Monday, April 21, 2014

Estoy contenta.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings: Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine into flowers, the winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms, their energy and cares will drop off like autumn leaves." -- John Muir

Had a date with the top of a mountain this past Saturday. 
Mount Monadnock.
New Hampshire.
Second most climbed mountain in the world.

We took a trail with rocks.  There were a lot of rocks.  It was fantastic.
I went with Kevin & Cheryl Ryan, their grandson Joel Hany, and my friend Christine Lau who had come with me from NY for the Easter weekend in CT.

The snow and ice started even before the trees stopped.  And at the top, as you can tell in the video, cold and very windy.  The geo-marker you see at the beginning and end of the video put there by the US Coast & Geodetic Survey.  The horizon wasn't quite clear enough to see Boston.
After taking the video I realized I had forgotten to put my head in the view at some point to prove my presence.  So I quick took a picture of my face, because you know, that was going to be a good alternative...Not.  My fellow summitters suggested some group pictures.  Much better.

Joel and I at the Summit! He was our fearless leader up and down!

 Kevin and I. His 45lb pack made me feel like a wimp with my small bag slung over my shoulders.  But he did take it off and let me carry it awhile!! :)

Christine and I on Mount Monadnack!

I'm ready to go again!
But later, because right now I've got to pack.
It is finally time to once again visit those I love in Mexico!


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