I did not take pictures of the clinic on Saturday so all of the following are from colonia San Juan de Abajo outside of Leon, GTO.
This is a picture of the area the clinic was in.
It was after 9 when we had finally arrived and it was close to 11 before I finally saw my first patient of the day. But people had been lined up and waiting since 8 am.
This is a picture of where I did consults for the day. There were two doctors per room. Dr. Debbie Sauder and I got to set up in the kindergarten room. We could see the kids having school outside as the clinic was overtaking all their rooms. I was very thankful for the other doctors on this trip. They pushed me to work on my own! I learned so much about medicine and about missions because of it!
Finally packing up and heading back after a long day. :)
Sunday we had a service at the hotel and then took a day trip to the city of Guanajuato, GTO.
I got to share a hotel room with these lovely ladies. L to R: Me, Heidi Kruger, Gloria Gonzalez, Maggie Gonzalez, Laura Jimenez, Claudia Gonzalez
The following three videos were taken in Leon, GTO. The are of light displays in two separate location that the city has projected onto buildings.
This first one is called Time Machine. It is a light display projected onto the Casa Municipal in one of the plazas of the centro of Leon. There were much better (a.k.a. more colorful with better music) parts of the show that I didn't catch on video. Sorry!
A few blocks away is the second light show. This one is called Drops of Blood and is projected onto the side of this large Cathedral in Leon. This video was at the beginning of the show but once again I did not get the best parts on video. I realize in these videos it's hard to see all that's happening but trust me that there was always something moving/changing shape/changing color, etc...
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