Friday, September 12, 2008

Yo estoy lista para una fiesta...o para estudiar mas.

Yesterday I basically had the day off school. As a first semester student I was invited (along with my whole class) to this party/carnival on the main campus. I went; got a free shirt!! But seeing as I didn't drive I was at the mercy of the people I was with so I grinned and went along with whatever everyone else wanted. I didn't get home till much later than I'd wanted. I'm here for more than just to be a doctor, but to form relationships and be a light. I felt Thursday was a day I needed to put the "forming relationships" before the "getting grades" part.

Today sitting in Biochem all of a sudden Dr. Lozano (he's back teaching us again; YES!) said okay it's 8:45 go to the ceremony and come back. We all looked at each other like...what's he talking about???? Turns out the school had an Independence Day ceremony for everyone. Energy was very high on campus throughout the day! Everyone's ready for the long weekend. Only half the class showed up for anatomy class after lunch break. The half that did show up was very lethargic. About 6 people were sleeping and about 6 got up and walked out before the end of class. I'm not a fan of neurology and that's basically what the brain is so it's rather hard to stay interested myself.

PMC was pretty slow tonight. Didn't get out till late because right at 8 when we were packing up to leave, the lab results and x rays came back for a patient we had seen earlier and the resident wanted us to stay.

I'm listening to Wicked right now and really want to defy some gravity.


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