Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yo estoy llenada.

Still more classmates showed up today....almost a week after starting. Talking to one such classmate I asked him why he got back so late and he said that his birthday was last Friday and he had wanted to spend it with his family. Hadn't heard that one before.

I talked with my people about my conversation with the shrugger yesterday. They reassured me I would be okay. I left with that feeling of "I've got people, and my people trump your people!" That feeling of "my dad can beat up your dad!!!"

I had started a reading a book over break hoping to finish it. Of course I wasn't able to, but now I'm glad for it. Now I still have an excuse to take some time everyday and let tedious actuality dissolve around me. I can escape to the fantastical world of Alagaesia where I don't have to think or worry. There I'm just along for the ride....a sweet dragonback ride. ;)


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