Friday, September 19, 2008

"We party when we pass the puddle!"

We had a horrible rain this evening. It took me two hours to get home from the hospital!! Two hours! Que horible! Just when I think the rains can't get any worse God surprises me yet again. I know that rain is to be a gift of God, but let me tell you....Guadalajara is absolutely spoilled!!!!

So I guess fall has pretty much started back at home. I forgot about the fact that seasons occur because here in Gdl it still feels the same as the day I got here. I had never thought about
missing my favorite time of year. Element of sadness.

One of my classmates had his car stolen. Another had his windows all bashed in. Yea for Mexico huh! Sometimes I wonder why I'm excited about bringing my car down here. Then I make another trip to Ixtlan via taxis and buses and I'm reminded why. Plus my little beat up car couldn't possibly attract bad guys....i pray at least.

I've decided to start a bible study. I'm talking to some of my classmates and there's some interest. We'll start next week. I'm going to make an announcement next week because we can't talk personally to each classmate. i can't help but be nervous. I know there are Muslims and other religions present. And even though I won't mean offense it'll be an inevitable by product. In addition there will probably be those who'll automatically hate me and I'll be given a stereotype. I just have to keep reminding myself what is more important, and as a Christian what am I called to do. I give this meager effort to Jesus, may He use it, and use me, as He sees fit.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Yay Christy! I'm so proud of you and will be praying for you!