Monday, January 9, 2012

Yo estoy mareada.

I really like rollar coasters, but for just once couldn't it just be a smooth ride? I sat down with Vicky in the international office and got my complete schedule for the semester figured out. It's even crazier than last semester. It follows no rhyme or reason, just a jumbled mess. I'll have to brush up on my juggling skills. When I got there Vicky had already done some configuring, which I was very thankful for, because honestly I had spent some time staring at the various possibilities of an 8th semester schedule and had come up with nothing. I was half expecting that I would loose my spring break, but never said it out loud as if by doing so would make it come true. Unfortunately my efforts were pointless and my expectations were right. I'd had my fingers crossed that I'd be able to have a restful spring break since I won't get a break between here and New York. No such luck. sigh.

In the end I was happy to walk out of the office with a schedule that both she and I had in writing no matter how crazy it was.

Unfortunately I ran into the shrugger again. As a number of my classmates had decided to wait to return until today some of the smaller consult groups got rearrainged. I was unhappy at first then realized there was nothing to do about it so decided to make the best of it. The doctor I got reshifted to is the shrugger. After our time I approached him to remind him I'd be leaving. He then started giving me a hard time saying I'd have to finish all of my hours, etc. etc. A miracle must have happened because I was able to refrain from yelling at him something along the lines of....
"...Last Wednesday I stood in your office telling you I would be leaving, and asking for your input. And. You. Shrugged. You gave me no opinion, no requirement, not even a disapproving thought on the subject. So a schedule has now been configured and approved by the international administrators. How dare you to think that you now have the right to say anything..." probably a good thing that I instead just smiled, told him I'd talk to Vicky again, thanked him, and left.

I knew this guy was going to be trouble. :(


1 comment:

Schlipf family said...

oh my kinda makes my head spin too just reading it!! Love and prayers!