Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yo estoy aca con una lista de cosas para hacer.

The weather this past weekend was absolutely fabulous! It made me so happy. I was even able to be productive, and not constantly be distracted by it.

Another round of exams started this week. Had biochem today. So now I'm taking the time to do all the things that I've let slide opting to study instead.

I wore long sleeves this morning, it was very exciting. When I go back to campus for lab I will no longer need them, but it was nice this morning. Last night when I was studying I even had to close my window which I haven't had to do yet (it could have just been my body temp dropping telling me to get some sleep but oh well).

Tomorrow's October!!!!



Tara said...

Yay for cold weather! It is getting chilly up here. How cold does it get during winters down there? Are you going to be as seasonless as I was growing up? Glad to hear there is such interest in the Bible study as well!

Christy said...

Yup! Guadalajara's just about as seasonless as they come.