Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yo estoy tratando abrir mis ojos.

I DIDN'T FAINT!!!!!! DIDN'T EVEN GET LIGHTHEADED!!!!!! Maybe I can be a surgeon afterall. With my very lightheaded track record I had no idea what to expect today, but Gracias a Dios! I walked out of the OR after the patients for once.

Apparently having done one successful blood gas draw qualified me to teach someone else how to do it today!

Every third day we have to stay for a long shift. We were assigned long shifts today. Since there's 9 UAG students at the hospital and 3 of us are girls it works out well for the 3 of us to work together (me, Anjuli, and Jennifer). Unfortunately we had to start off today, meaning I wouldn't get home until about 20 minutes before Bible study is scheduled to start, and I had nothing prepared. Anjuli and Jennifer both attend Bible study and they offered to help. So we split it. I have a New Testament in my backpack so during a down time we passed it around. I figured if we could each quick put something together for about 10 min, we'd end up with 30 min and be good to go. Ended up that for the first time ever Bible study was all girls, and typically girls excell at talking. Needless to say, God can bless even the smallest efforts to worship Him!


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