Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yo estoy soñando.

We had a three day weekend this past weekend due to Monday being a holiday. Mexico was either celebrating their Pemex requisition holiday or the First Day of Spring. I heard both and as it doesn't take much for Mexico to declare a day a holiday, both are believable. Thankfully I was able to pass the extended time in Ixtlan. It's really nice to not have to pack up and head back to GDL after lunch on Sunday, but rather move as slowly as I like. (Moving slowly helps prevent sweating anyways!) After eating I was reading and decided I should connect to the world so moved to my room to turn on my computer and got sidetracked by the bed instead. Sigh! Lazy Sunday afternoons! Que Nice!

After the singing Sunday evening Regg, Bev and I rolled up our sleeves and made an attempt at being Mexican. We literally filled their kitchen with our endeavor to make buñuelos. We started out a bit rocky, but soon got the hang of it, and all in all the night ended successfully!
Don't know what a buñuelo is? See picture below.

Not sure how to react? Be impressed! ;)

When I had told Jan that I was going to be staying until Monday her face lit up! Me staying ment extra hands to help clean in preparation for the team of 14 coming for the eye-glasses clinic that is underway this week. I have to admit I did laugh to myself at Jan's reaction, but in all honesty I am happy to be able to help considering all that they do for me. So come Monday morning I found myself fighting scorpions and spiders, choking through dust inhalation, suffering from various pinched fingers and definitly, definitly earning broom conductor of the year award! Well, those might have been slight exaggerations, but in the end it didn't take us too long to finish and Jan got that look on her face when she's ahead of schedule and is now trying to figure out what she can do next.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yep I am IMPRESSED with your cooking creations!! They look pretty sweet! :) and your resume as broom conductor may just come in handy :) Love, prayers, and a hug,