I have always had a problem with excessive hair loss, that is up until about 4-5 months ago. At first I thought something was wrong that I'd pick through my hair and not have hair filling the pick. Then I decided to stop wondering about it and simply enjoy Not losing my hair for once.
Ever since I've started this surgery rotation at the IMSS my hair has been coming out in massive clumps (slight exaggeration)! Today I looked at the immense mess of hair in my bathroom waste basket and could not ignore it anymore, and after pondering multiple possibilities I've finally decided I'd go with the following explanation.
Ever since I started at the IMSS I've been hot all day long, sweating, and pretty sure everyone else there doesn't know that I can actually not look red. It's worst in the operating rooms when you start to feel the beads of sweat snake down your skin and you can't do anything about it. I think I am begining to understand how a dog feels when it warms up and they shed their winter coat......I can't believe I just likened myself to a dog! But basically due to the co-inciding time lines of the two, I've concluded that my recent hair loss is due to recent climate. I'M MOLTING!!!!! I'M MOLTING!!!!!! Yes, I just said that in a Wicked Witch of the West voice.....and yes, I just realized that shedding would have been more appropriate, but molting rhymed.
I've been put back into General Surgery for the remainder of my time at IMSS. I shouldn't complain, because if I end up going into surgery, it's most likely to be general. But for that very same reason I had wanted to be in a specialty such as pediatric surgery, angio surgery, hey I would have even taken procto surgery. But like I said I shouldn't complain, I'm sure I'll still learn a lot. I'm a little indecisive about the new doctor that I'm with. Yesterday I ping ponged from "ummm, I don't think I'm going to like him" to "hmm, maybe he'll be ok after all" back to "nope, definitely don't like this guy." He did something really.....not cool, just so that he could show off. Me = not impressed! On the other hand, his resident actually looked and acknowledged me today! This is a big improvement!
On a tangent about proctology. I heard the other day what I believe to be one of the most genious nicknames I've ever come across. The procto intern was called Frodo by his fellow interns. I still chuckle when I think of the creative reasoning behind it.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Yo estoy chill.
I have to say that my level of excitment last Wednesday got a bit deflated as Thursday and then Friday went by much slower than the beginning of my week. I was kind of stuck in a corner. I wasn't able to enter the surgeries, which is what I am most bummed about. I tried to tag along with my interns to learn from them, but that only worked about 50% of the time. I've always got a book with me, so I could at least study if I really couldn't busy myself with something else.
On one occasion I went with my intern to take one of our patients for an opthalmic interconsult. While waiting the intern disappeared saying she'd be back in 15-20 minutes. 35 minutes later the consult was over and she wasn't back, so I headed off with the patient back to our floor. None of the elevators were working, so after about 12 minutes of waiting for one I got us squeezed onto one of the surgical ones. The workers that we shared the elevator with just laughed at our situation and said, "Welcome to IMSS." After leaving the patient at her room and discussing with the family I let one of the workers take her wheelchair, as I had assumed that it had been borrowed from them anyways. Two minutes later my intern finally reapeared, and unfortunately I had assumed wrong. The wheelchair had been borrowed from a specific individual. She and I then commenced a 12 floor search for a wheelchair! We finally found it way down on the ground floor, down a hallway, through a small room that led to another room. *Note to self: always know where your wheelchair has come from!
Something of interest that I have observed at the IMSS. Everyone types with their index fingers. The doctors, the residents, the interns. Thinking about it, I'm not too surprised. I'm sure the majority learned to type on a typewriter. On the surgical floor there is one computer, and five typewriters. In addition, not all schools here in Mexico even have computers yet, let alone typing classes.
As Anjuli, Jennifer and I were scheduled to stay late for our guardia on Friday it meant that we had the whole weekend off! Very exciting! I was very content to go to Ixtlan and enjoy our church family there for a weekend! Now I'm back in GDL again trying to convince myself to relax and enjoy being on the brink of another week! It's working....somewhat ;)
On one occasion I went with my intern to take one of our patients for an opthalmic interconsult. While waiting the intern disappeared saying she'd be back in 15-20 minutes. 35 minutes later the consult was over and she wasn't back, so I headed off with the patient back to our floor. None of the elevators were working, so after about 12 minutes of waiting for one I got us squeezed onto one of the surgical ones. The workers that we shared the elevator with just laughed at our situation and said, "Welcome to IMSS." After leaving the patient at her room and discussing with the family I let one of the workers take her wheelchair, as I had assumed that it had been borrowed from them anyways. Two minutes later my intern finally reapeared, and unfortunately I had assumed wrong. The wheelchair had been borrowed from a specific individual. She and I then commenced a 12 floor search for a wheelchair! We finally found it way down on the ground floor, down a hallway, through a small room that led to another room. *Note to self: always know where your wheelchair has come from!
Something of interest that I have observed at the IMSS. Everyone types with their index fingers. The doctors, the residents, the interns. Thinking about it, I'm not too surprised. I'm sure the majority learned to type on a typewriter. On the surgical floor there is one computer, and five typewriters. In addition, not all schools here in Mexico even have computers yet, let alone typing classes.
As Anjuli, Jennifer and I were scheduled to stay late for our guardia on Friday it meant that we had the whole weekend off! Very exciting! I was very content to go to Ixtlan and enjoy our church family there for a weekend! Now I'm back in GDL again trying to convince myself to relax and enjoy being on the brink of another week! It's working....somewhat ;)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Yo estoy sana.
I investigated at the lab today for the results of the viral panel of the patient I got too close to the other day. When I asked at the lab if the results were ready the lady at the computer typed in the information then after staring at her screen turned to the other lady and said, "ummmmm, it's green!" The other lady then got a weird look on her face and started searching her own computer. I was like...whoa, whoa, whoa ladies...What's green mean?...what's going on?....What's the results?...Is green bad?!?!?!?! In the end the panel was negative for any of the tested antibodies. In other words, I do not have HIV. whewww! I'm safe....for now.
The IMSS hospital that I am currently at is 13 stories. The surgical floor is #12. Guess where the operating rooms are....Floor #2. As one elevator is currently not working there's a grand total of 2 small elevators serving all 12 floors, and as an IMSS it serves thousands. In other words good luck catching/fitting on the elevator any time soon. However as we are 10 floors away from the operating room going down and up is a necessary evil. I try to take the stairs. I try to go as gracefully as possible to prevent any unnecessary panting and wheezing, a.k.a. attract any attention. Doesn't exactly work, but oh well. Passing floors 3, 4, & 5 are the worst because I'm already tired and yet still have more than halfway to go!
This week I have been placed with the oncologist surgeon. The Doctor in the morning is an interesting character. He doesn't exactly ignore me, but tries to pretend I'm not there. He gets really excited about his surgeries though. There's been a lot more blood involved in these surgeries. I helped with some skin excisions on an English speaking lady (originally from Massachusetts). The one on top of her head....looked like she had a sprinkler spouting. I took her specimens to path, and then got to take her the good news and in English no less! That was fun! Today I scrubbed in on an exploratory surgery of the neck. The surgeon and resident had a bit of trouble once the jugular was hit at getting it under control again. I tell ya what....it was right in there between ouch! and boinnngggggg!
I still get excited that I'm not getting lightheaded during any of this! I'm finally loving surgery! It's soooo much better outside the classroom!
The IMSS hospital that I am currently at is 13 stories. The surgical floor is #12. Guess where the operating rooms are....Floor #2. As one elevator is currently not working there's a grand total of 2 small elevators serving all 12 floors, and as an IMSS it serves thousands. In other words good luck catching/fitting on the elevator any time soon. However as we are 10 floors away from the operating room going down and up is a necessary evil. I try to take the stairs. I try to go as gracefully as possible to prevent any unnecessary panting and wheezing, a.k.a. attract any attention. Doesn't exactly work, but oh well. Passing floors 3, 4, & 5 are the worst because I'm already tired and yet still have more than halfway to go!
This week I have been placed with the oncologist surgeon. The Doctor in the morning is an interesting character. He doesn't exactly ignore me, but tries to pretend I'm not there. He gets really excited about his surgeries though. There's been a lot more blood involved in these surgeries. I helped with some skin excisions on an English speaking lady (originally from Massachusetts). The one on top of her head....looked like she had a sprinkler spouting. I took her specimens to path, and then got to take her the good news and in English no less! That was fun! Today I scrubbed in on an exploratory surgery of the neck. The surgeon and resident had a bit of trouble once the jugular was hit at getting it under control again. I tell ya what....it was right in there between ouch! and boinnngggggg!
I still get excited that I'm not getting lightheaded during any of this! I'm finally loving surgery! It's soooo much better outside the classroom!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Yo estoy enamorada! ;)

If you couldn't tell yet, I really like Valentine's Day and collected a variety of pictures to share with you. I would like to include one more video. We have all been fashioned in a way that we need to be loved. And how incredibly blessed we are to be offered the love of the Author of Love Himself. A Father in Heaven that will hold us close and whisper I Love You whenever we dare to listen.
I Love you All! Blessings, Christy

If you couldn't tell yet, I really like Valentine's Day and collected a variety of pictures to share with you. I would like to include one more video. We have all been fashioned in a way that we need to be loved. And how incredibly blessed we are to be offered the love of the Author of Love Himself. A Father in Heaven that will hold us close and whisper I Love You whenever we dare to listen.
I Love you All! Blessings, Christy
Yo estoy lista!
Anjuli had the brillant idea Friday to ask if we could move our Saturday guardia hours to Friday night. We got approved for Friday night so after a few hours off we were back at the IMSS by 7:00pm ready to hold down the fort for the night. Maybe a little too ready. One of the interns actually told us to sit down and calm down...we were making her nervous with all of our bustling about and asking to help. :/ All in all nights really aren't bad. Let's just say you get the most random and interesting surgeries at 1:30 am. And if there's some down time no one blames you for trying to get some sleep. I got about 1 1/2 hours spread across four chairs using a folded scrub top as a pillow. Early morning one of the interns told me to get updates on some of the patients. I checked on them and then returned to report that they were all asleep to which he replyed 'get the updates anyways.' Argh! I was thankful to discover that each would smile (kind of) when I woke them. I guess that in their situation, they are just happy to see a doctor no matter the time.
- For example, Friday night we were doing some admits and we came across patient 1163 who apparently had been there since early that morning and had yet to see any doctor. Upon review of his chart we could see that patient 1163 had been sent to the surgical floor for "probable appendicitis". However, upon actually talking with the patient it was easy to conclude that he was not in fact suffering from appendicitis. We brought light to the problem surrounding patient 1163 and shortly thereafter his file disappeared. Last I heard he was moved to Urology. I wonder how long he had to wait Saturday to see a doctor.
We got home shortly after 8am Saturday morning and I set off to make good use of my weekend. This weekend went by soooo fast! This could be due to the fact that I spent more time than normal sleeping. Slept plenty Saturday night, and then ended up falling asleep for a nap today....twice! and I never take naps! So didn't make as much progress on my mental list as I'd wanted, but at least I'm ready for another week!
- For example, Friday night we were doing some admits and we came across patient 1163 who apparently had been there since early that morning and had yet to see any doctor. Upon review of his chart we could see that patient 1163 had been sent to the surgical floor for "probable appendicitis". However, upon actually talking with the patient it was easy to conclude that he was not in fact suffering from appendicitis. We brought light to the problem surrounding patient 1163 and shortly thereafter his file disappeared. Last I heard he was moved to Urology. I wonder how long he had to wait Saturday to see a doctor.
We got home shortly after 8am Saturday morning and I set off to make good use of my weekend. This weekend went by soooo fast! This could be due to the fact that I spent more time than normal sleeping. Slept plenty Saturday night, and then ended up falling asleep for a nap today....twice! and I never take naps! So didn't make as much progress on my mental list as I'd wanted, but at least I'm ready for another week!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Yo estoy picada.
Mom, Dad, I don't know how to say this, but...your daughter has HIV. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! No just kidding, I'm not serious...I hope. I was closing the patient in surgery today and poked my thumb. It happened so fast that I didn't even see it. I felt it but had finished a whole other suture before I realized that it really happened. I feel so incredibly stupid! My first time ever stitching human skin and I stick myself. So stupid! I was doing a subcutaneous closure, but as it's the only I've ever actually done I can't even compare and say that it's a harder stitch. oye! So far I was taking baby steps, but at least they were in a forward direction. Today appears as if I turned around and leaped as far back as I could go. Oh well, every doctor eventually sticks themself right?! I just got mine over with quick!! (Just agree with me and make me feel better!)
Being at the IMSS everyday, sometimes longer than others, I feel as if I'm looking at my future. A future of tired. In between surgeries, the doctor and resident above me pick a spot in our OR and close their eyes. The resident goes as far as to throw a sheet or something on the floor and actually lay down.
Being at the IMSS everyday, sometimes longer than others, I feel as if I'm looking at my future. A future of tired. In between surgeries, the doctor and resident above me pick a spot in our OR and close their eyes. The resident goes as far as to throw a sheet or something on the floor and actually lay down.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Yo estoy tratando abrir mis ojos.
I DIDN'T FAINT!!!!!! DIDN'T EVEN GET LIGHTHEADED!!!!!! Maybe I can be a surgeon afterall. With my very lightheaded track record I had no idea what to expect today, but Gracias a Dios! I walked out of the OR after the patients for once.
Apparently having done one successful blood gas draw qualified me to teach someone else how to do it today!
Every third day we have to stay for a long shift. We were assigned long shifts today. Since there's 9 UAG students at the hospital and 3 of us are girls it works out well for the 3 of us to work together (me, Anjuli, and Jennifer). Unfortunately we had to start off today, meaning I wouldn't get home until about 20 minutes before Bible study is scheduled to start, and I had nothing prepared. Anjuli and Jennifer both attend Bible study and they offered to help. So we split it. I have a New Testament in my backpack so during a down time we passed it around. I figured if we could each quick put something together for about 10 min, we'd end up with 30 min and be good to go. Ended up that for the first time ever Bible study was all girls, and typically girls excell at talking. Needless to say, God can bless even the smallest efforts to worship Him!
Apparently having done one successful blood gas draw qualified me to teach someone else how to do it today!
Every third day we have to stay for a long shift. We were assigned long shifts today. Since there's 9 UAG students at the hospital and 3 of us are girls it works out well for the 3 of us to work together (me, Anjuli, and Jennifer). Unfortunately we had to start off today, meaning I wouldn't get home until about 20 minutes before Bible study is scheduled to start, and I had nothing prepared. Anjuli and Jennifer both attend Bible study and they offered to help. So we split it. I have a New Testament in my backpack so during a down time we passed it around. I figured if we could each quick put something together for about 10 min, we'd end up with 30 min and be good to go. Ended up that for the first time ever Bible study was all girls, and typically girls excell at talking. Needless to say, God can bless even the smallest efforts to worship Him!
Yo estoy faltando algunas celulas de mi cerebro.
I'm past exhausted so I figured might as well update the blog while I'm at it. It might take me twice as long as normal as I find myself staring off into space in between practically every sentence, but too late, I've already started now!
The extended weekend I was so excited about flew by. I kidnapped Regg and Bev and brought them back to GDL with me on Sunday. Held them hostage overnight and then forced them to trek all over GDL with me on Monday. No, No j/k! It was fun to have guests at my apartment once again! And it wasn't allllll over GDL exactly, just the city center and Los Colomos (one of the parks).
On a side note, for anyone who would like to come visit while it's just me in my apartment, come before June. I finally got the ok from all of my future housemates for me to move into a house with 4 others in June. Any and all are still welcome to visit and stay with me. You'll just be seeing more than just me if it's come June or there after.
We started our surgery guardias today. This is going to be busy! It is something different everyday, and we switch doctors every week. To top it off each UAG student is alone with their doctor, resident, and intern. We had consult today so nothing extremely exciting. I did a blood gas draw though. Not headline news persay, but I patted myself on the back none the less. The patient was hypotensive with a barely percivable pulse to start with, and the intern who taught me took about 15 minutes to get enough blood only for us to show up at the lab and discover it had already coagulated. So when we tried again after about 2 hours I wasn't expecting myself to be able to do much better! It must have been beginner's luck, but I'll take the pat either way! :)
I'll be headed into the OR tomorrow. I don't know what's on the schedule but if today's consult could be considered indicative, I'm guessing hernia repair, hernia repair, and you guessed it, another hernia repair!
Right now I'm wishing life could hurry up and slow down, but then again I probably should have been asleep 2 hours ago.
The extended weekend I was so excited about flew by. I kidnapped Regg and Bev and brought them back to GDL with me on Sunday. Held them hostage overnight and then forced them to trek all over GDL with me on Monday. No, No j/k! It was fun to have guests at my apartment once again! And it wasn't allllll over GDL exactly, just the city center and Los Colomos (one of the parks).
On a side note, for anyone who would like to come visit while it's just me in my apartment, come before June. I finally got the ok from all of my future housemates for me to move into a house with 4 others in June. Any and all are still welcome to visit and stay with me. You'll just be seeing more than just me if it's come June or there after.
We started our surgery guardias today. This is going to be busy! It is something different everyday, and we switch doctors every week. To top it off each UAG student is alone with their doctor, resident, and intern. We had consult today so nothing extremely exciting. I did a blood gas draw though. Not headline news persay, but I patted myself on the back none the less. The patient was hypotensive with a barely percivable pulse to start with, and the intern who taught me took about 15 minutes to get enough blood only for us to show up at the lab and discover it had already coagulated. So when we tried again after about 2 hours I wasn't expecting myself to be able to do much better! It must have been beginner's luck, but I'll take the pat either way! :)
I'll be headed into the OR tomorrow. I don't know what's on the schedule but if today's consult could be considered indicative, I'm guessing hernia repair, hernia repair, and you guessed it, another hernia repair!
Right now I'm wishing life could hurry up and slow down, but then again I probably should have been asleep 2 hours ago.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Yo estoy perpleja.
I'm not going to HAL tomorrow which means! Let the weekend begin, and not just any weekend, but a 4-day weekend. Count'em! 1. 2. 3. 4.
I just searched the internet for exactly why the 7th is a national holiday here in Mexico this year, and came up empty. Granted I didn't search too hard, and honestly I can't really conjure up enough energy to quite care why exactly at the moment, so I'm just thankful UAG changed their minds about making us show up at the hospitals on Monday and am leaving it at that.
I'm tired because I was up later than usual last night putting together my presentation on Illinois!
Back story: The doctor in charge of my subgroup has always accused me of not talking; telling me I need to talk more. I would always make a joke or something, he would laugh, and I'd be good for another day. Monday was my turn, with a few of my classmates, to present our case to the class. Now truely it wasn't the best I'd ever done on a presentation, but I figured that at least that day he couldn't tell me I never talk. What happened was the exact opposite. He not only accused me of not talking enough but told me, "You need to talk more. Spanish, English, German, anything. I want to hear your voice." He then gave me another presentation to do. Topic: my hometown. When I protested that my hometown would take a whole of two minutes, the presentation was expanded to the state of Illinois. Yes, I was just as perplexed as you are right now too. Either way, my Monday and Tuesday was spent googleing the web for pictures and videos on different aspects of Illinois, and then narrowing everything down. A classmate volunteered to help, so I set him up to do 'commercial breaks' in the form of "Fun Facts with Hector". I figured I needed as much help as possible to make cornfields interesting. In the end, this morning in our surgery clinical cases class, while everyone else was eating donuts and chilaquiles, I provided the entertainment in the form of ILLINOIS!!!! Yup, I'm still perplexed about it too.
Recent update on the ongoing battle between my hot water heater and me: He's been pouting something fierce lately to the point that he periodically blows up. Well, not literally, but from my location inside the apartment that's exactly what it sounds like. The first time I heard the huge BOOM from my patio I was frozen for a good 15 seconds, eyes darting back and forth, before I could get myself to breathe again. All in all, he is definitely not taking defeat graciously!
And finally, my friend, Jennifer, and I received our email confirmation today concerning our reservation to hike the Inca Trail up to Machu Pichu in April. We are set to go for the dates we requested, and a good thing too as we kind of had already gone ahead and gotten our plane tickets! It's official, I'M GOIN TO PERU!!!!!!! We'll experience Peruvian culture, get to see ancient Incan culture personally, and yet without a doubt, for me the aspect of this trip that I am most excited about is the blessing of getting to see another small breathtaking part of the vast canvas that God called Creation!
I just searched the internet for exactly why the 7th is a national holiday here in Mexico this year, and came up empty. Granted I didn't search too hard, and honestly I can't really conjure up enough energy to quite care why exactly at the moment, so I'm just thankful UAG changed their minds about making us show up at the hospitals on Monday and am leaving it at that.
I'm tired because I was up later than usual last night putting together my presentation on Illinois!
Back story: The doctor in charge of my subgroup has always accused me of not talking; telling me I need to talk more. I would always make a joke or something, he would laugh, and I'd be good for another day. Monday was my turn, with a few of my classmates, to present our case to the class. Now truely it wasn't the best I'd ever done on a presentation, but I figured that at least that day he couldn't tell me I never talk. What happened was the exact opposite. He not only accused me of not talking enough but told me, "You need to talk more. Spanish, English, German, anything. I want to hear your voice." He then gave me another presentation to do. Topic: my hometown. When I protested that my hometown would take a whole of two minutes, the presentation was expanded to the state of Illinois. Yes, I was just as perplexed as you are right now too. Either way, my Monday and Tuesday was spent googleing the web for pictures and videos on different aspects of Illinois, and then narrowing everything down. A classmate volunteered to help, so I set him up to do 'commercial breaks' in the form of "Fun Facts with Hector". I figured I needed as much help as possible to make cornfields interesting. In the end, this morning in our surgery clinical cases class, while everyone else was eating donuts and chilaquiles, I provided the entertainment in the form of ILLINOIS!!!! Yup, I'm still perplexed about it too.
Recent update on the ongoing battle between my hot water heater and me: He's been pouting something fierce lately to the point that he periodically blows up. Well, not literally, but from my location inside the apartment that's exactly what it sounds like. The first time I heard the huge BOOM from my patio I was frozen for a good 15 seconds, eyes darting back and forth, before I could get myself to breathe again. All in all, he is definitely not taking defeat graciously!
And finally, my friend, Jennifer, and I received our email confirmation today concerning our reservation to hike the Inca Trail up to Machu Pichu in April. We are set to go for the dates we requested, and a good thing too as we kind of had already gone ahead and gotten our plane tickets! It's official, I'M GOIN TO PERU!!!!!!! We'll experience Peruvian culture, get to see ancient Incan culture personally, and yet without a doubt, for me the aspect of this trip that I am most excited about is the blessing of getting to see another small breathtaking part of the vast canvas that God called Creation!
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