Monday, March 23, 2015

Estoy contando los dias.

The countdown has started. Current number is 8. I'm heading out in 8 days. April is my turn to rotate through my allotted month of 'Vacation.'

I put off counting down for as long as possible.  Because once you start... it's just that much harder to stay focused and content with the task of the here and now.

I first learned that lesson in Mexico.  I'd put off buying a ticket for as long as possible, because once it's official... it's incredibly hard to think about anything else but going!

As we rotate through 12 rotations throughout the year, one rotation for each month, it makes it easier for the program to schedule everyone's vacation in the same pattern.  Hence why we must take all of our vacation at the same time. In my experience, April is too long for an intern to go without a break. I hit a mental block back in February that I couldn't coax myself over by the usual mental self-pep talk/meditations, dance sessions and chocolate ice creams that I usually resort too. But like all things intern year you just keep on going.  And now look at where we are, 8!! Hard to believe just how fast time flies.

Much Love.

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