Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yo estoy practicando.

My certification is tomorrow, and for some reason I'm more nervous about it than I am about exams. I'm practicing in my room and feel rather ridiculous, because i feel like I'm trying to conduct an invisible orchestra, and the music is not turning out so great.

When I first moved simply walking up the hill that is my road would render me out of breath. Earlier this evening I took a jog up the hill without losing my breath. High altitudes does wonders for the body. Take me back down to flat Illinois and I could probably finish a marathon no problems.....NOT! One problem I've found attempting to run the streets in Gdl is that the sidewalks are for the most part in rather poor shape demanding constant attention to keep from tripping. However, my height was definitely not made for Mexico. If I'm not looking up my head gets whacked by a branch. In other words, I must look up and down at the same time. If someone figures out a way to do this please let me know.

The other day I got home and thinking no one else was home I went into the kitchen and started warming up some food. Having my mp3 player in my ears I happily sang along, stomped my feet, did a twirl here and there. On one of those twirls I saw Delta standing in the doorway. Man, that was embarrassing. But she assured me that she had just gotten home and hadn't been listening. Oh well, she already knew I was weird before; I just cemented the fact.


Tara said...

Ha ha ha! :-) I loved this post. This is the Christy I know and love! It's amazing what roommates learn about each other. And I can just picture you walking down the street trying to look up and down at the same time.

I hope and pray that your what-did-you-call-it goes well! I can't wait to see you!

Kaleigh said...

Aww Christy you make me smile :) I'll be praying for your certification exam and yeah I don't think I could help ya out on the running w/o tripping or hitting your head thing... :)

Love ya, miss ya and can't wait to see ya!!