Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yo estoy bendecida sin medida.

The step went smoothly. I know that throughout the day I was sustained by prayer. I had woken up that morning with a headache, but by the time I'd reached the testing center it was gone and remained so the rest of the day. The biggest affect of the prayers was evident by my mood. When I get a string of questions which I know that I'm getting wrong, my mind tends to quickly dive into a downward spiral of despair and my performance reflects it. This did not happen while taking this particular test though I knew I was getting questions wrong. In fact, I caught myself smiling on multiple occasions and a few times even having fun!?

That night I had an awful time sleeping. I thought I'd fall right asleep, but instead my mind had started dwelling. going over the questions again and again. the downward spirals were unavoidable this time.

I honestly don't know what God has in store for me concerning the outcome of the step. I feel as if it could go either way. In truth, with the fascination the Devil has with putting roadblocks in my way as of late I'm almost expecting to get the results back that I did not pass. Another opportunity for me to put my trust in my Shepherd to lead me around it and onward.

In the days since the step I have been incredibly blessed to spend time with the most amazing people I know. It's hard for me to put into words the warmth, love, trust, and appreciation for each other that I have shared this past week. It's tragicly missing from all relationships outside the realm of Christ, and as I've yet to find it in GDL, Jesus has been working on me to draw me closer to Him, as I've needed Him to be closer to me.

I have one more day in the great city of Chicago, (I'm so lucky to be able to visit my favorite city so often.) and then back to Mexico. As my fm3 (my immigration papers) has expired while being here in the States this summer I guess technically I'll be an illegal immigrant. This could potentially lead to some interesting adventures, but trusting in the One who is greater than immigration customs I am praying for safety and forgiving customs officials.


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