Today started off a rush of drama in the tococirugia (labor & delivery). First off we had a mother in labor making a horrible racket. They couldn't get her under control so they finally gave up and took her into the delivery room. Trouble was...she was only at 23 weeks gestation. I wanted to slap her, because apparently she was so concerned with herself she didn't even stop to think what danger she was putting her baby in. I observed as the pediatric doctora and intern calmly received the baby and did what they could for 20 minutes. IMSS #110 is not equipped for a premature neonate of that extreme, and hence why the doctora was so calm. She received the baby knowing that after 20 minutes had passed she'd have to stop and let nature take its course. The worst part was that even though it was only at 23 weeks, it was obvious that with the right equipment this baby stood a very good chance of survival. It could have made it, but instead we left it wrapped up in a towel to stop breathing on its own. The whole situation upset me so much I had to leave the room. I made it to a chair and sat down but was so sick I still felt like I was going to pass out. I think it would be an understatement to say that I cannot handle neonatology.
After starting our day off as such, the drama didn't stop, but thankfully the next baby came with a miracle wrapped up beside it. The baby had somehow managed to flip around so much it had knotted its umbilical cord into a perfectly formed knot. At that point God must have stopped the baby in its tracks because with one more somersault that baby would have caused the knot to tighten cutting off his own life-support. When that baby came out and I saw the knot my jaw literally dropped open. Not only was the knot a rarity in itself, but the crisis that had somehow been avoided dumbfounded me. The baby had even been screaming before his tiny feet could emerge and presented with an Apgar of 8,9.
So like I said at the beginning.... drama, drama, drama!
On a personal happy note: I had learned how to start IVs back in Feb. during my surgery guardias and hadn't done it since. I mentioned this to one of the nurses and so she hooked me up. The patient I was given did not have any good visible veins, meaning there's an element of guessing that goes on, but I got it started without trouble on the first stick! The patient even said that I had a soft touch! Yay! for the random ego booster! After my success, one of the nurses exclaimed, "awwww, our little flowers are growing up!" I've been really lucky during my guardias to encounter nurses that are cool with teaching us doctors. Not all of them, but some of them have been really cool.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Yo estoy haciendo burbujas.
There's so much to do these last two weeks of the semester that I can't seem to get anything done. Take this blog post for example. I opened up a 'new post' and put in the title, and then couldn't get any further for awhile. I started a load of laundry. Researched plane ticket possibilities from Salt Lake City or Las Vegas to Boston (update coming) and about a million other things. Not because I don't want to post, but because I would keep forgetting that I'd started and still needed to finish. My mind would jump to something else needing done, and I'd be momentarily sidetracked.
(confession: once I finally started the above first paragraph it took about 15 min. for me to actually finish it. I was lucky if I got two sentences put down together before getting up to do something else. open the window. check the laundry. go to the bathroom. get a drink. a friend notified me of pics on facebook that I had to go check. a friend skyped me...I had to reply. And now look at me, I can't even continue on with my blog post because I'm getting sidetracked by my sidetracktions.)
I joined a group of my classmates for a weekend in Puerto Vallarta this past weekend. I got to go for morning runs on the beach. play volleyball, futbol, and frisbee on the beach. climb rocks. swim out too far and then back again. watch the champions league championship. and then sometimes I'd go back to where my towel lay beside everyone else and enjoy the sun with the rest of them. And then to top it off, the humidity of the beach made GDL feel more comfortable for awhile upon our return.....but just a short while.
I started my Pediatric guardias at IMSS #110 today. honestly I was not looking forward to 12 hour shifts and having to miss the upcoming weekend in Ixtlan due to having to be at the IMSS. But everyone in peds that we've met so far have been real chill. It worried me at first because they were just letting us stand and watch. But I wasn't going to let that happen. and by the end of the day today I was handling the babies myself. :) There's 4 international and 3 latin students in peds at our hospital, so split up, I'm with Jenn for three days in the delivery rooms then we rotate through two other areas. A couple of years ago at our hospital a UAG student actually dropped a baby and it died so they've only recently started letting UAG students have hands on in the delivery room again. Gulp! No pressure!
(confession: once I finally started the above first paragraph it took about 15 min. for me to actually finish it. I was lucky if I got two sentences put down together before getting up to do something else. open the window. check the laundry. go to the bathroom. get a drink. a friend notified me of pics on facebook that I had to go check. a friend skyped me...I had to reply. And now look at me, I can't even continue on with my blog post because I'm getting sidetracked by my sidetracktions.)
I joined a group of my classmates for a weekend in Puerto Vallarta this past weekend. I got to go for morning runs on the beach. play volleyball, futbol, and frisbee on the beach. climb rocks. swim out too far and then back again. watch the champions league championship. and then sometimes I'd go back to where my towel lay beside everyone else and enjoy the sun with the rest of them. And then to top it off, the humidity of the beach made GDL feel more comfortable for awhile upon our return.....but just a short while.
I started my Pediatric guardias at IMSS #110 today. honestly I was not looking forward to 12 hour shifts and having to miss the upcoming weekend in Ixtlan due to having to be at the IMSS. But everyone in peds that we've met so far have been real chill. It worried me at first because they were just letting us stand and watch. But I wasn't going to let that happen. and by the end of the day today I was handling the babies myself. :) There's 4 international and 3 latin students in peds at our hospital, so split up, I'm with Jenn for three days in the delivery rooms then we rotate through two other areas. A couple of years ago at our hospital a UAG student actually dropped a baby and it died so they've only recently started letting UAG students have hands on in the delivery room again. Gulp! No pressure!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Yo estoy una niña .

So excited about my sticker. One of the Pediatricians that I am with while at HAL frequently gives us stickers. I want to be a Pediatrician so I can give out stickers all day long. One to the patient, one to me, one to the patient, one to me....sounds fair to me!!!
Two of my classmates that are in my particular group are named Brandon and Marlon. This same doctora really had trouble keeping the two separate, and often would mix their names up. Now in our 4th week with her I think she's finally got them straight. She calls them Brandon, and Marlon Brandon.
For another one of my classmates I want you to picture Leah Steidinger...and then take that times 2. And with that picture you might be coming close to the craziness and energy level of Belen. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good thing to have in your class. Just send Belen in first and, broken. Belen wants to be a Psychiatrist, which we've all known since first semester. But as you can imagine, when some of our doctors discover this they find it a bit incredulous! For example, when one of our doctoras found out recently, although you could tell she tried to hold it in, she couldn't help it, and exclaimed "Como van a terminar los pacientes?!" (What's going to happen to the patients?!) Honestly, I couldn't answer that either! But in the meantime I have to admit, I appreciate her bubbly attitude. Especially now, as I've been noticing people are bit more on the grumpy side than normal.
Now in our 3rd to last week of the semester and there's talk that the administration is contemplating changing our 7th semester on us. GAAAAAAHHHHHHH! U. A. G.! (an excessive amount of frustrated emphasis was placed on each letter just then) I don't know why I am surprised. It's not like UAG has never taken our lives and shaken really really hard before, and of course no better timing than the last possible minute to do so! *Note sarcasm! If they up and decide to force us all back to HAL for 7th semester.....that will be soooo hard for me. I will not be happy.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Yo estoy viva.
Well, Saturday came and past and we're all still here. No surprise. I guess Harold Camping missed the part in the Bible where it says 'when you least expect it!' (I'm paraphrasing). The first time I heard the prediction I paid it no mind. It wouldn't affect my future any. But the second time I actually thought about it, it went something like this...."but so many I know still aren't ready....there's still so many to share with.....I've still got so much work to do......panic.....panic!" I calmed down again. It wasn't going to be Saturday. But in reality, what's to stop Jesus from coming today...or tomorrow?
I came to Ixtlan this weekend. I washed up and packed up my microwave and brought it with me. Moving out is officially underway! I've already moved a few boxes of stuff over to the house. Had to stop because as I don't have much to start with I realized I couldn't move too much and still be able to live for the remaining 3 weeks in my apartment. The only item I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with is my fridge. I'd like to sell it, but am not a very good salesperson. I could just move it with me, but then that'd be the third fridge at the house. But maybe I'll ask my future housemates, they may want a third fridge. Who knows!?
By coming to Ixtlan this weekend, I missed the masquerade ball that was in GDL. I'm not gonna lie, I think a masquerade ball would be a blast. But I know that what I have in my head as a masquerade ball and what was actually reality probably didn't match up. So someday perhaps I can go to a real masquerade ball, not this time.
I came to Ixtlan this weekend. I washed up and packed up my microwave and brought it with me. Moving out is officially underway! I've already moved a few boxes of stuff over to the house. Had to stop because as I don't have much to start with I realized I couldn't move too much and still be able to live for the remaining 3 weeks in my apartment. The only item I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with is my fridge. I'd like to sell it, but am not a very good salesperson. I could just move it with me, but then that'd be the third fridge at the house. But maybe I'll ask my future housemates, they may want a third fridge. Who knows!?
By coming to Ixtlan this weekend, I missed the masquerade ball that was in GDL. I'm not gonna lie, I think a masquerade ball would be a blast. But I know that what I have in my head as a masquerade ball and what was actually reality probably didn't match up. So someday perhaps I can go to a real masquerade ball, not this time.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Yo estoy famosa.
The other day one of my classmates came up to me and asked for my autograph!
Check this out!! It's what you get for being one of a very few white girls in the whole school!
(just wait for it!)
And just in case being on the world wide web isn't enough, there's a paper form too.
(check out page 18)
In the catalog, I know the majority of the students pictured. They basically asked for anyone not Mexican and said 'you're coming with me!' So in other's false advertising at it's finest.
For the next while at least my face will be used to help recruit those unsuspecting into the world of UAG. I've got mixed feelings about that. I wouldn't give up my time at UAG for anything. By being here, the lessons God has taught me and the trials that He has brought me through and is still bringing me through have grown me, which I am extremely thankful for. But at the same time, it's hard and often, not much fun. How can I wish that on anyone else. Or worse yet, recruit anyone into that.
Today is Friday, and marks the end of yet another week. Meaning......only three more weeks of the semester! Seriously, I'm more excited about the diminishing number of weeks left than the fact that it's a Friday! Yay!
Jennifer and I have picked up another commuter to HAL these past couple of weeks, Hector. The other day nice and early, Hector plopped into my car, smirked at me, and said, "I'm being a rebel today!......I'm wearing black shoes!" I have to admit, I've rebelled my fair share too, and broken out a colored shirt to wear. Lately, it's been happening more frequently.....must be the end of the semester.
The other day all 8th semester students were gathering for class photos. They were all strutten' around in freshly pressed whites. And truely, if you take the is possible for whites to look good, quite smashing even. And they had taken the time!
Check this out!! It's what you get for being one of a very few white girls in the whole school!
(just wait for it!)
And just in case being on the world wide web isn't enough, there's a paper form too.
(check out page 18)
In the catalog, I know the majority of the students pictured. They basically asked for anyone not Mexican and said 'you're coming with me!' So in other's false advertising at it's finest.
For the next while at least my face will be used to help recruit those unsuspecting into the world of UAG. I've got mixed feelings about that. I wouldn't give up my time at UAG for anything. By being here, the lessons God has taught me and the trials that He has brought me through and is still bringing me through have grown me, which I am extremely thankful for. But at the same time, it's hard and often, not much fun. How can I wish that on anyone else. Or worse yet, recruit anyone into that.
Today is Friday, and marks the end of yet another week. Meaning......only three more weeks of the semester! Seriously, I'm more excited about the diminishing number of weeks left than the fact that it's a Friday! Yay!
Jennifer and I have picked up another commuter to HAL these past couple of weeks, Hector. The other day nice and early, Hector plopped into my car, smirked at me, and said, "I'm being a rebel today!......I'm wearing black shoes!" I have to admit, I've rebelled my fair share too, and broken out a colored shirt to wear. Lately, it's been happening more frequently.....must be the end of the semester.
The other day all 8th semester students were gathering for class photos. They were all strutten' around in freshly pressed whites. And truely, if you take the is possible for whites to look good, quite smashing even. And they had taken the time!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Yo estoy ordeñando una vaca.
After our exam on Friday myself and 4 other friends left for Colima (a neighboring state). One of my friends' parents own a house there, Cofradia de Suchitlan is the small village. It was a higher elevation than GDL, and actually quite close to the active volcan de Colima (Colima volcano).
At night a thick fog descends and dampens everything. Really it makes everything peaceful. In the morning, before the fog completely dissipates and all you hear is nature, that peace is still there. Jennifer's parents have this house wanting to retire there one day. I didn't really understand why there exactly except that it was where her dad had grown up, but I understand why now.
These pictures are from the second floor balcony of the house. This is the green during the dry season. Hard to imagine the overflowing green of this place during the rainy season.

Vulcan de Colima

Our Group for the weekend: L to R: Belen, Jennifer, Me, Lety, Anjuli

The main reason that we all went this particular weekend was for a wedding of one of Jennifer's friends. So we all went, Jenn +4. Got my first experience as a wedding crasher, but as Mexican weddings are typically come one, come all, the more the merrier I suppose it doesn't really count. Notice in the above picture that everyone is my height or slightly taller......they were all in high heels ranging 3 in. to 5 in. and I was in flats. That picture would look soooo different had we been in flip flops.
As the wedding mass wasn't until 7:30 pm Saturday evening we all went to the beach during the day on Saturday. One of our Puerto Rican friends gave us the Top Secret Puerto Rican SunTan Oil recipe. Baby Oil + SunScreen + Coca-Cola. We tried it out. I didn't actually put any of it on. We had to guess on the ratios for the three ingredients, and I suppose we guessed wrong. It was a pretty painful night for some last night. As they are all Mexican I have no doubt that their redness will turn brown in a few days, and then, they'll say it was worth it. In the meantime, I think we'll try to get a more exact recipe. (beach pictures were taken by Jennifer and Anjuli, so I don't have any of them)
This morning before packing up and heading back we hiked to a nearby farm for our morning milk. Fresh and warm from the cow! Milked it myself! We added chocolate and whatnot, and it tasted like a hot chocolate! (cow pictures were taken by Anjuli...I'll get them later too!)
At night a thick fog descends and dampens everything. Really it makes everything peaceful. In the morning, before the fog completely dissipates and all you hear is nature, that peace is still there. Jennifer's parents have this house wanting to retire there one day. I didn't really understand why there exactly except that it was where her dad had grown up, but I understand why now.
These pictures are from the second floor balcony of the house. This is the green during the dry season. Hard to imagine the overflowing green of this place during the rainy season.

Vulcan de Colima

Our Group for the weekend: L to R: Belen, Jennifer, Me, Lety, Anjuli

The main reason that we all went this particular weekend was for a wedding of one of Jennifer's friends. So we all went, Jenn +4. Got my first experience as a wedding crasher, but as Mexican weddings are typically come one, come all, the more the merrier I suppose it doesn't really count. Notice in the above picture that everyone is my height or slightly taller......they were all in high heels ranging 3 in. to 5 in. and I was in flats. That picture would look soooo different had we been in flip flops.
As the wedding mass wasn't until 7:30 pm Saturday evening we all went to the beach during the day on Saturday. One of our Puerto Rican friends gave us the Top Secret Puerto Rican SunTan Oil recipe. Baby Oil + SunScreen + Coca-Cola. We tried it out. I didn't actually put any of it on. We had to guess on the ratios for the three ingredients, and I suppose we guessed wrong. It was a pretty painful night for some last night. As they are all Mexican I have no doubt that their redness will turn brown in a few days, and then, they'll say it was worth it. In the meantime, I think we'll try to get a more exact recipe. (beach pictures were taken by Jennifer and Anjuli, so I don't have any of them)
This morning before packing up and heading back we hiked to a nearby farm for our morning milk. Fresh and warm from the cow! Milked it myself! We added chocolate and whatnot, and it tasted like a hot chocolate! (cow pictures were taken by Anjuli...I'll get them later too!)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
I tried to cheat and find something online to post saying Happy Mother's Day, but the only thing I found that I thought fitting for my Mommy was the following.
Mothers are as total as the sky;
Older than the earth, and more enduring.
They're rooted in our hearts like ancient trees,
Halfway down to seething lava seas;
Emblazoned on our sail, and on our mooring.
Returning home, we dwell within their sigh:
So maddening, so rich, so reassuring.
So I figured it'd be better if I just said it myself. I LOVE YOU MOM!
Mothers are as total as the sky;
Older than the earth, and more enduring.
They're rooted in our hearts like ancient trees,
Halfway down to seething lava seas;
Emblazoned on our sail, and on our mooring.
Returning home, we dwell within their sigh:
So maddening, so rich, so reassuring.
So I figured it'd be better if I just said it myself. I LOVE YOU MOM!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Yo estoy explorando una nueva computadora.
It happened. I wasn't ready for it, and it caught me by surprise. It was sooner than I was expecting it to happen, but it happened. My computer died. Got home from HAL today with grand plans to make progress on this pile of work I have in front of me. Turned on my computer to find it could barely even play a song, let alone access the internet. It sputtered and I commenced CPR. Continued CPR for about 4 hours all the way to the point where my computer took it's last breath and ceased to be an electronic device. dead, D E D, dead. Fit now only for paperweight or counter-clutterer. R.I.P. compu
Friends to the rescue!! This is how amazing some of the people in GDL are. I called one of my friends knowing she had two computers prepared to ask if I could possibly use one of them. Before I even got a chance to ask she had already offered me the use of it. So I guess for the next 5 weeks I'm going Mac....or at least attempting to. Maybe by the time the semester ends I'll have figured this thing out!
I guess I know what I'll be doing with my refunded Peru ticket!
Friends to the rescue!! This is how amazing some of the people in GDL are. I called one of my friends knowing she had two computers prepared to ask if I could possibly use one of them. Before I even got a chance to ask she had already offered me the use of it. So I guess for the next 5 weeks I'm going Mac....or at least attempting to. Maybe by the time the semester ends I'll have figured this thing out!
I guess I know what I'll be doing with my refunded Peru ticket!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Yo estoy bajando.
*Note to readers: As my computer is slowly falling apart, it is no longer permitting me to post. Therefore it is possible that posts will come more than one at a time as I am still writing them and then eventually I borrow someone else's computer and post them all at the same time.
I am liking pediatrics so far. Let me explain why: The other day we had an 11 year old patient. We were talking with him, asking him questions, etc. Afterwards we asked him if he had any questions for us. With a pause and a "pues" he asked us what the difference was between light and electricity. haha hehe This kid was quick!! Thinking back I don't think we even actually answered his question. We were all too busy chuckling and trying to get back on topic.
When the semester started back in January, two of our Bible study members brought us the news that they had gotten engaged over the Christmas break. It was very exciting news! Our first engagement! Tonight at Bible study they had another bit of news for us! They'd gone to California over Spring Break and gotten married! In a year or so they hope to have the big formal wedding, but for now...Our first wedding! Their story is pretty exciting as they have no doubt God orchestrated to bring them together. Congratulations Lety and Matt! God's richest blessings on your life together!!!
I am liking pediatrics so far. Let me explain why: The other day we had an 11 year old patient. We were talking with him, asking him questions, etc. Afterwards we asked him if he had any questions for us. With a pause and a "pues" he asked us what the difference was between light and electricity. haha hehe This kid was quick!! Thinking back I don't think we even actually answered his question. We were all too busy chuckling and trying to get back on topic.
When the semester started back in January, two of our Bible study members brought us the news that they had gotten engaged over the Christmas break. It was very exciting news! Our first engagement! Tonight at Bible study they had another bit of news for us! They'd gone to California over Spring Break and gotten married! In a year or so they hope to have the big formal wedding, but for now...Our first wedding! Their story is pretty exciting as they have no doubt God orchestrated to bring them together. Congratulations Lety and Matt! God's richest blessings on your life together!!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Yo estoy arreglandolo.
Home Sweet Home once again! But honestly I wasn't ready for Spring Break to be over. Can I have another vacation please?
We started Pediatrics today at 7 am. The posted schedule, though still confusing, was actually easier to figure out than the past rotations we've had. For some odd reason for my first two weeks even though i have space in my schedule for two hour blocks I'm only scheduled for one of the hours. And then get to sit around for the other hour. And then the second two weeks some of my hours are even doubly scheduled. So I get to sit around and do nothing, and then I get to be in two places at once. No worries, I'm Super-Girl! I gots this! But for today, I hadn't brought anything with me to study during my down hours, and then when one of my docters didn't even show.....I took off and skipped the rest of the day.
Changed my bed into its sheets. Too hot anymore for the flannel. I definitely prefer the heat to cold, but trying to study today without moving so as to generate the lest amount of heat possible, I wondered....I wondered if I could rearrainge my circadian rythym to sleep during the day and study through the night. It's just a thought....for now.
When I go for a run I'll intentionally start out with my mp3 player at about 1/2 volume and then periodically increase volume whenever I'm in need of a gear change throughout the run. But for the past couple of months I've had to start out with the volume already up at 100%. It worried me because as I like to listen to my music LOUD when I run, I didn't know if I was actually going deaf or if my technology was just getting old. I hoped for the second. While in TX these past weeks, Vero's brother, JJ got a really good deal on some new earphones. He then passed on the good deal to me. I am very happy to report that the volume hadn't even hit 100% by the time I finished my run this evening! I'm not going deaf after all! Yeah! *fist pump*
(The unanimous concensus on the topic of Peru was that Jenn and I should sue What had transpired was so much more than a mere 'oops!' and when something is broken you don't put a band-aide on it and call it fixed.)
We started Pediatrics today at 7 am. The posted schedule, though still confusing, was actually easier to figure out than the past rotations we've had. For some odd reason for my first two weeks even though i have space in my schedule for two hour blocks I'm only scheduled for one of the hours. And then get to sit around for the other hour. And then the second two weeks some of my hours are even doubly scheduled. So I get to sit around and do nothing, and then I get to be in two places at once. No worries, I'm Super-Girl! I gots this! But for today, I hadn't brought anything with me to study during my down hours, and then when one of my docters didn't even show.....I took off and skipped the rest of the day.
Changed my bed into its sheets. Too hot anymore for the flannel. I definitely prefer the heat to cold, but trying to study today without moving so as to generate the lest amount of heat possible, I wondered....I wondered if I could rearrainge my circadian rythym to sleep during the day and study through the night. It's just a thought....for now.
When I go for a run I'll intentionally start out with my mp3 player at about 1/2 volume and then periodically increase volume whenever I'm in need of a gear change throughout the run. But for the past couple of months I've had to start out with the volume already up at 100%. It worried me because as I like to listen to my music LOUD when I run, I didn't know if I was actually going deaf or if my technology was just getting old. I hoped for the second. While in TX these past weeks, Vero's brother, JJ got a really good deal on some new earphones. He then passed on the good deal to me. I am very happy to report that the volume hadn't even hit 100% by the time I finished my run this evening! I'm not going deaf after all! Yeah! *fist pump*
(The unanimous concensus on the topic of Peru was that Jenn and I should sue What had transpired was so much more than a mere 'oops!' and when something is broken you don't put a band-aide on it and call it fixed.)
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