The weather this past weekend was absolutely fabulous! It made me so happy. I was even able to be productive, and not constantly be distracted by it.
Another round of exams started this week. Had biochem today. So now I'm taking the time to do all the things that I've let slide opting to study instead.
I wore long sleeves this morning, it was very exciting. When I go back to campus for lab I will no longer need them, but it was nice this morning. Last night when I was studying I even had to close my window which I haven't had to do yet (it could have just been my body temp dropping telling me to get some sleep but oh well).
Tomorrow's October!!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yo estoy feliz.
Well, I got to campus today and the door to our classroom was locked. It was soon unlocked only to find that there was no electricity. Apparently the whole campus was powerless. So like good med school students we stood around and talked for awhile till news came that classes were canceled until 1...unless power still isn't on by then. So I am home awaiting the appointed time when I can call up to the campus to see if the power is on. I can't decide if I want class or not.
As of yesterday bible study is underway. I did stand up in class and make the announcement and thankfully no one threw tomatoes. We had seven people last night (8 if you include the daughter of one of my classmates who came). Then standing around and talking this morning a few talked to me about coming next week. I have a feeling it'll vary between weeks, but that's okay. It'll be exciting to see where God takes this.
As of yesterday bible study is underway. I did stand up in class and make the announcement and thankfully no one threw tomatoes. We had seven people last night (8 if you include the daughter of one of my classmates who came). Then standing around and talking this morning a few talked to me about coming next week. I have a feeling it'll vary between weeks, but that's okay. It'll be exciting to see where God takes this.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Yo estoy agradecida.
Quick cute story
It was raining after lab today so I ran home. When I approached the gate to my house I saw a boy sitting by it. Still closer and I saw Delta was sitting with him. My first thought was that she either forgot her key this morning or lost it and so was locked out and the guy had offered to wait with her in the rain till I came. Cute! However, when I asked what had happened Delta said nothing that they were fine so I went on in and left them to continue their conversation sitting there in the rain. Awww, even cuter.
It was raining after lab today so I ran home. When I approached the gate to my house I saw a boy sitting by it. Still closer and I saw Delta was sitting with him. My first thought was that she either forgot her key this morning or lost it and so was locked out and the guy had offered to wait with her in the rain till I came. Cute! However, when I asked what had happened Delta said nothing that they were fine so I went on in and left them to continue their conversation sitting there in the rain. Awww, even cuter.
Yo estoy riendo.
I succeeded in not studying all weekend. It was great!!!
Walking to Marshall and Jan's once the bus dropped me off in Ixtlan I saw a little boy learning to ride his bike. Unfortunately he was attempting to learn while riding downhill. The hole in the toe of his shoe was being made increasingly larger as he was using it as a break desperately trying to go as slow as possible.
I was told that Sunday morning when everyone was getting to church one of the older young boys (if that makes sense) approached Bro. Regg Beer and the first thing he asked was if I was there that day. When the story was relayed to me it made my day. I take it as a sign that I'm starting to be recognized and accepted in Ixtlan. Smile!!!
Didn't get home till much later than usual due to 1)missing the bus 2) an accident on the road 3) rain, of course. However, my taxi driver made it all worth it. He talked with me almost the whole ride. In addition, I got serenaded!! I was a bit flabbergasted sitting in the back seat thinking is this man really singing for me?!?! He sang a couple things for me including, he said, Frank Sinatra and Glenn Miller orchestra even though I didn't recognize either. Then halfway through the ride he started asking me questions that we had already gone over at the beginning. At that time I could hardly believe my luck... a taxi driver that sings and has memory loss!! I just prayed his cognitive maps weren't affected. They weren't and I got home just fine.
Ready to start another week.
Walking to Marshall and Jan's once the bus dropped me off in Ixtlan I saw a little boy learning to ride his bike. Unfortunately he was attempting to learn while riding downhill. The hole in the toe of his shoe was being made increasingly larger as he was using it as a break desperately trying to go as slow as possible.
I was told that Sunday morning when everyone was getting to church one of the older young boys (if that makes sense) approached Bro. Regg Beer and the first thing he asked was if I was there that day. When the story was relayed to me it made my day. I take it as a sign that I'm starting to be recognized and accepted in Ixtlan. Smile!!!
Didn't get home till much later than usual due to 1)missing the bus 2) an accident on the road 3) rain, of course. However, my taxi driver made it all worth it. He talked with me almost the whole ride. In addition, I got serenaded!! I was a bit flabbergasted sitting in the back seat thinking is this man really singing for me?!?! He sang a couple things for me including, he said, Frank Sinatra and Glenn Miller orchestra even though I didn't recognize either. Then halfway through the ride he started asking me questions that we had already gone over at the beginning. At that time I could hardly believe my luck... a taxi driver that sings and has memory loss!! I just prayed his cognitive maps weren't affected. They weren't and I got home just fine.
Ready to start another week.
Friday, September 19, 2008
"We party when we pass the puddle!"
We had a horrible rain this evening. It took me two hours to get home from the hospital!! Two hours! Que horible! Just when I think the rains can't get any worse God surprises me yet again. I know that rain is to be a gift of God, but let me tell you....Guadalajara is absolutely spoilled!!!!
So I guess fall has pretty much started back at home. I forgot about the fact that seasons occur because here in Gdl it still feels the same as the day I got here. I had never thought about missing my favorite time of year. Element of sadness.
One of my classmates had his car stolen. Another had his windows all bashed in. Yea for Mexico huh! Sometimes I wonder why I'm excited about bringing my car down here. Then I make another trip to Ixtlan via taxis and buses and I'm reminded why. Plus my little beat up car couldn't possibly attract bad guys....i pray at least.
I've decided to start a bible study. I'm talking to some of my classmates and there's some interest. We'll start next week. I'm going to make an announcement next week because we can't talk personally to each classmate. i can't help but be nervous. I know there are Muslims and other religions present. And even though I won't mean offense it'll be an inevitable by product. In addition there will probably be those who'll automatically hate me and I'll be given a stereotype. I just have to keep reminding myself what is more important, and as a Christian what am I called to do. I give this meager effort to Jesus, may He use it, and use me, as He sees fit.
So I guess fall has pretty much started back at home. I forgot about the fact that seasons occur because here in Gdl it still feels the same as the day I got here. I had never thought about missing my favorite time of year. Element of sadness.
One of my classmates had his car stolen. Another had his windows all bashed in. Yea for Mexico huh! Sometimes I wonder why I'm excited about bringing my car down here. Then I make another trip to Ixtlan via taxis and buses and I'm reminded why. Plus my little beat up car couldn't possibly attract bad guys....i pray at least.
I've decided to start a bible study. I'm talking to some of my classmates and there's some interest. We'll start next week. I'm going to make an announcement next week because we can't talk personally to each classmate. i can't help but be nervous. I know there are Muslims and other religions present. And even though I won't mean offense it'll be an inevitable by product. In addition there will probably be those who'll automatically hate me and I'll be given a stereotype. I just have to keep reminding myself what is more important, and as a Christian what am I called to do. I give this meager effort to Jesus, may He use it, and use me, as He sees fit.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Yo estoy aca otra vez.
Oops! I pushed the wrong button on that last entry.
I just got back from Ixtlan. Some news from there. Bro. Matt Gerber was announced to sis. Ruth Cervantes. Very exciting news in Ixtlan. Marshall had hernia surgery a bit ago. He's recovering very nicely.
It was a blessing to be able to spend the extra time in Ixtlan. Yesterday I attended the girls bible study and afterwards we were invited over to the guesthouse for a fiesta. We all wore red, white, and green. Even painted our faces. We broke out the party favors and balloons. I had squeezed some lemonade to bring which was promptly died green to go with the red agua de jamaica and white horchata. Food was plentiful. couldn't quite finish my chili, it was too hot for me. I took comfort when I saw that the majority of people who had taken chilis couldn't finish them. I learned after the fact that half the plate had been hot and the other half not so hot.
Left early from Ixtlan to make it back early.
God Bless,
I just got back from Ixtlan. Some news from there. Bro. Matt Gerber was announced to sis. Ruth Cervantes. Very exciting news in Ixtlan. Marshall had hernia surgery a bit ago. He's recovering very nicely.
It was a blessing to be able to spend the extra time in Ixtlan. Yesterday I attended the girls bible study and afterwards we were invited over to the guesthouse for a fiesta. We all wore red, white, and green. Even painted our faces. We broke out the party favors and balloons. I had squeezed some lemonade to bring which was promptly died green to go with the red agua de jamaica and white horchata. Food was plentiful. couldn't quite finish my chili, it was too hot for me. I took comfort when I saw that the majority of people who had taken chilis couldn't finish them. I learned after the fact that half the plate had been hot and the other half not so hot.
Left early from Ixtlan to make it back early.
God Bless,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yo estoy lista para una fiesta...o para estudiar mas.
Yesterday I basically had the day off school. As a first semester student I was invited (along with my whole class) to this party/carnival on the main campus. I went; got a free shirt!! But seeing as I didn't drive I was at the mercy of the people I was with so I grinned and went along with whatever everyone else wanted. I didn't get home till much later than I'd wanted. I'm here for more than just to be a doctor, but to form relationships and be a light. I felt Thursday was a day I needed to put the "forming relationships" before the "getting grades" part.
Today sitting in Biochem all of a sudden Dr. Lozano (he's back teaching us again; YES!) said okay it's 8:45 go to the ceremony and come back. We all looked at each other like...what's he talking about???? Turns out the school had an Independence Day ceremony for everyone. Energy was very high on campus throughout the day! Everyone's ready for the long weekend. Only half the class showed up for anatomy class after lunch break. The half that did show up was very lethargic. About 6 people were sleeping and about 6 got up and walked out before the end of class. I'm not a fan of neurology and that's basically what the brain is so it's rather hard to stay interested myself.
PMC was pretty slow tonight. Didn't get out till late because right at 8 when we were packing up to leave, the lab results and x rays came back for a patient we had seen earlier and the resident wanted us to stay.
I'm listening to Wicked right now and really want to defy some gravity.
Today sitting in Biochem all of a sudden Dr. Lozano (he's back teaching us again; YES!) said okay it's 8:45 go to the ceremony and come back. We all looked at each other like...what's he talking about???? Turns out the school had an Independence Day ceremony for everyone. Energy was very high on campus throughout the day! Everyone's ready for the long weekend. Only half the class showed up for anatomy class after lunch break. The half that did show up was very lethargic. About 6 people were sleeping and about 6 got up and walked out before the end of class. I'm not a fan of neurology and that's basically what the brain is so it's rather hard to stay interested myself.
PMC was pretty slow tonight. Didn't get out till late because right at 8 when we were packing up to leave, the lab results and x rays came back for a patient we had seen earlier and the resident wanted us to stay.
I'm listening to Wicked right now and really want to defy some gravity.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Yo estoy echando de menos los praise singings a ISU.
So I study all weekend and the exam still wins. I think it'll be the story of my life as a medical student. Once in awhile I'll have a shining glistening moment when I've actually learned something and then that'll have to sustain me as I work like the dickens to have another shining glistening moment.
Took a walk with my roommate to Plaza Mexico to buy some toothpaste. She needed some colored paper and asked if I wanted to go. We had good conversation. The only problem is that Delta talks very fast. And sometimes I'd hear something not what she was saying. For example, she needed colored paper (hoja de color) I thought she was asking for flowered paper (hoja de flor). Flowered, colored mas o menos es el mismo no? (translation = more or less same thing right?)
I have good news! Next Tuesday, Sept. 16th, is Mexico's independence day. So we had a holiday scheduled. Unfortunately we also had an embryology exam on Monday. However, all the other semesters were wiggling their way out of classes on Monday so...... our exam has been moved to Wednesday and classes cancelled on Monday. Turns out if some of the professors don't have to come the rest don't want to come either. Hey no argument here. Some of my classmates weren't happy about the change being as the Tuesday is a Mexican holiday and Mexicans can really through a party. They want to join in the celebration and therefore would be in no condition to take an exam on Wednesday. Oh well, welcome to med school huh? We've got a lifetime of sacrifices ahead of us might as well start now! I felt a little (alright a lot) out numbered being one of the very few excited about the news! I guess I'm weird, but what else is new.
Took a walk with my roommate to Plaza Mexico to buy some toothpaste. She needed some colored paper and asked if I wanted to go. We had good conversation. The only problem is that Delta talks very fast. And sometimes I'd hear something not what she was saying. For example, she needed colored paper (hoja de color) I thought she was asking for flowered paper (hoja de flor). Flowered, colored mas o menos es el mismo no? (translation = more or less same thing right?)
I have good news! Next Tuesday, Sept. 16th, is Mexico's independence day. So we had a holiday scheduled. Unfortunately we also had an embryology exam on Monday. However, all the other semesters were wiggling their way out of classes on Monday so...... our exam has been moved to Wednesday and classes cancelled on Monday. Turns out if some of the professors don't have to come the rest don't want to come either. Hey no argument here. Some of my classmates weren't happy about the change being as the Tuesday is a Mexican holiday and Mexicans can really through a party. They want to join in the celebration and therefore would be in no condition to take an exam on Wednesday. Oh well, welcome to med school huh? We've got a lifetime of sacrifices ahead of us might as well start now! I felt a little (alright a lot) out numbered being one of the very few excited about the news! I guess I'm weird, but what else is new.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Yo estoy emocianada por el fin de la semana.
I've got a big exam on Monday, but right now...tonight I'm not worrying about it. I've got all weekend to study. yippee! no I was not being sarcastic there. Man, that scares even me.
I finally learned that I am not the youngest in the class. whew! I didn't like feeling like the youngest. I learned that at least two of my friends are 21 and one is even 20. Get this, the 20 year old showed us all up on the Biochem partial this past Monday. ouch!
We are currently playing switch-a-roo teachers in our classes. First of all embryology was new this week. The first six days were taught by a lady doctor, can't recall her name. To put it short and sweet i'm glad she only taught for six days.... a lot of us were. Today Dr. Maltez took over Embryo. He's a great teacher, but his English leaves something to be desired that I'd rather he just stuck to spanish. It'd be much easier to understand him in a language where he could actually pronounce the words correctly, but the nonspanish speakers would quickly stop coming to class so I guess we're stuck with his english. Dra. Pacheco has taken over biochem. You can tell she loves what she's teaching and can answer pretty much any question we've got. Today Dr. Sherwood started teaching in Anatomy. He actually taught us! What a great change to have in Anatomy lecture. however, I'm afraid the bones of the skull are so boring that ever Dr. Sherwood couldn't keep me from getting bored towards the end.
The sun has finally reappeared this week after about two weeks of gray. Much nicer to sit in the sunshine than the damp chilly grayness. Trouble is the daily temps are now reaching the 80s. Funny thing: the Puerto Ricans are still cold.
My parents brought me our family banana bread recipe for me last weekend. I went to the store Tuesday and chickened out. 1) i would have had to lug everything home walking and 2)you can't just buy 1/2 cup of oil and 1 cup sugar, etc... I didn't want to have to buy more than I needed. So I went to the bakery and bought some marbled bread instead. It's satisfactory, but just not my banana bread. When i get an apartment and have a place to put baking supplies i'll try again. That's a long time to wait for banana bread.
Much love everyone,
I finally learned that I am not the youngest in the class. whew! I didn't like feeling like the youngest. I learned that at least two of my friends are 21 and one is even 20. Get this, the 20 year old showed us all up on the Biochem partial this past Monday. ouch!
We are currently playing switch-a-roo teachers in our classes. First of all embryology was new this week. The first six days were taught by a lady doctor, can't recall her name. To put it short and sweet i'm glad she only taught for six days.... a lot of us were. Today Dr. Maltez took over Embryo. He's a great teacher, but his English leaves something to be desired that I'd rather he just stuck to spanish. It'd be much easier to understand him in a language where he could actually pronounce the words correctly, but the nonspanish speakers would quickly stop coming to class so I guess we're stuck with his english. Dra. Pacheco has taken over biochem. You can tell she loves what she's teaching and can answer pretty much any question we've got. Today Dr. Sherwood started teaching in Anatomy. He actually taught us! What a great change to have in Anatomy lecture. however, I'm afraid the bones of the skull are so boring that ever Dr. Sherwood couldn't keep me from getting bored towards the end.
The sun has finally reappeared this week after about two weeks of gray. Much nicer to sit in the sunshine than the damp chilly grayness. Trouble is the daily temps are now reaching the 80s. Funny thing: the Puerto Ricans are still cold.
My parents brought me our family banana bread recipe for me last weekend. I went to the store Tuesday and chickened out. 1) i would have had to lug everything home walking and 2)you can't just buy 1/2 cup of oil and 1 cup sugar, etc... I didn't want to have to buy more than I needed. So I went to the bakery and bought some marbled bread instead. It's satisfactory, but just not my banana bread. When i get an apartment and have a place to put baking supplies i'll try again. That's a long time to wait for banana bread.
Much love everyone,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
yo estoy estudiando.
to study = estudiar
medical school = a means to perfecting the afore mentioned verb
medical school = a means to perfecting the afore mentioned verb
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yo estoy poquito celosa
The biochem results have been posted. I was surprised at how I did. God came through for me as I knew he would. What is troubling me now is the fact that there are those who know more. This is important material that I am going to need for the rest of my life. I need to know it. My gratitude was rather short-lived. It soon was replaced with a bit of jealousy for those who were able to study more. I wasn't expecting to see the green-headed monster. In fact, it rather surprised me as I had no real cause to expect it. Satan sure has a way of twisting pure motives (the study for knowledge) into something very unproductive. Some refocusing of my priorities must be done.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Yo estoy agotadame.
I'm exhausted.
Stoller representation with Mark and Lindsay!!
I had such a blessed weekend with my family on the beach of Puerto Vallarta. Whether it was riding a banana boat with Uncle Joe, Aunt Karen, Mom and Dad or eating my ice cream cone before it dripped down my hand praise God nothing is impossible.
As everyone else had Labor day off today Mexico unfortunately did not so I sat in my classroom struggling through Biochem thinking...ohhh they should be in the air by now. ADD is quite annoying when you're trying to take an exam.
Here's a few more pictures from the weekend.

When I got on the bus to come back to Gdl. the seat I sat in did not stay in an upright position, and I needed to study so I moved over one. However, when it became to dark to see what I was reading anymore I switched gears and tried to lay the seat back. It wouldn't budge. How ironic. In other words the hour of sleep I was hoping to get on the bus went out the window. I got home about 10:30 very tired yet ready to study some more. I took the test at 8 this morning realizing that I did what I could and the rest was going to have to be left up to God. I'm content with that realization, because even though it drastically cut into my studying I wouldn't have had my weekend any other way.
I had such a blessed weekend with my family on the beach of Puerto Vallarta. Whether it was riding a banana boat with Uncle Joe, Aunt Karen, Mom and Dad or eating my ice cream cone before it dripped down my hand praise God nothing is impossible.
As everyone else had Labor day off today Mexico unfortunately did not so I sat in my classroom struggling through Biochem thinking...ohhh they should be in the air by now. ADD is quite annoying when you're trying to take an exam.
Here's a few more pictures from the weekend.
The couple.
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