Monday, May 30, 2011

Yo estoy haciendo burbujas.

There's so much to do these last two weeks of the semester that I can't seem to get anything done. Take this blog post for example. I opened up a 'new post' and put in the title, and then couldn't get any further for awhile. I started a load of laundry. Researched plane ticket possibilities from Salt Lake City or Las Vegas to Boston (update coming) and about a million other things. Not because I don't want to post, but because I would keep forgetting that I'd started and still needed to finish. My mind would jump to something else needing done, and I'd be momentarily sidetracked.
(confession: once I finally started the above first paragraph it took about 15 min. for me to actually finish it. I was lucky if I got two sentences put down together before getting up to do something else. open the window. check the laundry. go to the bathroom. get a drink. a friend notified me of pics on facebook that I had to go check. a friend skyped me...I had to reply. And now look at me, I can't even continue on with my blog post because I'm getting sidetracked by my sidetracktions.)

I joined a group of my classmates for a weekend in Puerto Vallarta this past weekend. I got to go for morning runs on the beach. play volleyball, futbol, and frisbee on the beach. climb rocks. swim out too far and then back again. watch the champions league championship. and then sometimes I'd go back to where my towel lay beside everyone else and enjoy the sun with the rest of them. And then to top it off, the humidity of the beach made GDL feel more comfortable for awhile upon our return.....but just a short while.

I started my Pediatric guardias at IMSS #110 today. honestly I was not looking forward to 12 hour shifts and having to miss the upcoming weekend in Ixtlan due to having to be at the IMSS. But everyone in peds that we've met so far have been real chill. It worried me at first because they were just letting us stand and watch. But I wasn't going to let that happen. and by the end of the day today I was handling the babies myself. :) There's 4 international and 3 latin students in peds at our hospital, so split up, I'm with Jenn for three days in the delivery rooms then we rotate through two other areas. A couple of years ago at our hospital a UAG student actually dropped a baby and it died so they've only recently started letting UAG students have hands on in the delivery room again. Gulp! No pressure!


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