Here's a picture of a Guadalajara sunrise from piso 11 (12th floor) of the IMSS I was at for my surgical guardia. To the West of the building the city is a lot more interesting, and I was going to take a picture of the setting sun in that direction, but forgot.
Here's a picture of Anjuli, Jennifer and I leaving the IMSS on our last day. I guess technically we were there the following two days also, but didn't actually do anything on those days.
We started back at HAL today, and it was harder than I was expecting. As much as I dislike complaining no matter how justified it is, I caught myself today on a couple of occasions complaining. And to make it worse it was that pointless whiney kind of complaining. I got so frustrated with myself. Had to resort to chastising myself in the third person. (kind of like Marshall does when he knows he made a silly mistake while playing volleyball). So as much as I want to continue whinning, as I'm just writing it and no one is actually listening to me, I'm not going to let myself. Life is so much more enjoyable without focusing on what Satan would rather have me pay mind to. And who knows what opportunities I'd miss for Jesus by allowing myself to be bothered.
This past weekend Regg and Bev had visitors in Ixtlan so I got to pretend that I had visitors too. (Like I've said before, imagination comes in handy!) I'd sit in on their kitchen conversations, couldn't really participate, but loved it nonetheless. Just listening to AC conversation like that I felt like Oliver Twist..."please sir, could I have some more?" The focus on family/brotherhood/unity that the AC church has in place is, in my opinion, one of it's principal praiseworthy strengths. It also didn't hurt that everyone was quite humorous and it was so easy to laugh along with them.
I stayed late in Ixtlan Sunday and starting out on my way back home had the intention of seeing if I could make a new record, but by the time I hit La Barca I'd already forgotten what starting time I had taken note of, so the intention kind of got forgotten too. I entertained myself singing along with my music. And as the subject of videoing late night drives had been discussed over the weekend I couldn't resist getting out my camera. I've videoed my late night drives before, but never shared them. As they are probably only interesting to me I won't embed them but if you're bored here's the links and you can check them out.
This is when I'm entering the city. At the very beginning I'm actually trying to get the stone BIENVENIDO welcome statue in the camera, but focusing on that I forgot that the road turned so at 10 seconds the camera goes crazy as I'm trying to keep my car on the road. See how much I love you guys. I knew the statue wasn't lit up and probably wouldn't be visible in the video but I tried to get it in anyways to the point of sacrificing my poor car. And in the end you don't see the bienvenido anyways.
This is in the city and actually contains some of my favorite parts of my route through GDL. The blue bridge has just recently been finished. I have to say well done GDL for that!
Home again! Home again! Jiggity Jig! probably the most boring of all three, but hey, if you're even watching them you were bored in the first place, so enjoy!
P.S. I totally wanted to use catchear in the title of this post and then rethought it....I probably should have just gone with it anyways, evidence of how I live my life in Spanglish.
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