So excited about my sticker. One of the Pediatricians that I am with while at HAL frequently gives us stickers. I want to be a Pediatrician so I can give out stickers all day long. One to the patient, one to me, one to the patient, one to me....sounds fair to me!!!
Two of my classmates that are in my particular group are named Brandon and Marlon. This same doctora really had trouble keeping the two separate, and often would mix their names up. Now in our 4th week with her I think she's finally got them straight. She calls them Brandon, and Marlon Brandon.
For another one of my classmates I want you to picture Leah Steidinger...and then take that times 2. And with that picture you might be coming close to the craziness and energy level of Belen. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good thing to have in your class. Just send Belen in first and, viola...ice broken. Belen wants to be a Psychiatrist, which we've all known since first semester. But as you can imagine, when some of our doctors discover this they find it a bit incredulous! For example, when one of our doctoras found out recently, although you could tell she tried to hold it in, she couldn't help it, and exclaimed "Como van a terminar los pacientes?!" (What's going to happen to the patients?!) Honestly, I couldn't answer that either! But in the meantime I have to admit, I appreciate her bubbly attitude. Especially now, as I've been noticing people are bit more on the grumpy side than normal.
Now in our 3rd to last week of the semester and there's talk that the administration is contemplating changing our 7th semester on us. GAAAAAAHHHHHHH! U. A. G.! (an excessive amount of frustrated emphasis was placed on each letter just then) I don't know why I am surprised. It's not like UAG has never taken our lives and shaken really really hard before, and of course no better timing than the last possible minute to do so! *Note sarcasm! If they up and decide to force us all back to HAL for 7th semester.....that will be soooo hard for me. I will not be happy.
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