Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Estoy quemando el aceite de la noche.

I seem to be getting less and less sleep.  At the same time my desire to get more sleep seems to be diminishing in perfect inverse proportions.  I stay awake at night and do things like blog post!! ;)  However, a good thing about working days is that it's basically guaranteed to be too busy.  I assume therefore that I  can rely on the resultant excessive release of catecholamines to fuel me through each day and hence....I just gave up trying to get to bed on time.

Today was my last day for the month.  Pretty cool!  I can officially say I made it through my first rotation! And with perfect timing, I was able to finally discharge two of my patients today as well.  They were two traumatic brain injury patients that have been in the TICU with me for almost the entire month. And today they both got picked up and left; ready for the next stage of their recovery in acute rehab.  I got to hug their families as send off, but at the same time it kind of felt like my own send off.  It was a good time, the ICU. :) I'll be back there for another rotation before long!

For now, I'm moving to Bridgeport, CT. I have a general surgery rotation at St. Vincent's Hospital in Bridgeport, which is over an hour away from me.  And considering I often struggle with a 20 min commute....longer is just not really a smart move.  So I therefore will be paying rent x 2.  Money wise very inefficient.  But time wise very efficient.  Time costs more than money in this instance.

Much Love.

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