Monday, September 22, 2008

Yo estoy riendo.

I succeeded in not studying all weekend. It was great!!!

Walking to Marshall and Jan's once the bus dropped me off in Ixtlan I saw a little boy learning to ride his bike. Unfortunately he was attempting to learn while riding downhill. The hole in the toe of his shoe was being made increasingly larger as he was using it as a break desperately trying to go as slow as possible.

I was told that Sunday morning when everyone was getting to church one of the older young boys (if that makes sense) approached Bro. Regg Beer and the first thing he asked was if I was there that day. When the story was relayed to me it made my day. I take it as a sign that I'm starting to be recognized and accepted in Ixtlan. Smile!!!

Didn't get home till much later than usual due to 1)missing the bus 2) an accident on the road 3) rain, of course. However, my taxi driver made it all worth it. He talked with me almost the whole ride. In addition, I got serenaded!! I was a bit flabbergasted sitting in the back seat thinking is this man really singing for me?!?! He sang a couple things for me including, he said, Frank Sinatra and Glenn Miller orchestra even though I didn't recognize either. Then halfway through the ride he started asking me questions that we had already gone over at the beginning. At that time I could hardly believe my luck... a taxi driver that sings and has memory loss!! I just prayed his cognitive maps weren't affected. They weren't and I got home just fine.

Ready to start another week.


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