Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yo estoy bailando.

In Ixtlan for the weekend. Trying to catch up on a few non-medical related things. Ready to start in on another blog post. I've got music in my ears, and my feet are kind of itchy. Really itchy. I think they want to dance. I wonder if Jan would join me if I asked her. Ok, she just got up from her spot on the couch and left....she must have known what I was contemplating! ;) No, just kidding, I would never scare Jan like that.

Our surgery rotation ended yesterday with our final exam. It was good to see all of my classmates again after 4 weeks of not seeing them. Some brought good stories of their guardias and some not so good stories. It was hard listening to those that didn't enjoy their guardia as I loved it and could not empathize with them. Even though I got stuck with a doctor I really didn't like, when I think of my experiences he doesn't even make the list. I can say that since I didn't particularly enjoy being with him, I would use every excuse possible to not be with him, to the point where this past week the only time I was actually with him was during his morning rounds. I'm sad to have to leave Surgery, but am really excited to start Gynecology and Obstetrics on Monday!

Do you like jello? I know someone who loves jello. More specifically, Jennifer loves milk jello. Gelatins are commonly seen in Mexico, sold on the streets and little stores. During our 4 weeks of guardias she got both Anjuli and I addicted to jellos too. We each have our preference. Jennifer pure milk jellos, I like the mosaic jellos (milk jellos with cubes of colored water jello mixed in), and Anjuli prefered the jellos made with yogurt. It got to the point where when we'd come up from whatever surgeries we were in for the day we'd have to have a jello. In general one of us didn't have surgeries scheduled for the day and would have already bought the jellos for the day ready and waiting to be eaten by the other two when they came up.
of's not really jello, it's cat brains with food coloring!

The sun is really getting hot now. Stay in it for too long and you'll emerge quite pink. It makes it really nice to wake up in the mornings though, as it has cooled down during the night and it feels really fresh in the mornings. I took the extra blanket off my bed weeks ago. The other day I was sitting in my apartment comfortably in a T-shirt. I've even stopped opening my windows during the day to keep the coolness in. I thought about that the other day and chuckled as going from outside to inside it almost feels like I have air conditioning. (My imagination comes in handy at times!)
I have avoided talking about weather the past months because I didn't want to jinx it, or rejoice prematurely. But as it is now March, and getting even hotter, I finally feel at liberty to be happy. I had come back to Mexico in January with scarves and hats, ready for the rest of winter in GDL. This year I am so thankful to report that it was nothing like it was last year. We had no freezing temperatures, no days of constant cloud cover or worse of constant rain as we did last year. I ended up not even using the scarf and hats that I brought; though I did still use the gloves quite a bit. Last year it was April before I felt warm again. I am so incredibly thankful that is not the case this year.

Anybody want to dance?

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