Friday, March 13, 2015

Estoy trabajando con anestesiologos.

I was originally scheduled to work tonight in the TICU.  But the schedule was changed, and I am no longer scheduled.  The reason being that some unspoken rule saying a first year can't be on nights in the ICU by him/herself has been instituted.  Now considering my very first week of residency EVER they had me on nights. in the ICU. by myself. I'm doing my very best to not be completely chagrined at this change.  Then, whether it was just over-looked, or forgotten about, but when I was taken 'off of' nights I wasn't 'put on' anywhere to make up for the period of work.  And I was suddenly looking at a three day weekend.   The Fellow who had made the schedule has made sure I am well aware that he gave me a two day weekend, and made a big deal that I know just who to thank for that.  So I was almost embarrassed to have a three day weekend knowing that two days is such a big deal. In reality I've had one two day weekend since I started last year, and never a three day. One of the other Fellows found out about this Thursday and her immediate reaction... "Oh we'll have to fix that!" There are some anesthesia residents rotating in the ICU with me this month, and they spoke up in outrage at that!  In a way I have my co-residents from Anesthesiology to thank for this three day weekend.  They fought harder for it than I did myself. :)

Much Love.

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