Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yo estoy en Chicago!

I've been sitting with my fingers poised to type but couldn't think of any adjective more appropriate than "weird" to describe how it feels to be back in the States again so soon. But couldn't think of one. That's just what it is...weird to have to leave Mexico again so soon after getting back. Just this past week I had enjoyed part of a break at HAL sitting on the grass in the sun. I'd pulled up the pant legs of my scrubs and pulled off my white jacket and was just happy to be reminded that I love Mexico. And then before I know it I'm on a plane heading back again. As the plane descended into Chicago and finally cleared the thick fog revealing the gray wetness of the city the little boy sitting behind me started exclaiming, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He made me smile and I was just happy to be reminded that I love it here too.


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