Monday, April 14, 2014

Estoy una zombi. Parte III.

As most sagas tend to be written in trilogies, so does the Zombie Saga continue for one last post.  If you missed the beginning adventures of Callie, Amber and Christy, see HERE for Part I, and HERE for Part II.

 It's Spring in the City!

 Concrete Jungle
  Callie was not quite sure why so many were willing to be herded like cattle to go see such a little thing.

 This picture is for a friend.  The friend who called me 'Super-Fly'.  so you know...just living up to my name!! ;)  Callie totally supported this claim. :)

 Lady Liberty. Keeping her post of vigilance over the NYC Harbor.

"Liberty is not the power to do what one wants, but it is the desire to do what one can." Jean-Paul Sartre

195 steps up the pedestal.

 Top pedestal view of Lady Liberty.

"Liberty is never out of bounds or off limits; it spreads wherever it can capture the imagination of men." E.B. White

Lower pedestal view of Lady Liberty.  Amber and Callie are waving at you!

A closer lower pedestal view of Lady Liberty.  Amber and Callie still waving at you!

Callie P, Amber M, Me

 This was my first time to Liberty Island itself.  Previously I had simply hopped on the Staten Island Ferry which travels close by and gives a really good view of the Statue.  I had assumed that was close enough.  But I must confess there was something more this time.  So yes, during high tourism (like it is now) one is corralled like cattle, and the ticket isn't the cheapest. But, I would say it is worth it.  And I am saying that even after being denied Ellis Island.  We were in line to take the Ferry from Liberty Island to Ellis Island.  The ferry unfortunately filled up before we could board meaning we'd have to wait for the next.  To our great disappointment, a man started loudly announcing to those of us corralled and waiting that the ferry which just left had been the last to stop at Ellis Island and all other ferries would be returning directly to NYC. We could hardly believe the bad timing.  I guess it just means a return trip sometime!

Callie P, Amber M, Me

 Photo Shoot on 34th Street! 

 The Moon. Reflecting the Sun.  Even in the City That Never Sleeps!

On Thursday morning I actually went into the hospital.  It was but a few hours later and I'd made the decision to leave again.  It was Amber and Callie's last day in NY, and thinking in the long run, I knew a day with them was going to have much more value than just one more day of research.  So I took the disappointed looks I received at the hospital and traded them for these two faces!  Who wouldn't?!! 
 Amber M. Callie P.

 We spent the day in Central Park.  Had a picnic.  Played Hand-And-Foot.  And really...just sauntered to our hearts content.

Bethesda Terrace

 Bethesda Fountain.  To quote both Amber and Callie, "Really?! You blinked?!  You were the one pushing the button! How did you do that?"  I don't know....I just don't know.

So Callie took one for us.  Much better.

Pausing in our saunter on Bow Bridge!

The End. :)


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