I didn't venture over to Ixtlan to join in the party happening there this weekend. And by 'party' I'm refering to the eye-glasses clinic that is finishing up their week there. Rather I have stayed in GDL and am creating my own party, and boy have I partied!!!!! As much as I enjoy waking up on my own on Saturdays I set my alarm this time and two classmates (Anjuli and Belen) and I got into our whites and headed downtown to the Civil Hospital (Hospital Civil de Guadalajara). It's the oldest hospital in GDL and actually was originally a convent. No one told us to go, nor had anyone told us to come. We just figured we'd show up and then go from there. To our thankful delight, as we were walking up to the entrance, walking out of that same entrance was one of the surgical residents Anjuli and I had become acquainted with while doing our Surgery Guardias at the IMSS #46. We had our in. I am unbelievably excited at the prospect of getting more surgical experience. Seriously, I'd totally skip HAL next week for Hospital Civil, but I've got a bunch of extra hours scheduled that wouldn't be in my better interest to skip.
The civil hospital is right next to the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) School of Medicine and therefore us as UAG (Autonomous University of Guadalajara) students never really get placements there. That doesn't stop us!! hehe! One of the surgical residents there, a graduate of UdeG, is my age, already a resident, and his entire schooling to this point = $1,000. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I now am bald having just pulled out all my hair in frustration and exasperation!
One of the items on my 'to do' list this weekend is to finally complete an acceptable CV. A CV is basically a type of resume. This particular item has been on said 'to do' list since January. I can just never bring myself to actually do it. It is a fact that I am not the smartest, not the most experienced, not the most personable, in short, I have nothing to put on this CV to recommend me as an ideal candidate to get me back into the States. Not having this in writing helps me to look over these facts and believe that it's all in God's hands. But to have Goliath written down in black ink on white paper staring back at me......
It would be encouraging to me if perhaps David had paused when he actually saw Goliath face to face out on the battle field, but he didn't. And now Satan tells me I'm a failure because I do pause, that I allow my own insecurities to cause me to doubt even for a second.
"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
As a David facing Goliath I will release this stone knowing that when it lands it has hit it's mark not because of the hand that released it but because of the grace of Jesus that guided it.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Yo estoy soñando.
We had a three day weekend this past weekend due to Monday being a holiday. Mexico was either celebrating their Pemex requisition holiday or the First Day of Spring. I heard both and as it doesn't take much for Mexico to declare a day a holiday, both are believable. Thankfully I was able to pass the extended time in Ixtlan. It's really nice to not have to pack up and head back to GDL after lunch on Sunday, but rather move as slowly as I like. (Moving slowly helps prevent sweating anyways!) After eating I was reading and decided I should connect to the world so moved to my room to turn on my computer and got sidetracked by the bed instead. Sigh! Lazy Sunday afternoons! Que Nice!
After the singing Sunday evening Regg, Bev and I rolled up our sleeves and made an attempt at being Mexican. We literally filled their kitchen with our endeavor to make buñuelos. We started out a bit rocky, but soon got the hang of it, and all in all the night ended successfully!
Don't know what a buñuelo is? See picture below.

Not sure how to react? Be impressed! ;)
When I had told Jan that I was going to be staying until Monday her face lit up! Me staying ment extra hands to help clean in preparation for the team of 14 coming for the eye-glasses clinic that is underway this week. I have to admit I did laugh to myself at Jan's reaction, but in all honesty I am happy to be able to help considering all that they do for me. So come Monday morning I found myself fighting scorpions and spiders, choking through dust inhalation, suffering from various pinched fingers and definitly, definitly earning broom conductor of the year award! Well, those might have been slight exaggerations, but in the end it didn't take us too long to finish and Jan got that look on her face when she's ahead of schedule and is now trying to figure out what she can do next.
After the singing Sunday evening Regg, Bev and I rolled up our sleeves and made an attempt at being Mexican. We literally filled their kitchen with our endeavor to make buñuelos. We started out a bit rocky, but soon got the hang of it, and all in all the night ended successfully!
Don't know what a buñuelo is? See picture below.

Not sure how to react? Be impressed! ;)
When I had told Jan that I was going to be staying until Monday her face lit up! Me staying ment extra hands to help clean in preparation for the team of 14 coming for the eye-glasses clinic that is underway this week. I have to admit I did laugh to myself at Jan's reaction, but in all honesty I am happy to be able to help considering all that they do for me. So come Monday morning I found myself fighting scorpions and spiders, choking through dust inhalation, suffering from various pinched fingers and definitly, definitly earning broom conductor of the year award! Well, those might have been slight exaggerations, but in the end it didn't take us too long to finish and Jan got that look on her face when she's ahead of schedule and is now trying to figure out what she can do next.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Yo estoy boxeando.
Another week, which you can't make me believe otherwise, but it definitely went by faster than the last couple of weeks. We had an exam over our Obstetrics material on Friday; I guess come Tuesday we'll find out if it was possible to learn all there is to know about Obstetrics in just two weeks. I'm not sure...but I'm gonna go with Not possible.
Instead of heading to Ixtlan after the test on Friday like I have been doing lately I decided to stay in GDL and get some chores done. a.k.a. cleaning. It's amazing how lovely one's apartment can become when you combine dry weather with prolonged neglect. Really! Quite lovely!
I randomly joined some friends in a boxing class at the gym this past Tuesday. I didn't know what to expect, but I was thankful I wasn't the only one there who'd never wore boxing gloves before. The instructor was great at starting at the beginning for us beginners but still helping those more advanced. He kept laughing at me because I couldn't get the pivot with my right foot right. I'd try to concentrate on it, but inevitably I would still be doing it wrong. Typically instead of a simple pivot it'd end up being some sort of a kick. In my defense it's hard to not look like you're dancing when you're constantly bouncing back and forth. My favorite part of the class was the rotation in which the instructor (or someone) would have pads on their hands and you'd punch into their hands. The instructor set up a combo of punches and ducks and at the end of the rotation he told me to just keep repeating the combo yelling at me harder! harder!! harder!!! I think my lack of upper-body strength was made quite evident. In the end, boxing is amazing cardio, and boxing does for your arms what running does for your legs. The entire length of my arms were sore, even my hands, all the way down to and including my knuckles as well as my back. This boxing class made me for the first time actually recognize a desire to have a regular pass to the gym. I would box every day if I could!
Bible study this past week was given by Hector. I am always impressed by my friends when they share. It allows them to investigate their own questions, which they have been unable to ask out loud or perhaps have not been able to put into words. Often I receive comments from those attending such as "I feel like each Bible study is directed at me!" "Did you know I needed that?" (refering to a certain message, etc)The response they always receive always points them back to the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely no credit that I can take for anything. From day one this Bible study has been God's. He has caused it to stay through the tough times. He is the reason it has grown. If left in my hands alone it would have crashed and burned long ago. It gives me joy to notice that they are picking up on and sometimes even beating me to the response. "I know, I know....God knew I needed it!" This past week Hector's Bible study covered a topic that Satan had been dishing into my face regularly the days prior. It kind of caught me by surprise. Sometimes it is good to just listen to the Word.
Instead of heading to Ixtlan after the test on Friday like I have been doing lately I decided to stay in GDL and get some chores done. a.k.a. cleaning. It's amazing how lovely one's apartment can become when you combine dry weather with prolonged neglect. Really! Quite lovely!
I randomly joined some friends in a boxing class at the gym this past Tuesday. I didn't know what to expect, but I was thankful I wasn't the only one there who'd never wore boxing gloves before. The instructor was great at starting at the beginning for us beginners but still helping those more advanced. He kept laughing at me because I couldn't get the pivot with my right foot right. I'd try to concentrate on it, but inevitably I would still be doing it wrong. Typically instead of a simple pivot it'd end up being some sort of a kick. In my defense it's hard to not look like you're dancing when you're constantly bouncing back and forth. My favorite part of the class was the rotation in which the instructor (or someone) would have pads on their hands and you'd punch into their hands. The instructor set up a combo of punches and ducks and at the end of the rotation he told me to just keep repeating the combo yelling at me harder! harder!! harder!!! I think my lack of upper-body strength was made quite evident. In the end, boxing is amazing cardio, and boxing does for your arms what running does for your legs. The entire length of my arms were sore, even my hands, all the way down to and including my knuckles as well as my back. This boxing class made me for the first time actually recognize a desire to have a regular pass to the gym. I would box every day if I could!
Bible study this past week was given by Hector. I am always impressed by my friends when they share. It allows them to investigate their own questions, which they have been unable to ask out loud or perhaps have not been able to put into words. Often I receive comments from those attending such as "I feel like each Bible study is directed at me!" "Did you know I needed that?" (refering to a certain message, etc)The response they always receive always points them back to the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely no credit that I can take for anything. From day one this Bible study has been God's. He has caused it to stay through the tough times. He is the reason it has grown. If left in my hands alone it would have crashed and burned long ago. It gives me joy to notice that they are picking up on and sometimes even beating me to the response. "I know, I know....God knew I needed it!" This past week Hector's Bible study covered a topic that Satan had been dishing into my face regularly the days prior. It kind of caught me by surprise. Sometimes it is good to just listen to the Word.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Yo estoy recordando a respirar.
So Jennifer and I got a scare the other day concerning our trip to Peru. While we were at HAL Jennifer noticed she had received an email from the guy that is organizing our hike for us basically saying. 'Ooops! I sent you guys the wrong confirmation.' First thing on our list when we got home that day was to call and figure out what oops meant. Apparently, he had sent us the wrong start day. Thankfully new arrangements could be made and so our trip to Peru is going to go as follows. We leave Saturday from Mexico and after 24 hours of travelling we arrive in Cusco, Peru. We will be met at the airport by someone from the hike and start up the mountain! This senario = recipe for altitude sickness.....either that or we'll flat pass out and have to be carried up to Machu Pichu.

I stayed in GDL this weekend. And on my schedule was a BBQ at a classmates house. The above and below are pictures of Yours Truely gettin down to some Micheal Jackson 'The Experience'.

I saw on my calendar that US had daylight savings time this weekend and I still tuned into the morning service at 9:55 (my time) and wondered why Steve had started so early.
I got to run both days this weekend. Saturday was the first time I'd run at Colomos probably since November. And then Sunday I ran with a buddy at another large park here in GDL, Parque Metropolitano. The paths there are much flatter, but as it was my first time running there they proved to be a bit confusing. There were four different paths that all overlapped, so you can imagine. It really makes me so happy to see all the other people there making their ways around the paths. They are all different ages, shapes, sizes and sometimes I just want to stop each one and hug them and tell them Thank You. Thank you for caring enough about your body to exercise. My favorite is the 4 foot tall grandma whose small steps take at least 2 if not 3 to equal one of mine, but her arms are pumping and she's determined. I just want to squeeze her!
I stayed in GDL this weekend. And on my schedule was a BBQ at a classmates house. The above and below are pictures of Yours Truely gettin down to some Micheal Jackson 'The Experience'.
I saw on my calendar that US had daylight savings time this weekend and I still tuned into the morning service at 9:55 (my time) and wondered why Steve had started so early.
I got to run both days this weekend. Saturday was the first time I'd run at Colomos probably since November. And then Sunday I ran with a buddy at another large park here in GDL, Parque Metropolitano. The paths there are much flatter, but as it was my first time running there they proved to be a bit confusing. There were four different paths that all overlapped, so you can imagine. It really makes me so happy to see all the other people there making their ways around the paths. They are all different ages, shapes, sizes and sometimes I just want to stop each one and hug them and tell them Thank You. Thank you for caring enough about your body to exercise. My favorite is the 4 foot tall grandma whose small steps take at least 2 if not 3 to equal one of mine, but her arms are pumping and she's determined. I just want to squeeze her!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Yo estoy fea.
Well the week has progressed and needless-to-say I fear I started out OB/GYN on my third left foot, or maybe it was right....but either way it was The Wrong Foot. Picture an obese, Anthony Hopkins looking Cuban. Got that? He's one of the OB/GYN doctors here at UAG. Tuesday in our lecture (so in front of all 50 some Internationals and 100 or so Latins) he called me ugly. Then today again in the lecture he made fun of my hair and then not so subtly let it be known that I am dumb. On top of embarrassment I was mad, and the combination caused such a dramatic increase in perfusion to my head that I could feel my scalp start to prickle. My goal for OB/GYN now is to survive with at least a shred of self-esteem intact.
It didn't help that today when I got home I bought a plane ticket home for the summer. And just as I pushed purchase I realized I was buying a ticket for the wrong day. Perhaps the doctor is right after-all. It'll be awhile before I can stop beating myself up over that one at least.
For another interesting OB/GYN doctor found here at UAG you need to picture British looking from the front and German looking from profile. Make sure you add in a white mustache. Now let me relay some of his dialogue from lecture the other day.
Doc: "Touch your nose. Now touch your ear lobe. Your nose is not pregnant. Your ear is pregnant."
Like I said...interesting. Where he gets his odd analogies I have no idea, but at least I'll forever remember that I have pregnant ears.
We had a group of 11 for Bible study last night. I'm not sure if that's a record or not, but it has definitely been the most we've had in over a year. In fact, since the beginning of the semester there's been at least 7 every Wednesday. It's become a joke amongst the study that we need to have a dry erase board to write all the verses down on. Some weeks are better than others, but sometimes, on those 'other' weeks, we'll move on to the next verse and before everyone has found it, the book, chapter, and verse(s) have all been repeated at least 8 times. That's another thing that AC upbringing has given me; I'm the only one at the studies that know the books of the Bible and where to find them. Some have the Bible on their iphones, so with a few touches of their screen they're at the right place. I wish I could make it easier on those who have to search as I can tell they eventually start to get a little bit frustrated. But as our studies are a mixture of Catholic and various Christian denominations, we have to focus on God's Word and Jesus is our unifying factor, and therefore searching through the Bible for each verse is unavoidable. Also because Bible studies are never actually finished early enough to send out so that the group could print out the verses ahead of time. But I figure that with enough searching, they'll start to get general ideas of where the main books are and from there it'll get easier for them. If not we'll just continue to wait for everyone.
It didn't help that today when I got home I bought a plane ticket home for the summer. And just as I pushed purchase I realized I was buying a ticket for the wrong day. Perhaps the doctor is right after-all. It'll be awhile before I can stop beating myself up over that one at least.
For another interesting OB/GYN doctor found here at UAG you need to picture British looking from the front and German looking from profile. Make sure you add in a white mustache. Now let me relay some of his dialogue from lecture the other day.
Doc: "Touch your nose. Now touch your ear lobe. Your nose is not pregnant. Your ear is pregnant."
Like I said...interesting. Where he gets his odd analogies I have no idea, but at least I'll forever remember that I have pregnant ears.
We had a group of 11 for Bible study last night. I'm not sure if that's a record or not, but it has definitely been the most we've had in over a year. In fact, since the beginning of the semester there's been at least 7 every Wednesday. It's become a joke amongst the study that we need to have a dry erase board to write all the verses down on. Some weeks are better than others, but sometimes, on those 'other' weeks, we'll move on to the next verse and before everyone has found it, the book, chapter, and verse(s) have all been repeated at least 8 times. That's another thing that AC upbringing has given me; I'm the only one at the studies that know the books of the Bible and where to find them. Some have the Bible on their iphones, so with a few touches of their screen they're at the right place. I wish I could make it easier on those who have to search as I can tell they eventually start to get a little bit frustrated. But as our studies are a mixture of Catholic and various Christian denominations, we have to focus on God's Word and Jesus is our unifying factor, and therefore searching through the Bible for each verse is unavoidable. Also because Bible studies are never actually finished early enough to send out so that the group could print out the verses ahead of time. But I figure that with enough searching, they'll start to get general ideas of where the main books are and from there it'll get easier for them. If not we'll just continue to wait for everyone.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Yo estoy atrapando todo.
I have a feeling this post is going to end up being sort of a catch-all...I have this feeling because I'm starting out with that goal in mind. You know, when you talk about everything and nothing at the same time, and then throw in a picture and call it a blog post. That's a catch-all.
Here's a picture of a Guadalajara sunrise from piso 11 (12th floor) of the IMSS I was at for my surgical guardia. To the West of the building the city is a lot more interesting, and I was going to take a picture of the setting sun in that direction, but forgot.

Here's a picture of Anjuli, Jennifer and I leaving the IMSS on our last day. I guess technically we were there the following two days also, but didn't actually do anything on those days.

We started back at HAL today, and it was harder than I was expecting. As much as I dislike complaining no matter how justified it is, I caught myself today on a couple of occasions complaining. And to make it worse it was that pointless whiney kind of complaining. I got so frustrated with myself. Had to resort to chastising myself in the third person. (kind of like Marshall does when he knows he made a silly mistake while playing volleyball). So as much as I want to continue whinning, as I'm just writing it and no one is actually listening to me, I'm not going to let myself. Life is so much more enjoyable without focusing on what Satan would rather have me pay mind to. And who knows what opportunities I'd miss for Jesus by allowing myself to be bothered.
This past weekend Regg and Bev had visitors in Ixtlan so I got to pretend that I had visitors too. (Like I've said before, imagination comes in handy!) I'd sit in on their kitchen conversations, couldn't really participate, but loved it nonetheless. Just listening to AC conversation like that I felt like Oliver Twist..."please sir, could I have some more?" The focus on family/brotherhood/unity that the AC church has in place is, in my opinion, one of it's principal praiseworthy strengths. It also didn't hurt that everyone was quite humorous and it was so easy to laugh along with them.
I stayed late in Ixtlan Sunday and starting out on my way back home had the intention of seeing if I could make a new record, but by the time I hit La Barca I'd already forgotten what starting time I had taken note of, so the intention kind of got forgotten too. I entertained myself singing along with my music. And as the subject of videoing late night drives had been discussed over the weekend I couldn't resist getting out my camera. I've videoed my late night drives before, but never shared them. As they are probably only interesting to me I won't embed them but if you're bored here's the links and you can check them out.
This is when I'm entering the city. At the very beginning I'm actually trying to get the stone BIENVENIDO welcome statue in the camera, but focusing on that I forgot that the road turned so at 10 seconds the camera goes crazy as I'm trying to keep my car on the road. See how much I love you guys. I knew the statue wasn't lit up and probably wouldn't be visible in the video but I tried to get it in anyways to the point of sacrificing my poor car. And in the end you don't see the bienvenido anyways.
This is in the city and actually contains some of my favorite parts of my route through GDL. The blue bridge has just recently been finished. I have to say well done GDL for that!
Home again! Home again! Jiggity Jig! probably the most boring of all three, but hey, if you're even watching them you were bored in the first place, so enjoy!
P.S. I totally wanted to use catchear in the title of this post and then rethought it....I probably should have just gone with it anyways, evidence of how I live my life in Spanglish.
Here's a picture of a Guadalajara sunrise from piso 11 (12th floor) of the IMSS I was at for my surgical guardia. To the West of the building the city is a lot more interesting, and I was going to take a picture of the setting sun in that direction, but forgot.
Here's a picture of Anjuli, Jennifer and I leaving the IMSS on our last day. I guess technically we were there the following two days also, but didn't actually do anything on those days.
We started back at HAL today, and it was harder than I was expecting. As much as I dislike complaining no matter how justified it is, I caught myself today on a couple of occasions complaining. And to make it worse it was that pointless whiney kind of complaining. I got so frustrated with myself. Had to resort to chastising myself in the third person. (kind of like Marshall does when he knows he made a silly mistake while playing volleyball). So as much as I want to continue whinning, as I'm just writing it and no one is actually listening to me, I'm not going to let myself. Life is so much more enjoyable without focusing on what Satan would rather have me pay mind to. And who knows what opportunities I'd miss for Jesus by allowing myself to be bothered.
This past weekend Regg and Bev had visitors in Ixtlan so I got to pretend that I had visitors too. (Like I've said before, imagination comes in handy!) I'd sit in on their kitchen conversations, couldn't really participate, but loved it nonetheless. Just listening to AC conversation like that I felt like Oliver Twist..."please sir, could I have some more?" The focus on family/brotherhood/unity that the AC church has in place is, in my opinion, one of it's principal praiseworthy strengths. It also didn't hurt that everyone was quite humorous and it was so easy to laugh along with them.
I stayed late in Ixtlan Sunday and starting out on my way back home had the intention of seeing if I could make a new record, but by the time I hit La Barca I'd already forgotten what starting time I had taken note of, so the intention kind of got forgotten too. I entertained myself singing along with my music. And as the subject of videoing late night drives had been discussed over the weekend I couldn't resist getting out my camera. I've videoed my late night drives before, but never shared them. As they are probably only interesting to me I won't embed them but if you're bored here's the links and you can check them out.
This is when I'm entering the city. At the very beginning I'm actually trying to get the stone BIENVENIDO welcome statue in the camera, but focusing on that I forgot that the road turned so at 10 seconds the camera goes crazy as I'm trying to keep my car on the road. See how much I love you guys. I knew the statue wasn't lit up and probably wouldn't be visible in the video but I tried to get it in anyways to the point of sacrificing my poor car. And in the end you don't see the bienvenido anyways.
This is in the city and actually contains some of my favorite parts of my route through GDL. The blue bridge has just recently been finished. I have to say well done GDL for that!
Home again! Home again! Jiggity Jig! probably the most boring of all three, but hey, if you're even watching them you were bored in the first place, so enjoy!
P.S. I totally wanted to use catchear in the title of this post and then rethought it....I probably should have just gone with it anyways, evidence of how I live my life in Spanglish.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Yo estoy bailando.
In Ixtlan for the weekend. Trying to catch up on a few non-medical related things. Ready to start in on another blog post. I've got music in my ears, and my feet are kind of itchy. Really itchy. I think they want to dance. I wonder if Jan would join me if I asked her. Ok, she just got up from her spot on the couch and left....she must have known what I was contemplating! ;) No, just kidding, I would never scare Jan like that.
Our surgery rotation ended yesterday with our final exam. It was good to see all of my classmates again after 4 weeks of not seeing them. Some brought good stories of their guardias and some not so good stories. It was hard listening to those that didn't enjoy their guardia as I loved it and could not empathize with them. Even though I got stuck with a doctor I really didn't like, when I think of my experiences he doesn't even make the list. I can say that since I didn't particularly enjoy being with him, I would use every excuse possible to not be with him, to the point where this past week the only time I was actually with him was during his morning rounds. I'm sad to have to leave Surgery, but am really excited to start Gynecology and Obstetrics on Monday!
Do you like jello? I know someone who loves jello. More specifically, Jennifer loves milk jello. Gelatins are commonly seen in Mexico, sold on the streets and little stores. During our 4 weeks of guardias she got both Anjuli and I addicted to jellos too. We each have our preference. Jennifer pure milk jellos, I like the mosaic jellos (milk jellos with cubes of colored water jello mixed in), and Anjuli prefered the jellos made with yogurt. It got to the point where when we'd come up from whatever surgeries we were in for the day we'd have to have a jello. In general one of us didn't have surgeries scheduled for the day and would have already bought the jellos for the day ready and waiting to be eaten by the other two when they came up.
of course...it's not really jello, it's cat brains with food coloring!
The sun is really getting hot now. Stay in it for too long and you'll emerge quite pink. It makes it really nice to wake up in the mornings though, as it has cooled down during the night and it feels really fresh in the mornings. I took the extra blanket off my bed weeks ago. The other day I was sitting in my apartment comfortably in a T-shirt. I've even stopped opening my windows during the day to keep the coolness in. I thought about that the other day and chuckled as going from outside to inside it almost feels like I have air conditioning. (My imagination comes in handy at times!)
I have avoided talking about weather the past months because I didn't want to jinx it, or rejoice prematurely. But as it is now March, and getting even hotter, I finally feel at liberty to be happy. I had come back to Mexico in January with scarves and hats, ready for the rest of winter in GDL. This year I am so thankful to report that it was nothing like it was last year. We had no freezing temperatures, no days of constant cloud cover or worse of constant rain as we did last year. I ended up not even using the scarf and hats that I brought; though I did still use the gloves quite a bit. Last year it was April before I felt warm again. I am so incredibly thankful that is not the case this year.
Anybody want to dance?
Our surgery rotation ended yesterday with our final exam. It was good to see all of my classmates again after 4 weeks of not seeing them. Some brought good stories of their guardias and some not so good stories. It was hard listening to those that didn't enjoy their guardia as I loved it and could not empathize with them. Even though I got stuck with a doctor I really didn't like, when I think of my experiences he doesn't even make the list. I can say that since I didn't particularly enjoy being with him, I would use every excuse possible to not be with him, to the point where this past week the only time I was actually with him was during his morning rounds. I'm sad to have to leave Surgery, but am really excited to start Gynecology and Obstetrics on Monday!
Do you like jello? I know someone who loves jello. More specifically, Jennifer loves milk jello. Gelatins are commonly seen in Mexico, sold on the streets and little stores. During our 4 weeks of guardias she got both Anjuli and I addicted to jellos too. We each have our preference. Jennifer pure milk jellos, I like the mosaic jellos (milk jellos with cubes of colored water jello mixed in), and Anjuli prefered the jellos made with yogurt. It got to the point where when we'd come up from whatever surgeries we were in for the day we'd have to have a jello. In general one of us didn't have surgeries scheduled for the day and would have already bought the jellos for the day ready and waiting to be eaten by the other two when they came up.
of course...it's not really jello, it's cat brains with food coloring!
The sun is really getting hot now. Stay in it for too long and you'll emerge quite pink. It makes it really nice to wake up in the mornings though, as it has cooled down during the night and it feels really fresh in the mornings. I took the extra blanket off my bed weeks ago. The other day I was sitting in my apartment comfortably in a T-shirt. I've even stopped opening my windows during the day to keep the coolness in. I thought about that the other day and chuckled as going from outside to inside it almost feels like I have air conditioning. (My imagination comes in handy at times!)
I have avoided talking about weather the past months because I didn't want to jinx it, or rejoice prematurely. But as it is now March, and getting even hotter, I finally feel at liberty to be happy. I had come back to Mexico in January with scarves and hats, ready for the rest of winter in GDL. This year I am so thankful to report that it was nothing like it was last year. We had no freezing temperatures, no days of constant cloud cover or worse of constant rain as we did last year. I ended up not even using the scarf and hats that I brought; though I did still use the gloves quite a bit. Last year it was April before I felt warm again. I am so incredibly thankful that is not the case this year.
Anybody want to dance?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Yo estoy preocupada
I haven't had internet in about a week. My neighbor with whom I share has been gone so really I couldn't knock on her door and ask what was up. Today I finally called my landlord and explained. My neighbor is actually his daughter so i decided asking him to come and check on the router wasn't too invasive as he's been stopping by to feed her dogs and whatnot. I don't know what we did, but with a bit of playing with wires and some stareing at blinking lights my computer connected once again. So thankful.
It's been frustrating having so many stories to tell and no means of typing them into this captive receptical of information. I guess I underestimated the amount of intelligence harbored by the internet. It decided my hair was not story worthy and I needed to be cut off before I went on tangents about toe nails or something!!
I'm finishing up my guardia hours this week at the IMSS. Today was technically my last day and as proof that 4 weeks hasn't been enough, I was still learning new things today too. In summary of these 4 weeks: Sophmore year of high school, surgery was the reason that I started walking in the direction of doctor. Then after a drawn out episode in undergrad when I was fainting in consult (forget about staying upright through a surgery) As much as I didn't want to, I had to finally admit that perhaps I couldn't be a surgeon afterall. These past 4 weeks I feel like I did back in 2002. As cheesy as it sounds, kind of like God gave me back my first love.
In addition, over these past 4 weeks I have seen certain traits in myself as a doctor that surprise me. Traits concerning what aspects of "doctor" that I prefer; those I enjoy more; those I prefer here in Mexico as opposed to the US and vice versa. Honestly, I think that surgery just made obvious some traits that I hadn't really paid attention to before. Some good traits, but some have me a bit worried.
It's been frustrating having so many stories to tell and no means of typing them into this captive receptical of information. I guess I underestimated the amount of intelligence harbored by the internet. It decided my hair was not story worthy and I needed to be cut off before I went on tangents about toe nails or something!!
I'm finishing up my guardia hours this week at the IMSS. Today was technically my last day and as proof that 4 weeks hasn't been enough, I was still learning new things today too. In summary of these 4 weeks: Sophmore year of high school, surgery was the reason that I started walking in the direction of doctor. Then after a drawn out episode in undergrad when I was fainting in consult (forget about staying upright through a surgery) As much as I didn't want to, I had to finally admit that perhaps I couldn't be a surgeon afterall. These past 4 weeks I feel like I did back in 2002. As cheesy as it sounds, kind of like God gave me back my first love.
In addition, over these past 4 weeks I have seen certain traits in myself as a doctor that surprise me. Traits concerning what aspects of "doctor" that I prefer; those I enjoy more; those I prefer here in Mexico as opposed to the US and vice versa. Honestly, I think that surgery just made obvious some traits that I hadn't really paid attention to before. Some good traits, but some have me a bit worried.
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