Friday, October 8, 2010

Yo estoy imaginando mi cama.

It's late...or it's early. It's my own fault. I really did have plenty of time that I could have been in bed an hour ago, but write-ups are soooo tedious some times. I would open the word document and stare at the clinical history I was supposed to be completing...and then I'd find something else to do. So now it's past 12 and I've still got to pack.

I'm heading to the cities of Leon and Guanajuato in the neighboring state of Guanajuato. The AC medical/dental mission trip is currently there so Claudia Gonzalez and I are going to drive over and join them. And as I'll be leaving right after the hospital tomorrow (today) I really need to be packed and ready to go before I leave for the hospital. As it's a national holiday next Tuesday we've decided that we'll stay till then meaning I'll be missing Monday at the hospital. I'm such a rebel!! Hopefully my doctors won't have a problem with it.

We are a week into our Pneumology rotation now. This was the cut off for step scores so our class dynamic has changed quite a bit. So many faces not there anymore, and instead soooo many empty seats in lecture. It's almost isolating as we have to sit in seats according to our list number and it's very likely to end up sitting in a row all by yourself.

When a friend got his passing score a while back in his celebrating he exclaimed, "I passed! and as my reward I get to keep going to school!........waaaaait!"

The Pneumo administration forgot to take this into account when they divided us into groups, and so by dividing the class evenly according to number they ended up with something like this: SubGroup 1, Mini-Group 1 = 20 students; SubGroup 1, Mini-Group 2 = 4 students, etc. and then about 10 students who were left off the schedule entirely.
So in other words, the administration has spent this entire first week coming up with a new division and schedule. In the meantime, the 20 and the unlisted quickly dispersed themselves among the various mini-groups and learning has gotten well underway. Presentations assigned and given as well as patients seen and write-ups written. So now the vast majority of us are not looking forward to being reassigned to a new group/schedule. I've got my fingers crossed that i'm in the middle somewhere and the changes don't affect me.

Another cardio story:
There were three of us sitting in on a patient consult and the doctora told us to listen to the patient's heart. All three of us simultaneously pulled our stethascopes from around our necks, and realizing it just kind of stopped and paused for a second. A joke about who was the fastest stethascope slinger was unavoidable.

I haven't been able to get out and run as much this semester as I would like but yesterday I went and in the middle of a hill found myself trying to divide 32 by 7. I finally agreed with myself that 7 x 4 is 28 and 7 x 5 is 35 but for some reason I kept on pondering how 7 fit into 32, and was a bit embarrassed that I couldn't remember how. When I realized what I was actually pondering all I could think was WOW! America! welcome to your next generation....unable to multiply by 7. Yes, pray harder!
I'll save you the story on how I came to the point of trying to divide 32 by 7. You'd really be embarrassed for me then!!!
I blame this on the fact that at the time I was running uphill and all excess blood flow was being demanded by my lungs and legs leaving certian brain functions under-served.


Prayer request: Our travels on Friday and Tuesday as well as protection for my car in between. That we can be useful to the work of the medical/dental mission.

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