Friday, April 1, 2011

Yo estoy preparando.

Rather exhausting week! But the first stone has been slung. I give myself all the pep talks, but can't bring myself to fully believe them yet. some day, some day perhaps. At times like this, my life needs to be a musical, and right about now ABBA would break out in "Take a Chance on Me!"

I randomly ran into Rosa yesterday. (Rosa is who I stayed with first semester.) She said she had some letters for me so I stopped by. She had a handful of letters for me that she'd saved over the past 2 1/2 years. Really cool of her to save them for me. So in other words, I finally received the David & Tara's wedding invitation. (I hope you guys had a wonderful 1 year anniversary!) The majority of the letters were from Betty K. They were a bit difficult to read especially since I read them in chronological order. Considering these new letters, I did not write her enough, and they made me really want to write her right then. :(

Today marked our end of our OB/GYN time at HAL. Starting Monday we split up. Some of my friends are even going to Puerta Vallarta to do their two weeks of OB/GYN guardias there. We had the guardia picking this past Monday. There were only 4 spots available at the IMSS (#89) that I wanted and I got one of them!!! Excited about that. Apparently quite a few people had 89 as their #1 choice so I jokingly got blamed for taking their spot from them.

Today Jennifer and I excitedly went on a shopping trip for Peru! Store after store we emerged empty handed. We racked our brains for any shopping site that could possibly carry the items we were looking for, tried them all, and came up with nothing. Thankfully while we were out we were able to take care of some errands for a friend's birthday we are celebrating tonight. If not for those errands, our 3 1/2 hours of effort would have been for nothing.

14 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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