Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yo estoy boxeando.

Another week, which you can't make me believe otherwise, but it definitely went by faster than the last couple of weeks. We had an exam over our Obstetrics material on Friday; I guess come Tuesday we'll find out if it was possible to learn all there is to know about Obstetrics in just two weeks. I'm not sure...but I'm gonna go with Not possible.

Instead of heading to Ixtlan after the test on Friday like I have been doing lately I decided to stay in GDL and get some chores done. a.k.a. cleaning. It's amazing how lovely one's apartment can become when you combine dry weather with prolonged neglect. Really! Quite lovely!

I randomly joined some friends in a boxing class at the gym this past Tuesday. I didn't know what to expect, but I was thankful I wasn't the only one there who'd never wore boxing gloves before. The instructor was great at starting at the beginning for us beginners but still helping those more advanced. He kept laughing at me because I couldn't get the pivot with my right foot right. I'd try to concentrate on it, but inevitably I would still be doing it wrong. Typically instead of a simple pivot it'd end up being some sort of a kick. In my defense it's hard to not look like you're dancing when you're constantly bouncing back and forth. My favorite part of the class was the rotation in which the instructor (or someone) would have pads on their hands and you'd punch into their hands. The instructor set up a combo of punches and ducks and at the end of the rotation he told me to just keep repeating the combo yelling at me harder! harder!! harder!!! I think my lack of upper-body strength was made quite evident. In the end, boxing is amazing cardio, and boxing does for your arms what running does for your legs. The entire length of my arms were sore, even my hands, all the way down to and including my knuckles as well as my back. This boxing class made me for the first time actually recognize a desire to have a regular pass to the gym. I would box every day if I could!

Bible study this past week was given by Hector. I am always impressed by my friends when they share. It allows them to investigate their own questions, which they have been unable to ask out loud or perhaps have not been able to put into words. Often I receive comments from those attending such as "I feel like each Bible study is directed at me!" "Did you know I needed that?" (refering to a certain message, etc)The response they always receive always points them back to the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely no credit that I can take for anything. From day one this Bible study has been God's. He has caused it to stay through the tough times. He is the reason it has grown. If left in my hands alone it would have crashed and burned long ago. It gives me joy to notice that they are picking up on and sometimes even beating me to the response. "I know, I know....God knew I needed it!" This past week Hector's Bible study covered a topic that Satan had been dishing into my face regularly the days prior. It kind of caught me by surprise. Sometimes it is good to just listen to the Word.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh buddy Christy and boxing ;) So neat to hear about your Bible Study, praise God!! :)