Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yo estoy nada.

I received my score report yesterday. I waited until after Bible study to actually look at it. That way when asked I could deny any news. I was so anxious that by the time we were saying good-bye I had to consciously keep my hands from shaking. My report said pass, and I felt I could breathe again as if I had been holding my breath for the past 4 weeks.

Back in December a friend was trying to cheer me up and said, "don't worry, you're Christy Stoller!" As if my name carries some magical power with it or something. How Stupid is that? So if mom and dad had named me Gertrude I would be living a completely different life? It is reasons like that which annoy me the most. A name is nothing more than a label. It says nothing about who a person is nor what they're capable of.

Some may have thought I lacked faith in the situation for doubting. But the only thing I have faith in is One True God who loves me and holds my future in his hands, and as such He can do with it as He pleases. We have never been garaunteed smooth sailing as we sojourn through this life....the opposite is more what we are to expect. And when I dislike the idea of trouble, embarrassment or failure it never lessens my faith that God knows what he is doing. I promised Him my love and obediance for the rest of my life, and crying over a failed exam would not have changed that promise.

Either way feels good to breathe again!



Anonymous said...

Rejoicing with you! Love you!

Schlipf family said...

Yippee!! So excited for you and praising God with you!! :)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

that's so awesome! congratulations girl! :D