Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Estoy presentando a Amy Hohulin.

       You've seen her picture in the last two blog posts, and if you look further back you'd find her face pop up more than once.  Her name is Amy Hohulin.  She was one of my roommates for my last two years of undergrad at Illinois State University, but more than that she is my friend and Sister-in-Faith.
        During those two years of being roommates I myself was involved in International Talk Time (ITT), an outreach group at ISU with a purpose to provide a source of American connections to the International students at ISU and on a more specific level, a weekly time of conversational English.
        Since that time Amy has continued her own involvement with ITT, and is currently an active part-time staff member with International Students Inc. I will let her describe ISI, and her involvement with ISI...
"ISI is a mission agency, which strives to "share Christ's love with international students." Since 1953, ISI has been training and equipping Americans to meet the needs of thousands of the more than 876,000 international students who study in the United States each year.  Specifically I am working with ISI's chapters at Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, and Heartland Community College.  Illinois State University alone has 382 international students from 66 different countries and even more international visiting scholars and professors! Pretty amazing for a town named Normal, Illinois, right? Thankfully I am not alone in this undertaking.  In addition to the love and support of family, friends, and local churches, I am blessed to work alongside John and Linda Berger.  The Bergers have been serving international students for 10 years, and I am learning a lot from their wisdom and experience."

Before I go further I must say that Amy did not ask me to make this post.  It was my own idea, and once I asked her permission, it was my own decision to follow through and do so.

Starting at the end of the current school year Amy will be making the transition from part-time to full-time.  I will let her describe this transition and what that involves...
"I am currently an active part-time staff member with ISI. I have been attending birthday parties, giving rides for grocery shopping, teaching how to set up checking accounts, attending prayer meetings, and much more. My goal is to do this ministry full-time; however, ISI requires that I raise all of my financial support before I can give my undivided attention to reaching international students. In this area I still have some work to do, so I am continuing my teaching job throughout this school year as I work on raising my support. My goal is to have a solid financial base in place to start full-time ministry at the end of this school year in June of 2014. Essentially I plan to do things slow and steady in order to do them well." 

I have known of Amy's desire to be full-time in the ministry for quite some time now as she has kept me apprised of the prayerful process of research, and discernment in this area.  I support both the work ISI is doing through ITT at ISU, as well as Amy's dedication to and love for the students.  And though I am not currently able to support her financially, I would still like to do what I can to support her.

Amy maintains a website containing information about her role in the ministry (hence where I got her quotes from ;), her testimony, a blog about her involvement, and status on her current financial support raised.  However, to protect both herself and those students whom may appear in her photos, the website is password protected.
If you would like the password to simply do your own research and reading about Amy's work please feel free to contact either me or Amy herself.  You can email Amy at amyhohulin(at)


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