Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yo estoy en el borde.

First day back at HAL. It wasn't good. I should have taken hint by the fact that everyone I tried to contact yesterday about when we were supposed to start today aren't getting back until tomorrow. (Semester starts Wednesday means return on Thursday?? ...sigh and eye roll). So I figured since I had no idea of where I was supposed to be today nor when I was supposed to be there (we normally have just those two bits of information by the day before) no sense in hurrying no where, so I didn't. I woke up this morning wishing I could just stay in my bubble and let the world move on without me. I knew it would be a trying day, but I also knew that at least by the end of it everything would somehow be sorted out. And that thought helped me keep my chin up all day as the hours ticked by. Well, it's finally the end of it, and nothing is sorted out. I feel as if frustration is seething hot below the surface. And that, makes me even more frustrated, and just...sad.

1) I spent the time last semester to make sure I had all my paperwork done and was good to go for this semester only to not see my name on the list today. So not having a list number I couldn't really do anything, so I actually came home for a bit. Took a breather and pulled out my signed receipt. Figured I'd bring proof that I'd handed everything in already.
2) So that worked. I got asigned a list number. Yay! Yay? or no... for some reason I was given a Latin program number. I realized that but thought it would work as that's what I had last semester. But then I took a look at the schedules, and no, it's not going to work. Problem #1
3) In addition, as I'm in Chicago for a few months I don't actually finish this rotation making my availability for consults later in the rotation kind of impossible. Problem #2

I talked with the director of one subject. He glanced at me, looked at the other doctor in the room with us then shrugged, and went back to looking at his computer screen.
I can see it now...A day before June 3rd Dr. Mario Ruiz denying my right to graduate because I'm missing busy work or missing such-and-such points because I didn't attend such-and-such consult. And when that happens it will take a miracle to keep me sane, to keep me from yelling/emphatically reminding him that I was standing in his office January 4th explaining that potential problem to him and. he. shrugged.

Tomorrow will be a better day right? I'll get everything sorted in the morning in time to be able to attend at least half of my activities for tomorrow. And then I'll be able to actually start studying/working hard at getting as much done as possible by the time I'm to leave (a.k.a. trying to avoid any future problems). You've got to always be thinking ahead at UAG. Cover all your bases well. Count on them throwing you a curve ball and make sure you're prepared to either catch it or dodge when they do. Basically play their game, but play it better than them. Even when the game's not fun.


1 comment:

Schlipf family said...

Oh buddy! Gives a new perspective to the Great just need a horse to keep up! ;) Saying prayers and sending you a hug!! It was so good to catch up with you this Christmas!! love ya - K