the two. My roommate Delta got me a personal cake too, Sanborns at that, the good stuff! Then some other friends took it upon themselves to help me celebrate and we spent the evening together keeping me out until midnight. No studying got done, but I am so thankful I had people here to help me celebrate being alive. Pamela as a joke had to "outdo" Triffinie's rose so bought me a sunflower off a street vendor for my gift. The fact that people actually gave me something kind of caught me off guard. I was really touched.
I just noticed it's not underlining anymore. Technology...sometimes I just don't know.
Turned in my absentee ballot today. All I can say is God help America!
Our futures as international students is so up in the air right now. My class is now being included in the lawsuit against the AMA. The UAG is trying to mess with our loans. And then trying to adhere to the requirements of two governments with their (especially Mexico) sometimes absolutely ridiculous requirements. For the first time I think maybe ever my future is grayer than ever before.
At least I'm learning a lot. And as long as I can I'll continue doing just that. One aspect that I love about being here in Mexico with an international class is the fact that half of what I'm learning has nothing to do with medicine but with people and life.
I've been dragging this post out because I've been waiting for a video to load, but it doesn't look like it's even close to being finished so I'll just explain it. Every day at about 4 in the afternoon the ice cream truck drives down my street spouting it's Cri Cri calling to all the little kids. I took a video (croutching behind my curtain so as not to be seen by the ice cream man) as the truck drove by one sunny afternoon. Just wanted to share a bit of Mexico with you all, but I guess no such luck.
Thanks for all of the emails, thoughts, and wishes I received on my birthday. They meant a lot.
God Bless you all,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Yo estoy una camaleon.
I had finished this post and then was kicked off the internet and the first paragraph is all that was saved. That is so frustrating. anyways I had talked about playing soccer yesterday. Mentioned how one of the other teams had an amazing player with beautiful ball handling skills. Then come to find out that not only had he been top US college player when he played for Ohio State but he played for Nigeria!!!!!! and I played against him. Of course I posed absolutely no threat to him whatsoever, but it was still fun to pretend.
Then I talked about how Ponce is back in Anatomy. oh boy, here we go again!
And I mentioned that Loren Schrenk is in Ixtlan for his eye clinic and therefore there is no room for me this coming weekend. Sad that I won't be there to help, but I guess prayer will be the best help anyways, and I can do that from here.
Then I finished with some corny comment about how now I'm even more behind schedule, but in reality it doesn't matter because this is Mexico and whoever heard of being on time let alone on schedule.
Now I'm going to post this before I am once again kicked off! Have a great day!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yo estoy una futbolista!!!!!!
Now after two hours of running around getting all nice and tired I'm home ready to start my long list of stuff that was supposed to be done! I feel like I'm in undergrad again. Long list of things to do but sure I'll play soccer!!!
And yet look at me...not doing my list but facebooking and blogging. oh well, might as well make the most of it.
Few things to mention:
On Sunday, I wasn't here at the time, but Delta's dad came to visit. He brought with him a lot of guyabas, pan, y queso. I was talking to Delta and when she told me were the huge (I'm talkin ginormous) hunk of cheese in the refrigerator came from I cracked up. I asked Delta the reason, if she really liked cheese or something, she said no she didn't really know the reason for it just that her dad gets excited about his cheese. Once again i cracked up.
Oh my I just looked at the time. I've got to go to bible study and I haven't even showered yet. Yikes!! i'll have to finish up filling in at a later date yet to be known.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Yo estoy en un ritmo.
Was in Ixtlan this weekend again. Huge fiesta going on celebrating St. Francis of Assisi (the town's saint). Fireworks all day and night long. The singing and chanting was endless also. I, thankfully, was able to sleep. Marshall unfortunately was not and used it in his sermon during church. He said he was just about ready to go down to the plaza and start preaching like Paul to anyone who'd listen. He didn't though. They'd probably all have been drunk anyways.
Waiting at the parada for the bus to go back to Guadalajara I noticed the geysers going off so I took a picture. They did afterall give Ixtlan it's spot on the map, not to mention it's namesake.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Yo estoy sentiendo las tensiones.
I am getting better though. However there is one guy in my class from Puerto Rico, Edwin, and I can't for the life of me understand him. He's from the mountains of Puerto Rico so has a specific accent 1)doesn't say his S's (all Puerto Ricans do that though) 2) talks rather quiet 3)has a sort of singsongy voice; in other words slurs everything together. So I've got someone talking quietly slurring everything together without pronouncing every syllable it's like a whole new language. there's Spanish and then there's Edwin's Spanish.
Praying for you all!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Yo estoy aca con una lista de cosas para hacer.
Another round of exams started this week. Had biochem today. So now I'm taking the time to do all the things that I've let slide opting to study instead.
I wore long sleeves this morning, it was very exciting. When I go back to campus for lab I will no longer need them, but it was nice this morning. Last night when I was studying I even had to close my window which I haven't had to do yet (it could have just been my body temp dropping telling me to get some sleep but oh well).
Tomorrow's October!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yo estoy feliz.
As of yesterday bible study is underway. I did stand up in class and make the announcement and thankfully no one threw tomatoes. We had seven people last night (8 if you include the daughter of one of my classmates who came). Then standing around and talking this morning a few talked to me about coming next week. I have a feeling it'll vary between weeks, but that's okay. It'll be exciting to see where God takes this.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Yo estoy agradecida.
It was raining after lab today so I ran home. When I approached the gate to my house I saw a boy sitting by it. Still closer and I saw Delta was sitting with him. My first thought was that she either forgot her key this morning or lost it and so was locked out and the guy had offered to wait with her in the rain till I came. Cute! However, when I asked what had happened Delta said nothing that they were fine so I went on in and left them to continue their conversation sitting there in the rain. Awww, even cuter.
Yo estoy riendo.
Walking to Marshall and Jan's once the bus dropped me off in Ixtlan I saw a little boy learning to ride his bike. Unfortunately he was attempting to learn while riding downhill. The hole in the toe of his shoe was being made increasingly larger as he was using it as a break desperately trying to go as slow as possible.
I was told that Sunday morning when everyone was getting to church one of the older young boys (if that makes sense) approached Bro. Regg Beer and the first thing he asked was if I was there that day. When the story was relayed to me it made my day. I take it as a sign that I'm starting to be recognized and accepted in Ixtlan. Smile!!!
Didn't get home till much later than usual due to 1)missing the bus 2) an accident on the road 3) rain, of course. However, my taxi driver made it all worth it. He talked with me almost the whole ride. In addition, I got serenaded!! I was a bit flabbergasted sitting in the back seat thinking is this man really singing for me?!?! He sang a couple things for me including, he said, Frank Sinatra and Glenn Miller orchestra even though I didn't recognize either. Then halfway through the ride he started asking me questions that we had already gone over at the beginning. At that time I could hardly believe my luck... a taxi driver that sings and has memory loss!! I just prayed his cognitive maps weren't affected. They weren't and I got home just fine.
Ready to start another week.
Friday, September 19, 2008
"We party when we pass the puddle!"
So I guess fall has pretty much started back at home. I forgot about the fact that seasons occur because here in Gdl it still feels the same as the day I got here. I had never thought about missing my favorite time of year. Element of sadness.
One of my classmates had his car stolen. Another had his windows all bashed in. Yea for Mexico huh! Sometimes I wonder why I'm excited about bringing my car down here. Then I make another trip to Ixtlan via taxis and buses and I'm reminded why. Plus my little beat up car couldn't possibly attract bad guys....i pray at least.
I've decided to start a bible study. I'm talking to some of my classmates and there's some interest. We'll start next week. I'm going to make an announcement next week because we can't talk personally to each classmate. i can't help but be nervous. I know there are Muslims and other religions present. And even though I won't mean offense it'll be an inevitable by product. In addition there will probably be those who'll automatically hate me and I'll be given a stereotype. I just have to keep reminding myself what is more important, and as a Christian what am I called to do. I give this meager effort to Jesus, may He use it, and use me, as He sees fit.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Yo estoy aca otra vez.
I just got back from Ixtlan. Some news from there. Bro. Matt Gerber was announced to sis. Ruth Cervantes. Very exciting news in Ixtlan. Marshall had hernia surgery a bit ago. He's recovering very nicely.
It was a blessing to be able to spend the extra time in Ixtlan. Yesterday I attended the girls bible study and afterwards we were invited over to the guesthouse for a fiesta. We all wore red, white, and green. Even painted our faces. We broke out the party favors and balloons. I had squeezed some lemonade to bring which was promptly died green to go with the red agua de jamaica and white horchata. Food was plentiful. couldn't quite finish my chili, it was too hot for me. I took comfort when I saw that the majority of people who had taken chilis couldn't finish them. I learned after the fact that half the plate had been hot and the other half not so hot.
Left early from Ixtlan to make it back early.
God Bless,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yo estoy lista para una fiesta...o para estudiar mas.
Today sitting in Biochem all of a sudden Dr. Lozano (he's back teaching us again; YES!) said okay it's 8:45 go to the ceremony and come back. We all looked at each other like...what's he talking about???? Turns out the school had an Independence Day ceremony for everyone. Energy was very high on campus throughout the day! Everyone's ready for the long weekend. Only half the class showed up for anatomy class after lunch break. The half that did show up was very lethargic. About 6 people were sleeping and about 6 got up and walked out before the end of class. I'm not a fan of neurology and that's basically what the brain is so it's rather hard to stay interested myself.
PMC was pretty slow tonight. Didn't get out till late because right at 8 when we were packing up to leave, the lab results and x rays came back for a patient we had seen earlier and the resident wanted us to stay.
I'm listening to Wicked right now and really want to defy some gravity.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Yo estoy echando de menos los praise singings a ISU.
Took a walk with my roommate to Plaza Mexico to buy some toothpaste. She needed some colored paper and asked if I wanted to go. We had good conversation. The only problem is that Delta talks very fast. And sometimes I'd hear something not what she was saying. For example, she needed colored paper (hoja de color) I thought she was asking for flowered paper (hoja de flor). Flowered, colored mas o menos es el mismo no? (translation = more or less same thing right?)
I have good news! Next Tuesday, Sept. 16th, is Mexico's independence day. So we had a holiday scheduled. Unfortunately we also had an embryology exam on Monday. However, all the other semesters were wiggling their way out of classes on Monday so...... our exam has been moved to Wednesday and classes cancelled on Monday. Turns out if some of the professors don't have to come the rest don't want to come either. Hey no argument here. Some of my classmates weren't happy about the change being as the Tuesday is a Mexican holiday and Mexicans can really through a party. They want to join in the celebration and therefore would be in no condition to take an exam on Wednesday. Oh well, welcome to med school huh? We've got a lifetime of sacrifices ahead of us might as well start now! I felt a little (alright a lot) out numbered being one of the very few excited about the news! I guess I'm weird, but what else is new.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Yo estoy emocianada por el fin de la semana.
I finally learned that I am not the youngest in the class. whew! I didn't like feeling like the youngest. I learned that at least two of my friends are 21 and one is even 20. Get this, the 20 year old showed us all up on the Biochem partial this past Monday. ouch!
We are currently playing switch-a-roo teachers in our classes. First of all embryology was new this week. The first six days were taught by a lady doctor, can't recall her name. To put it short and sweet i'm glad she only taught for six days.... a lot of us were. Today Dr. Maltez took over Embryo. He's a great teacher, but his English leaves something to be desired that I'd rather he just stuck to spanish. It'd be much easier to understand him in a language where he could actually pronounce the words correctly, but the nonspanish speakers would quickly stop coming to class so I guess we're stuck with his english. Dra. Pacheco has taken over biochem. You can tell she loves what she's teaching and can answer pretty much any question we've got. Today Dr. Sherwood started teaching in Anatomy. He actually taught us! What a great change to have in Anatomy lecture. however, I'm afraid the bones of the skull are so boring that ever Dr. Sherwood couldn't keep me from getting bored towards the end.
The sun has finally reappeared this week after about two weeks of gray. Much nicer to sit in the sunshine than the damp chilly grayness. Trouble is the daily temps are now reaching the 80s. Funny thing: the Puerto Ricans are still cold.
My parents brought me our family banana bread recipe for me last weekend. I went to the store Tuesday and chickened out. 1) i would have had to lug everything home walking and 2)you can't just buy 1/2 cup of oil and 1 cup sugar, etc... I didn't want to have to buy more than I needed. So I went to the bakery and bought some marbled bread instead. It's satisfactory, but just not my banana bread. When i get an apartment and have a place to put baking supplies i'll try again. That's a long time to wait for banana bread.
Much love everyone,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
yo estoy estudiando.
medical school = a means to perfecting the afore mentioned verb
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yo estoy poquito celosa
Monday, September 1, 2008
Yo estoy agotadame.
When I got on the bus to come back to Gdl. the seat I sat in did not stay in an upright position, and I needed to study so I moved over one. However, when it became to dark to see what I was reading anymore I switched gears and tried to lay the seat back. It wouldn't budge. How ironic. In other words the hour of sleep I was hoping to get on the bus went out the window. I got home about 10:30 very tired yet ready to study some more. I took the test at 8 this morning realizing that I did what I could and the rest was going to have to be left up to God. I'm content with that realization, because even though it drastically cut into my studying I wouldn't have had my weekend any other way.
I had such a blessed weekend with my family on the beach of Puerto Vallarta. Whether it was riding a banana boat with Uncle Joe, Aunt Karen, Mom and Dad or eating my ice cream cone before it dripped down my hand praise God nothing is impossible.
As everyone else had Labor day off today Mexico unfortunately did not so I sat in my classroom struggling through Biochem thinking...ohhh they should be in the air by now. ADD is quite annoying when you're trying to take an exam.
Here's a few more pictures from the weekend.
The couple.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yo estoy estudiando todavia.
Monday, August 25, 2008
yo estoy dejando mi tarea para mas tarde.
i am procrastinating. I just looked out my window and saw it dark outside. When I started procrastinating it was still light. I think I've been playing mahjong a bit too long. Oops!
I've got my first exam coming up on Wednesday. It's my cell bio final. I've got a set of 250 questions to start going through. I'm not as motivated because I have a good basic knowledge of textbook cell bio already. It's the whole medical cell bio approach that I've got to study for and that's a bit confusing and daunting. Don't exactly know how to go about that. I guess I'll figure it out sooner or later.
I'm a bit tired of the rainy season here in Gdl. I've never lived in a place with a "rainy season" before. I think there's about a month more of it.
I'm coming up with a lack of stuff to say. I'm pretty much in a routine now so everything seems ordinary now, and nothing really sticks out.
I was in Ixtlan again last weekend. Some of the sisters were coming to Gdl, leaving on Monday at 5am and offered me a ride. unfortunately my classes start at 8 and I would not have gotten home in time so I just rode the bus back. Another comment about the rain....rained hard during the trip that by the time we arrived at Gdl the low roads were flooded. Praise the Lord for huge heavy buses because at one point the water was really, really high. Any luggage under the bus was wet if not ruined.
I brought a piece of Jan's Texas cake home with me yesterday. It was very, very good! Excelente!! Rosa is a healthy person so dessert is very rare other than fruit. Man I miss my sweets.
Okay, maybe I should attempt once again to be a good medical student, peace out.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Yo estoy a casa.
The other day I made a trip to the center with one of my classmates. Started raining when we got to the PMC office. by the time we left the roads were flowing like a river. Thankfully my friend drives a truck. No way could a car have survived. Then the smell hit us. The sewers were overflowing with so much water they had pushed open the manholes and were spurting upwards. It looked like water fountains dotting the roads. We made it through and home. I just wish I'd had my camera with me because my words don't come close to describing it.
Funny side note. Everyday in Anatomy, Ponce opens class by asking questions, in other words you got to know the material for the day ahead of time. I had left some studying to do during my break today, but unfortunately had forgotten that today we didn't have a break but rather our IPM class so I was not prepared to answer questions in the depth that Ponce likes them. Of course he calls my name from the list...
Crude I say under my breath. "Here!" accompanied by a half-hearted raise of my hand.
Ponce looks down. "Tawill...Patrick?"
and that was the end of it. I couldn't believe it. It makes me laugh even now. Ponce's never let anyone off the hook like that before. Thank you Lord!! (said with extra emphasis on the last word).
I've got to go study Anatomy now. Ponce decided to combine some of his lectures, so in other words I've three days of work to prepare for tomorrow. ugh!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Yo estoy una surfista!!!...o una alemana.
Things are really getting busy. One of my professors/doctors keeps telling us that there should be no reason for us to not get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. Who is he kidding!!! How did he pass med school getting that much sleep. There's way too much to learn and to put it simply...not enough time to learn it in. I'll be glad when the Olympics are over. Then I can stop wasting time on the internet looking up results. Go USA!! Mexico has one bronze at the moment. Go Mexico!!
I wore an ISU shirt on campus today and walking to class I got booed at by some guys in my class. Apparently one of them had attended Creighton in the US. Definitely was not expecting hostility and it caught me by surprise. They were only joking, but I think I'll wear my shirt more often from now on.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Yo estoy escuchando a la musica de los vecinos.
I've actually got some stuff to write about for once so hold on to your pantalones.
We started cutting the cadavers yesterday. It took me a second before I could actually start. I mean, the man laying on the table in front of me had a name, had a life once upon a time. Once i got started it was no problem. One is so intent on the task ahead of them that peripheral peaks to the man's face cease and all of a sudden time's up.
Ironic thing though. When I got home, Rosa had some chicken for supper. It's not polite to use your hands so I picked up my knife and fork and hacked away for the second time that day. jaja! okay, that was a bit crude wasn't it? Please for give if I offended. It was certainly not intentional.
Today I had my CIAP course in the morning. We got the results from the psych exam we took during orientation. You know, the one's that told us we are all crazy for thinking we could do something like this :) My results kind of surprised me and I've got some disagreements, but for the most part it nailed me right on the head. I'm going to quote my favorite part for you.
"Their private reactions are often vivid and intense, and sometimes quite unpredictable to others. These private reactions seldom show in their faces, and even when dealing with a crisis, they can look calm and composed. Not until you know them very well do you discover that behind their outer calm they are looking at things from an intensely individual angle, often a delightfully humorous one."
So I started my PMC today. Went to the hospital, Hospital del Angel Leano (HAL). So apparently this hospital is out in the outskirts of the city, plus it's a teaching hospital so I saw a grand total of 2 patients. Oh well, I practiced some vitals and got to know some other UAG students and some of the doctors. Oh my word though. In general I am shocked at what I saw today. Shocked. The doctora that is supervising me is a mess. If I saw her on the street, not in a million years would I guess her to be a doctor. But most of all the whole drug situation was what really did it. Dra. Martinez opened the drug cabinet. Bags and boxes of drug samples just thrown in on the floors no organization whatsoever. Boxes old and smashed (given to the patients in that condition too). When Dra. Martinez couldn't find some drugs she was looking for she went over to her purse and started pulling out box after box of drugs. i mean what is she doing with all them? Handing them out to her friends......I wouldn't be surprised. To top it all off both Dr. Iberri and Dra. Martinez loaded their patients up with drugs. Dr. Iberri gave his patient about four prescriptions for a bit of acid reflux, probably the start of an ulcer. Dra. Martinez loaded her poor patient who couldn't even see well enough to read the boxes up with six different drugs. She's not going to remembering what she's supposed to do (being she can't even read the boxes let all the doctora's instructions) take the wrong one's at the wrong time and die. Either that or someone on the street will she her walking by, bag bulging with drugs and rob her. The whole time I'm thinking....what am I getting myself into?
Interesting and very ironic tidbit. The black market can be found on San Juan de Dios. Talk about polar opposites. My friend had her side mirrors stolen off her car and was wondering where she could find them again.
Well, I'm going to stop cuz I want to sleep before i have to get up. No that's an exaggeration, but it's been a long day and I want to sleep. Got lots of thinking and mentally planning to do.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Yo estoy emocionada.
We were about to start on the cadavers in lab today, but they hadn't been set out to drain/dry in the morning so were still too wet. Oh well, tomorrow.
Campus is so much more busy and crowded now that the Latins have started.
I've got to study.
P.S. If anyone has a specific question about something post it in a comment or email me. Feel free. Love ya all!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Yo estoy escuchando musica.
Weekend went well. Meet Marshall and his nieces at the airport for a ride out to Ixtlan on Saturday. Starting to know a few more people there.
Got a new roommate yesterday. Well, we've got our own rooms, but you know what I mean. Her name is Delta. She started her classes today. She is part of the medical program for Latin students here at UAG. She is from Aguascalientes, about 3 hours from here.
I've got Anatomy lab to add to my list of classes. It was on the schedule for everyday, but they told us that when we have PMC we won't have lab. so we figured it would be on one of the other four days. Apparently not. We've got Anatomy lab 2 hours a day 4 days a week. I'm on campus 9 hours a day. Ugh!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Yo estoy llena.
Another story about how God is providing for me. I was in need of some scrubs which run about 3 times more expensive here than in the states. A girl in my class, Lori, tall like me, offered me a pair of hers saying she had tons at home. Today she hands me not one but one and a half sets of scrubs. Now Lori is tall but she is also very skinny, but I'm in no position to be picky so I accepted them. Turns out they'll do just fine. Praise the Lord! He just saved me about 700 pesos. God bless Lori.
I'm going to Ixtlan again this weekend. Very excited!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
yo estoy medica
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
yo estoy cansada.
Hope you all enjoyed the picture that I was finally able to post this morning. I have a break at the moment so I thought I'd come home and study/pass the time before returning for Anatomy. Since I've got some time I'll fill you in on my professors.
1) Biochemistry: 2hrs a day, 5 days a week, all semester long
Dr. Lorzano is the main doctor (We'll have another who specializes in carbs when the time comes). He is nice. No complaints. In addition to the book we have like a class notes book (actually it's divided into 5 different's that huge) which helps guide us in our studying and also for following in class.
2) Cell Biology: 2hrs a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks*
Dr. Hughes is the doctor. He is American. Was educated at the UAG like us. He is nice to have for first semester cuz he's got advice and recommendations that he randomly throws out gathered from his experiences of moving to Mexico. He's full of jokes. (I have heard some complaints from fellow classmates that his jokes are taking away from him actually teaching us. I do see their point but personally have no complaints yet.
3) Anatomy: 2 hrs a day, 5 days a week, all semester
Dr. Ponce is the doctor. Can anyone say jerk? Ponce is a plastic surgeon. Way over the top stuck on himself. and Mexican through and through. If you've ever lived or visited Mexico you'd understand that, but for those who haven't let's just say that his comments about his female students made me rather uncomfortable. Ugh! I sit in the back and am going to keep it that way. Plus he admits that he thinks our lives revolve around him and his class. Whatever, at least i like the subject.
*Cell is followed by embryology which is then followed by genetics.
i am also meeting a wide range of classmates. I sit next to Liz; very heavy New Yorker accent.
Trrifinie is here with 6 of her 7 kids all in an apartment; 5 of which are staying. Daffydd was not ashamed to admit that he screamed when given his immunizations. Pratik let me call home on his computer. Amelia (who had her interview same day as me). Amelia and Pratik are always together. I've hung out with them a couple of times. Steve was a teacher/football coach in Texas for 4 years. Joseph from California lives with relatives here and is always with Steve. Feroz i can't really describe in a sentence but I think he'll be a great doctor someday. There's Josue. There's Adriana. Jason is from Greece. Luis lives with his parents (His dad transferred to Guadalajara when he was accepted.) Then there's the Puerto Ricans and a bunch of people I haven't met or either know enough to comment on.
i should go. I've got Anatamy.
love ya,
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yo estoy una jamon!
....okay well I had a picture of me to put here but either the internet service or my computer is pretending to be weird and deciding not to load the sorry about that
maybe I'll try again tomorrow even though second day of school isn't near as cool.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yo estoy pensando en mi hogar.
Two friends that I've known basically my whole life are getting married today. Congratulations to Seth and Jenn! My prayers are with them and I wish them all God's blessings.
In addition, two new cousins have recently been legally added to our Stoller family. Alissa and Zae are up from Texas visiting in Illinois with their parents (Scott and Jennie). I have never met them and yet know that I love them.
Much love to all back home,
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Yo estoy lista para el comienzo de mis clases. Sino, primero, necesito mis libros.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Yo estoy a Jane Austen.
I'll start with the pictures that I said I was going to post.
This first picture is of me and my angel, Cristina. (see previous post for explanation). Praise God for answered prayers.
This is a picture of my room at Chichimecas 698, Guadalajara, JAL (forget the zipcode), Mexico.
Friday: Set off to find the Santander Serfin ATM with only a vague idea of where I was going. I found it only because God turned my feet. Deciding to look in between the stores at Plaza Mexico was not any idea of mine. God has truly been directing my path one step at a time. I tell you, blindly jumping off a cliff trusting only in the fact that it's what God has asked of you brings the fact that God is alive and willing to catch you new meaning. You understand even better what Noah went through to build an ark or for Peter to get up and run. May I forever run like the apostles did.
Saturday and Sunday: Went to Ixtlan for the weekend. I am so excited about my brothers and sisters here in Mexico. The weekend was such a blessing that it makes the cost so worth it. I was a bit surprised but since I live in the exact opposite corner of Guadalajara than the bus station the taxi fare is double that of the bus fare. Since Marshall and Jan's eldest daughter and son-in-law was visiting I spent the night with a local family of members, the Gonzalez's (Berta and daughters Claudia y Mage (the only two living at home)). Am definitely looking forward to going back.
Monday: First day of orientation. Welcome to medical school which starts today and lasts for the rest of your life. Today was actually rather boring with speaker after speaker after speaker. Finally got to actually meet some people at lunch. They even had a live mariachi band for us. Got a ride home with one of my classmates.
Tuesday: Today was registration and a spanish proficiency exam. I had a bit of trouble with my tuition, so when I finally got it figured out it was too late to finish. Let me explain. There were 11 stations that I needed to go to (11 parts for a complete registration). Got everything done but the station titled scholar and cashier. I had to have the receipts from the cashier to give to the scholar people so was sent across the campus to take care of it. By the time I got back the scholar people had left. Argh. They told me could take care of it the following day, but you know what that means....I had to take care of it the following day.
Wednesday: Orientation today was at the medical school campus (ICB) close to me. Glad that I no longer had to go over to the CU. After the personality exam they gave us I set off to figure out what the scholar people had wanted. Got sent three different places but finally ended up where I needed to be with someone who knew what I was about and took care of whatever it was that I had missed the day before. This day was also my White Coat Ceremony. It was odd. I had always thought my family was going to be with me for stuff like this. It was bitterly reaffirmed to me that yes I am alone here. They presented coats to us 7 at a time. During my time I was a bit uncomfortable to stand and smile knowing that it was for the benefit of the other six standing with me who were having pictures taken. After the ceremony I was walking by outside and a lady (who saw I was walking by myself without a camera) offered to take my picture. I gave her my email so if the picture gets sent to me then I'll have a picture of the first time I wore my bata blanca complete with patch and all.
Thursday: Today was long. My class and I are going through an intense power reading course. By the end of the 4 hours today I was up to 1,124 words a minute (I had started at 200). Granted my comprehension was down to about 20% but we are going to work on that part tomorrow. Also had my send exam of medical school today. It was on computers! If I did well enough I'll be exempted from the class. If not....well, I guess I'll be taking a computer class. We also had our clinical placings today. Due to the fact that my last name begins with an S I am in the last group meaning my clinic will be on Fridays. (Side note about names. In Illinois lots of names begin with S and R and such letters later on in the alphabet and not so many at the begining with A and the like. It is the exact opposite here. As a rough estimate A-C =1/4 of the class, D-G = 1/4 of the class, H-M=1/4 of the class and then N-Z constitutes the last 1/4. i think there's 109 in my class. I'm like 102. something like that. I wasn't expecting to be such and oddity. I'm tall, white, and my name is Stoller....can anyone say extranjera?) Another girl in my class named Trrifinie (she has moved here with 6 of her 7 kids) is also on Fridays. She drove down here so she has a vehicle. We made sure that we signed up for the same clinical spot so that I've got a ride. She wanted to go to the hospital since it was the only location that provided protection for your car. Since I was the one along for the ride I agreed even though I'd rather go to one of the local clinics, but I've got four semesters of this; I'll go to the hospital this time and next time when I've got my own mode of transport I'll go to another location. Once I got back home Rosa's nephew, Raul, came over to help set up the internet. so now I can finally feel connected again. Get this, I ate 'lunch' today at about 6:30 - 7:00. it consisted of food that Rosa had left out for me. I don't want to know when she had actually made it.
Well, I'm slowly making some friends. I haven't completely hit it off with anyone yet, but then I haven't even met everyone yet either. I haven't meet another Christian yet either. I have a feeling I'm going to be labeled the Jesus praisin', bible thumpin', hallelujah raisin' freak of the class. Not going to make friends too easily with a stereotype like that. Satan isn't going to let this be easy for me. Oh well, if I must I must. But like I said I haven't even met everyone yet.
Well, Jane Austen could have done a much better job at writing this post, but I've done my best in her place.
Loving you all, and missing you all,
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yo estoy explorando.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
nueva amiga
Yo estoy viviendo en Guadalajara.
I will post a picture of my room and my angel once Sra. Rosa gets internet in the house and I can access it with my own computer.
once again, may God bless you all exceedingly for your prayers
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My first day
I pray that in a few days or weeks or months when I have everything figured out I can look back at my first few days in Guadalajara and laugh at myself when my faith was so weak all I wanted was to cry and go home.
Now today I've got to find a way to get to the school.....and then I'll go from there.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Yo estoy ir a Mexico
Whelp I guess I'm finally going! Who would have thunk it? My plane leaves 8:45 am Monday, 21 July, 2008. Hence, my time is running short. I am very tired from no sleep last night, but I can't take a nap (I'm afraid I won't wake up again) yet my list is still very long.
To top it all off, I don't even know how to pack to move permanently. I've always moved to places close to home so twas aright if I forgot something and I was able to move in stages. Now its two bags that's it. yikes! Doesn't help that I've got a dress code to adhere to limiting what I want to take by items that I have to take.
In addition, I have no idea what I'm doing once I get to Guadalajara. I have no place to stay and currently not even a hotel reservation. Lord, what am I doing?
Anyways, getting to my point. I already am missing all of my friends and family here in the states and I haven't even left yet. This blog is to let you all know I'll never forget. As much as I feel my heart belongs to Mexico, being honest with myself, there's a part of it claimed by Central Illinois too.
Loving you all,
Here's praying that God knows what He's doing with me!!