I just have to share mine with you, for two reasons.
1) I woke up early and went to a sunrise service on a nearby golf course with Vero's parents. It was a collaborative service, so about 11 different pastors were there from a variety of denominations. One of them shared a short message about the women that had visited the tomb and found it empty. To us we don't have a question about that because we already know the end of the story. Jesus had risen and was alive. But these women, they were still confused and heartbroken over the happenings just three days earlier. The answer to their confusion was right in front of them but they couldn't understand it because they didn't know what they were looking at.
2) After I got back, I went with Vero to the Easter service at her grandparents church. Her grandparents attend the Spanish service at a Baptist church. I am in the US right now, but honestly whereever I go....I'm still the only white girl, good thing I'm used to it. I take that back....you sometimes see retirees here down from the North.
So how do they celebrate Easter here? Lots of eggs!!!
Here's a closer look!
The majority of these eggs are filled with confetti. Some you can find with candies or money, but the majority...confetti. So once everyone has scrambled and filled their bag full of eggs all the cracking begins. Hundreds of eggs get cracked releasing their confetti contents all over the heads of their victims. It's actually pretty funny; when one of the small children would run at an adult egg in hand gleefully laughing, the adult just bends over so the child can reach their head and hopes that they get hit by the side of the egg that smashes easiest. Everyone got egged...it was unavoidable. Here's Vero post-egging.
But it didn't stop there. We made some special eggs. Here I am after emptying some of the eggs of their confetti, and refilling them with flour.
Once the egg hunt had simmered down and attention had turned to the piƱata the hidden flour-filled eggs emerged. And garuanteed you're probably already sweaty so any flour and you're colored white. But just in case, sometimes water balloons were used first...just to make sure the flour would stick! ;) Poor Vero got it good!
There were lots of games played, the pool was swam in, more water balloons tossed. In the end, I'll never forget my Easter this year. It was the opposite of ordinary. It was loud, and long, and messy, and wet, and flat out exhausting. But don't get me wrong, all of those adjectives are used in a positive sense. It was basically 8 hours of straight laughter!
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