Saturday, April 26, 2014

Estoy nadando.

I joined my Sibaja Family for a day at el Lago de Camécuaro (Camécuaro Lake).  A huge treat for both the Sibajas and myself. I'd been to Camécuaro before but had never actually swam.  Swimming definitely happened this time. Elsa, Lupita and I swam before we ate, which is when Issa got out of the hospital and joined us.  Unfortunately we had decided we were done swimming leaving Issa to enjoy the refreshing waters on her own.

Upon arriving, Lupita, Elsa and Lourdes enjoying the Lake before jumping in!

 Pato (Duck)

 Pato. Pato. Pato.

 Lupita, Elsa and I. Ready to swim. we're ready to swim!! ;)

Camecuaro waters emerge from below. A rather cold source of water. After about an hour I could no longer feel my fingers or toes.  It was about that time it started to rain on us (you can see the raindrops in the lake in the photo above).  I tried using the rain as an excuse that it was time to get out.  Elsa simply responded, "Why, we can't get any more wet!?" She had me there!

 L to R: Issa, Lupita, Elsa.  After eating we went for a walk.

 Their mother called at them, "Isn't that for the babies?" They just giggled and kept swinging.

 On our walk around the Lake. L to R: Elsa, Lupita, Me, Issa

 Congrejo (Crab)

Much Love

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