Monday, January 23, 2012

Yo estoy extravagante.

Sunday mornings in Ixtlan start with children's songs during which the kids will stand up front as we all sing. Two weekends ago one of the little two year olds joined the rest up front squeezing in beside his sister. Two seconds later the piece of hard candy he had in his mouth had fallen to the floor. He turned to his sister and pointed at her mouth. Without hesitation she took the gum out of her mouth and put it into his. This past weekend a similar story transpired between two girls. Girl #1 grabs her friend's hand and uses it to whipe her nose. Girl #2 doesn't squirm just lets her whipe and then uses the back of Girl #1's shirt to clean off her hand. The whole time both girls just kept singing.
- I can't say if it was culture, or age, or just innocence that prompted those exchanges, but what struck me was the unhesitant giving. Do I love that much? Love my brother enough to give the food from my own mouth? Love my friend enough to give my own hand?

In Mexico they hiss. It's kind of hard to actually put a definition to their hiss becuase they are able to send a couple of different messages by hissing, but in general it can be likened to an American boo. Such as booing something you dislike or disapprove of. I was on the receiving end of my first Mexican hissing last week. It was mentioned in clinical cases how Lyme disease is endemic in parts of the United States whereupon my classmates turned and hissed at me. I knew they were joking and actually laughed along with them. Can check another "to do" off my list; receive a Mexican hiss....didn't know that was actually on my list, but I guess it was. :)

Had exams last week (hence the lack of posting). Two of them; Ophtalmology on Thursday and Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) on Friday. Since the start of the semester ENT doctors had been hinting at our need to study, study, study. Plus from previous semesters ENT is known as one the hardest of 8th semester. So being nervous enough about it I was trying to stay up to date as much as possible with my ENT studying. And then it was Wednesday and I realized I hadn't really studied ofta. Whoops! Shoot! Bang! Needless to say I did better on ENT than ofta.


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