Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yo estoy empezando.

I'm loving living in Chicago. But I knew that before I even got here. Sunday was my first time taking the El back into the city from Carrie and Troy's. Got off on Superior triumphant. Take that "CTA"! Plus in the middle of switching trains someone asked me for advice on switching. Score 1 for the "I-have-no-clue-what-I'm-doing-but-you-can't-tell" game face!!! I'm also getting better at judging intersections while walking around the city. I don't have to stop at a corner and determine if I can cross or not anymore. Instead, now by the time I've reached the corner I've already noted if I can continue or stop. Doesn't sound like something big, but when you're standing at a corner waiting to cross and in the meantime two different individuals have approached and proceeded to cross without waiting, it becomes something big to you!

Today was my actual first day in Children's. Yesterday I just did some training as I wasn't cleared by health services yet. The secretaries informed me that I didn't miss anything. Turns out that both of the attending physicians are at a conference, so nothing has happened yesterday or today. Tomorrow they'll be back, and it'll get busy. Because it wasn't busy today, one of the secretaries convinced me to go outside of the hospital for lunch saying I should take advantage of the opportunity as it probably won't happen again. I would have been content to stay there and eat the raisins I'd brought, but I figured she was right. So I walked around till I found the Greek restaurant she had mentioned. They gave me a free dessert with my meal. Score!!!


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