Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yo estoy tratando.

I'm at the hospital from 7 to 12 everyday for my first rotation, Gastroenterology. We all alternate between seeing patients, group projects, and one lecture. "We" being 5th semester students. It was more than I expected, 121 numbered with only about 1/3 my original class, 1/2 from the semester originally above us, and the rest from even higher original semesters.

I honestly have to say things haven't really simmered down quite yet. Honestly people were still missing their...(I'll just call them classes, it'll be easier) today due to the confusion.

I finally was able to make some progress on my fm3, now I get to play the waiting game.

My list for this week doesn't seem any smaller somehow. I still need a muffler. I seem to have misplaced my contract in the middle of all this fm3 business. and now studying and busy work that goes along with the hospital need to be given appropriate time.

Hmmmmm, can you tell that I'm tired. At least I'll get to take a warm shower tonight. When I'm gone for longer time periods I turn down the water heater and finally remembered to turn it back up this afternoon. Had cold showers the past two days, at least they made getting under covers that much sweeter :)

I'm sorry I'm a bit crabby. Things will be getting better soon. In the meantime I try to remind myself of how things could be worse, and that helps.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christy Sue, I miss you already and thanking God for the blessing of getting to spend some time with ya while you were home!! Praying for you and thanks for your posts...I love ya!!