Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Estoy pensativa.

I am now Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine!  Will that ever come in handy??? No clue. Not a one.

Approaching the course I was actually excited to return to the classroom setting.  I was excited that upon entering the room that first day someone was going to hand me a great big 3-ring binder which would include 2 rarities.  Those rarities being 1) a schedule of the next 5 days telling me when and where I'd learn what, and 2) the complete educational content of the full 40hrs laid out in hard copy form for my studying pleasure.  And then even more exciting, they weren't going to just hand me the binder and say have at it, but no, they were first going to take the time to explain everything to me. 

Unfortunately, my excitement did not last.  I was quickly reminded that though it is very nice to have information explained, the classroom tends to the tedious and monotonous.  I can't remember the last time I would yawn sooooo much, despite an acute increase in caffeine intake.  I was rather ready to be done when it finally came time for the final exam today.  So when a packet that size-wise was tilting the scale on huge was plopped down in front of me, I may have, might have, rolled my eyes. But whach'ya gonna do? 1) Check the attitude  2) Take pencil in hand  3) See just how fast you can possibly get through it

I shouldn't be so hard on the course! :) It was the classroom approach that I struggled with in the end, not the subject.  The content is actually really interesting and I enjoyed learning more in an area which up till now I knew very little.  For example, I have a much better understanding of the mechanisms and indications for hyperbaric oxygen.   In addition, I have a much better understanding of scuba diving.  Quite a bit of the course was spent calculating decompression tables, etc.  So I don't know if it'll ever happen, but if I ever go diving I can now do so without getting bent in the process!!  :)


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